Tuesday, March 11, 2025

It's all about learning

Delete, delete, delete - the number of spam comments seems to grow by the day. Today was all about license plates. Have I mentioned anything about license plates recently? NO. And digitizing - I  may have mentioned that, but it's all part of our new world filled with AI and bots that are supposed to do a better job than humans. Well, not exactly. I'm reading some articles about AI, and it seems that no one can even define what it is and how it's supposed to work. So, how are we going to figure it out? We won't. 

The other thing is, where is this month going? It's the 11th today, and it just seemed like yesterday that it was the beginning of the month. Yikes! But remember - slow and steady - that's all we can do! 

It was such a beautiful day yesterday and thankfully I only had one presentation so I was able to spend some quality time outside. I went for a walk wearing a vest instead of a jacket. It was glorious. When I got home, it was too beautiful to sit inside, so the girls and I went outside and sat in the sun. 

Enough snow had melted that Murphy found her stress bear. A lot of help it did her as it was buried under the snow. It was frozen in the snow, but that didn't stop her from trying to get it. She's a strong girl. 

MOM - I'm strong - I don't need help

I'm not sure how intact the bear was. I looked twice to see if it was her stuffie or perhaps something else. It's the stuffie. But she got it out, but it might be missing a limb!

MOM - I rescued my stuffie!

Since I was sitting outside, they had to entertain me with their shenanigans. And they were practically right on top of me as they that. 

MOM - we LOVE you!!! 

But they are so much fun to watch that you can't yell at them! 

There was some ice still in the morning on the sidewalks, and I like the idea of something for the bottom of my shoes, but the ice is getting less and less, so I'm not going to worry about it for this year, but I really should investigate it for next winter. 

Not much ice left

When I went out in the afternoon, there was NO ice - just water and mud in some cases, and since it didn't go below freezing last night, I suspect there will be no ice this morning. And it's only in some places where the sidewalk has shifted, and it doesn't drain off. I have no idea why some spots are worse than others. The mystery of physics, I guess. 

My front patio is clear of snow now, so is it time to bring out the chairs? I MUST check that weather app to see what the next few days will be like. Actually, I am pretty busy for the remainder of the week, so I'm not sure how much outdoor time I'll have. 

The front patio is clear of snow

I walked to Indigo the other day and spotted all the calendars on sale for 70% off. I had spied this one about "Hikes of a Lifetime," and I was intrigued. So for $6.90, I bought it. Look --- plastic-free packaging! 

Plastic-free packaging

And this is the first hike. Any idea where that is? 

Beautiful scenery

In France!!! The hikes aren't long, but how beautiful that is. So, I may have to put this on the list! I have two other countries before France! So much to do and so little time! I'm in the process of booking my vacation for this year. Oh boy! 

I spotted this on my walk yesterday. How cool is that? The surrounding part is exposed aggregate, like our driveway. Why didn't I think of something cool when we had it done? NO - I'm not ripping it up to put a design in. 

Cool driveway 

Since I had a free evening, I tackled some of my software. I have several programs that I want to become more efficient at, so it was time to do that. I dug out the Reference Guides on my iPad and experimented. I figured out the first step, but not before I had a clue from the Facebook Group. My favorite way of using Facebook is getting access to industry experts. 

Playing with software

I actually like this set-up for the computer. I have the laptop on the stand and an empty table to put my books on. I have to keep that table clear for my presentations. But any flat surface becomes a place to throw stuff! So, I aim to keep something like this set-up after we are done with our Zooms. I should think about reconfiguring the space, but how? 

I also moved the larger sewing machines this morning and brought out my small one so that it can be permanently ready to sew without changing feet. 

I did some tidying up on the cutting table and every little bit helps to get the place back in order. It'll be nice to put some of these samples away as I'm unsure if I will need them, so extras are hanging around and messing up the space. 

I had some questions from my software learning last night and got the answers this morning. I love how she posts the answers. She doesn't tell me exactly what to do but gives me a hint! I love that! This is helping me to learn - rather than giving me all the information step by step. It's great! I can't wait to walk the girls and return to the computer to try the tip! 

And now for the second to last edition of 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy While on Vacation. 6 - 5 - 4

That wraps up another post and it's time to start the day. I can't wait to get back to the software to see if I can figure out the cryptic clue! 

I get a chuckle because most times when I write the blog, I open at least 3 to 4 windows while writing. I searched for the best hikes in France, 50 Ways, and the software teachers' web page. Good grief!

Have a great day!!!


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