Thursday, March 14, 2013

Excuse me, pardon me..................

Ever have one of those days???  I had plans and then our house just seemed to turn into Grand Central Station. There were people coming and going all day (or so it seemed), phone calls came in and phone calls to be made, e-mails to read and then to send. Let's just say that it was a PRODUCTIVE day, but I didn't seem to get anything done!!!  I guess you had to be there!!!!

Trying to finalize the equipment for my bike. After consulting with the group and veterans of this tour, I changed the type and size of tires THREE times. I think the bike store just stopped answering when they saw my phone number. I had to leave the last instructions on voice mail!!!!    Bottom line - it is DONE.

I purchased one of those luggage scales and when I weighed the rack and the trunk bag for the bike - they weighed in at an astonishing SIX pounds. I have decided to NOT take that bag (I can feel my anxiety rising!!!!) Yes - I think I did accomplish my goal of getting rid of TEN pounds off the bike. NOW I have to focus on getting rid of MY ten pounds. Just waiting for Roll up the Rim to be over. I know - that is SO PATHETIC, but one has to have their priorities. Roll up the Rim, THEN lose ten pounds.

Checked heart rate again this morning (I'm getting on a big kick of heart rate training) and my resting heart rate was 50!!!!!!!!!!!!    I'm very impressed - now let's see how I fare on the metabolic testing that I am scheduled for next week. This is where you find the maximum heart rate. I am NOT looking forward to that. It is a TOUGH test.

However - I did manage to get some quilting done.

Customer quilt - DONE

Detail of quilting

I have to tell you a story about this quilt. A NUMBER of years ago (around 2000 - the year, not the number of years!!!), I did Block of the Month for a couple of local guilds. The blocks were all 12 inch and they were blue and white. Some people made entire quilts from one block or you could make a sampler using all the blocks. And look - people are finishing them - like this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!    What are the chances of that!!!!   I know one other person who is working on one of these quilts. I have one that needs to be quilted of my own and I think I have the original quilt in the "to do" basket because I want to change part of it.

OK - had to dig the quilt out.

Here is the Blues Clues quilt

I had it custom quilted and I was open to experimenting. OK - so I didn't know what I was doing, but I remember wanting to experiment with this quilt and part of it bothers me. Remember it was MYSELF that choose the thread colours and designs - NOT the long arm quilter.

An all over design with DARK thread on the blocks - I DO NOT LIKE THIS
The quilting I choose for the white sashing -  diamonds in DARK thread - what was I thinking?????

So (and because I have NOTHING else to do), I decided to rip out the sashing quilting and I will redo it in white. I don't like what was done in the blocks, but I think I will leave that. 

I have learned though - if the thread colour had of been slightly LIGHTER - the effect would have been a whole lot different. Live and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also managed to get the sleeve on the latest quilt that I am binding. I was going to put a temporary sleeve on this quilt, but decided that I would likely never use it as a lap quilt, so it gets a permanent sleeve. The quilt is now back in the Monday bucket so I can finish the binding and the sleeve this week.

Sleeve on BASKET quilt
Also managed to get the two borders on the snowflake quilt

Got the backing done. I had the BIG piece in my stash and purchased a small piece (just enough to make the backing big enough - no EXTRA fabric for me!!!!)

The binding is also done and it is in the "TO BE QUILTED" bucket

Including a note to remind myself that this binding is 2 3/4" NOT 2 1/2". The quilt is flannel and it is nice to have that little extra width

A bit more cut of the FOUR Hopscotch quilts from the construction fabric. I am missing 1/4 meter of one fabric (and I can't get any more of it) so must search for a different one today and then there are three fabrics left to cut. 

Getting things organized for an upcoming retreat and I could NOT help myself. I looked at the 2013 shelf and pulled out a bag (OK - so I filled a bag with projects that are cut and ready to sew together)
Bag of projects - ready for the retreat

Doesn't even look like a dent was made in the 2013 shelf. 
And then there is all this that is waiting to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my biggest problems is HOW TO GET RID OF THIS EXTRA stuff. I have tried shelves, boxes, bags and whatever and for the most part, I get it all put away, but there is EXTRA and there doesn't seem to be room to put it away and it is the same every year!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Mind you - some of this was pulled from those shelves and I am supposed to be working on it. So I guess this is the ACTIVE stuff.   One day - yes one day - I will get this done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My basket of bindings (note the corner of blue on the left - that is the blue quilt that I am ripping out the quilting). It is NOT just bindings in there. It is entire quilts that need some work done on them or perhaps just a label.

I had to snap these pictures of M because they were too funny...............

Let's just relax while figuring out what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cutting out the muslin for the prom dress prototype

The white dress ready to be worked on?????   It is still laying out on the table!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how was I able to get that much done?????   Well after all the open door stuff stopped, and M was home from her epic trek on the elliptical, she offered to make dinner. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could hear her chopping veggies, cooking chicken and she made an AWESOME stir fry.

Cooking dinner!!!!!!!!

And she even tidied up the kitchen when she was done!!!!!!!!!    Who has possessed my child?????  I am very PROUD of her (although we have our moments), and having her do this kind of thing - well I know she won't starve or have to eat peanut butter sandwiches when she leaves home!!!!!!!!!!

As I look at my desk this morning, I realize that I am a shuffler. I get things organized for the day (and have touched MANY of the papers MANY times). I know I should pick up ONE piece of paper and deal with it. I DO NOT. I guess I should set a goal - deal with ONE piece of paper every day, is better than shuffling five and not getting anything accomplished.

Crap - there are so many rules or things that need to be done - it is hard to keep on the straight and narrow!!!!!

Well someone is coming to use the long arm today, so I am going to attack my sewing/quilting TO DO list and try to get some of that table cleared up. Although tackling the cutting table stuff is first priority. Ever notice that the busier you are - you have to spend MORE time tidying up!!!!!   I do try to keep up with it as I go, but I haven't quite dealt with all the stuff from Monday.

On that note - I am out of here and off to work.

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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