Another amazing day!!!!!!!! Despite NOT being able to get a decent nap in (between people stopping in, a child who needs a ride, two dogs who think I am their personal assistant and the phone) - well a nap just wasn't going to happen. I had better schedule a different time of day. People are wising up to when my nap is scheduled!!!!
But great workout and had breakfast with the gym friends. And it pays to be NICE all the time. There is a nice young man at the gym front desk to greet us when we arrive at the gym. This young fellow arrives at work at 4 AM (probably gets paid a pittance) and yet EVERY single morning, he has a smile on his face. Always greeted me (and everyone else) with a happy face and a kind word. It helped to ease the "pain" of being at the gym at 6 AM. I heard he is leaving and when I got chatting to him, he got his new job because a member of the gym was looking for someone in customer service and she thought he would be perfect for the job. So she asked him. That DOES NOT happen very often.
So be careful how you react around others - you never know what is going to happen. I am very excited for him - I think he will do well in his new job, but I will miss his smile in the morning. They better have a new smiley person take over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I started the day by getting a customer quilt done.
Customer quilt |
Detail of quilting |
The quilt is made from shirts and she MITERED every block. And matched the lines EXACT. |
Once I finished that, I went out and about to get some errands done and then back home to finish my project I started yesterday. OK - technically I started it a few years ago.
Did you figure out what the project is from my clue yesterday?????
Did you figure it out????? What is missing????? |
Now do you remember??????? Yes - the one on the right as the one on the left is already in the TO BE quilted pile |
There are three borders to be added to this quilt and one of them is pieced half square triangles (you can see one border pieced on the right hand side of the quilt) and for some reason, I was dreading putting these borders on in order to make them fit. And hence it has sat for a number of years NOT DONE. This was one of the $10 quilts that we did at Hobby Horse in 2007!!!!! OK - so not as far back as some of the other projects I have been working on.
And look - the half square triangles are DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the problem was that I made my half square triangles larger than they were supposed to be and so what size border (first one) should I add to make them fit. Well after a bit of calculation, I realized that you make that first border the same size as the half square triangles and then it fits!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Half square triangles for the border in the ender and leader box
Here is the top DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry it sort o blends in with the floor!!!) |
Even had half square triangles left over!!!!!!!!!!!! |
And this is what fabric was left over and stored with the quilt. At first, I was going to piece the backing from all this, but I decided that would take forever. |
So I sorted the scraps from the larger pieces and everything got filed in its appropriate spot, although the thought of making a Hopscotch or two from those bigger pieces did cross my mind and I might still dig that fabric out. It is just so NOT me!!!!!!!!!!! |
I decided to use this as the backing instead. Much quicker. So I still have to make the binding (which is cut) and the backing, but that won't take long. |
And now there is an empty bucket |
Which I promptly filled with ANOTHER $10 quilt (that was hanging out in a paper bag) |
That blank wall was bothering me so I dug out the next project to work on. This is also a $10 quilt (OK - so I have a lot of them and it was my goal to get as many completed as possible this year)
This one just needs ONE final border on it. And the border is just a PLAIN fabric - no piecing. I know!!!!!!!!!! How easy will that be???????????? |
Now I am all fired up to get working on these $10 quilts. I was rooting around on the shelf (remember - these $10 project are stored on a separate shelf from the 2013 shelf and I am making headway on this one). I don't really care - as long as I am making progress on something!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the shelf on "$10" quilt projects - both current this year and in the past. This was taken a while ago and well - it looks a bit different. I shall get a new picture. |
And I started my new ender and leader project |
Well - after having to restart the computer TWICE, I am now done. Photoshop just KILLS the memory in this computer. Everything else seems to be fine, but Photoshop just hogs the memory. Well - that is life and I just need to remember to shut the computer down at night. Yes - I will try, but it ins't easy.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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