Being home is awesome!!! Trying to get things tidied up from the last two trips and getting ready for the next one and in between - trying to get some work done! Oh yes - life is a circus! and I LOVE IT!!!!!
I thought I would share some updates with you as I am making progress on stuff - hard to believe - but it does happen sometimes.
Let's start with my latest craze - the HEXAGONS....................
Here are some of my prepped hexagons. Got to get myself organized with the type of thread to use and well - I might just take some of those along with me???? I don't know about that - but this project is small and that is a good thing. I am trying to pack as light as possible. |
My mom got into the craze as well and made this card from PAPER. See how close she copied my design |
I think she did a pretty good job except her card wasn't big enough to add the black around the outside edge |
And then she made this with the leftover bits - SEE - the apple does not fall far from the tree in my family!!!!! |
This hexagon craze is NOT new for me. I have a pizza box filled with goodies all related to English paper piecing which is the method used to make the hexagons. I have several other shapes and I knew that I had other papers. However I had a HUGE shock when I opened the box and looked inside. Oh boy - a bit obsessive I would think.
I found not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE packs of hexagon papers. All of them 1/2" - I know - I have a thing for using small stuff and TWO of those packs contain 750 papers each and the other three have 125 in them. OK - I think I have enough papers???? |
However - have a look at where I bought those hexagon papers. Oh yes - this store has been closed for MANY MANY years - even it's successor has been closed for many years. Oh boy - yep - this craze is NOT new - I just never did anything about it before. |
I guess my discovery of all those papers makes this tool pretty much useless. I bought the 1/2" punch so I could punch my own papers. Hmmmm - I am thinking I don't need this and should have bought one of the other sizes instead. Oh well - shouldn't have gotten so excited!!!!!!! And since I opened up the package - I can't even return the darn thing. I am sure I will find a use for it and those papers do eventually wear out. Eventually......... |
But more importantly - I got my glue refills and a brand new pen. That should keep me busy for a while. |
So - if I were to prepare a bunch of fabric squares - take along glue pen, needle and thread - I could easily do this project on the road.
Let's move to the knitting. While I was away - I managed to get THREE blocks done. Yeah!!!!!! That is all the wool that I took with me and while I lamented not taking more - I finished the last one on the last day - so not that big of a deal.
Three more blocks done |
That makes 11 |
Here are the left over bits from each block |
That leaves six skeins in the "to do" bag and three are in the mobile knitting bag. |
But I managed to get this much done at Monday (couldn't figure out what to take to sew - knitting just seemed so much easier to deal with) |
And while I was on the phone last night - I got the block done. |
That means there are EIGHT skeins of wool left. And the bits of which I am hoping to get another four blocks????? Which would give me 25 blocks and I could make my afghan 5 by 5. Hmmmm - I could take some of that knitting with me, but it is bulky so I don't think so. But I am bound and determined to NOT start something new (knitting) until this is done. And so far so good. But I still have to knit the blocks together when I am done making all the blocks. Well - it really wouldn't take that long - OK - I am going to be just like Ruthi and carry that damn little knitting bag with me everywhere!!!!!! Could I be done by Christmas?????
I know - everything I seem to latch onto becomes an obsession. I can't help it - I just get so enthusiastic. My license plate collection is growing. I now have 13 of them in my collection (out of 28). If my calculations are correct - I have another ten that we are waiting to arrive by mail - the stores were out when myself or my cohorts were there or I haven't picked it up from my cohorts. Thanks to all of you - it has been fun hearing all the offers from you!!!!!
License plate collection to date |
And that leaves 5 left to find a way to get. I checked the route for my bike trip and while I will be able to stop at a couple of stores, none of them have a license plate. It is just too far out of the way to make a detour.
Sew Crafty - Rideau Ferry,Sew Creative - Mount Brydges,Quilter's Line - Markdale,Kalidoscope of Quilts - Exeter,We R Quilts - Prescott (two),Wilton Creek Fabrics - Harrowsmith,Threads that Bind - Maxwell,The Quilting Trunk - DrydenFabric Fusion - DrydenFlair With Fabrics - Chesterville,Fun With Stitches - Belleville,Cobwebs and Caviar - Shelburne
Appleseed Quiltworks - Lindsay.
I think I did not too bad although I realize that I did not get to all the stores in person. Well here is a plan for 2015. My guess is that MORE stores will participate in the Row by Row next year and many stores that did NOT get a license plate this year - will get one next year. Now what if I took a month and rode to the stores on my bike to get the license plates???? Cost effect if I tent - a great way to see the province and get to some new stores. Something to thing about. Anybody up to cycle with me??????
A number of years ago (2011) the town of Ailsa Craig brought in quilts from The Netherlands for their annual quilt show. One of the biggest quilt stores was here - Den Hann and Wagenmakers. When M and I went to Amsterdam in 2012 - we visited this store. Both times I loved their kits but felt they were too expensive and like I need another kit. When I heard that Susan was going to be in Amsterdam - I decided enough was enough and so I sent her to the store (she is a quilter - it was already on her list) and she bought me a kit. I met up with Susan when I was out west and I finally got my kit!!!!!
I know - I even had to bring the store bag home!!!!! |
Look how pretty that box is!!!! |
Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! |
And here are the fabrics. I have had the pattern for months as the store sent it to me via e-mail. |
This kit did NOT fit in my suitcase and I had to carry it in my backpack which was so heavy - I thought I was going to fall backwards. Hmmmm - memories of M and London come to mind. OK - so I should have learned from her!!!!!
Just when Susan and I thought that we were all straight with getting stuff to each other, another situation arose. This time - I went to take a picture of Lego Laniac in her driveway. Later I discovered that she lost her hair in the driveway. I think it is now winging its way back to me. Hey Susan - let's hope that we have everything sorted out now!!!!!!!!!!!
I was admiring some of the gorgeous Perle Cottons that Susan had and she managed to wing this ball in my bag before I left. I just love the colour - very southwestern. Hmmmmm - got to find something really creative to do with it. Some bobbin work?????? |
A couple of months ago - I started writing for a blog called QUILTsocial. My "job" (if you are doing something you love - I don't call it a job and it certainly isn't work!) is to review sewing machines for Husqvarna Viking. The first week I had fun with the H|Class 100Q.
Here are the links if you want to have a peek at what this little machine is all about...................
Day One - Summer Sewing
Day Two - Stitch Outs
Day Three - It's all about the Feet
Day Four - A Quilting we will go
Day Five - Summertime and the sewing is easy
Day Six - Why I love the Husqvarna Viking H|Class 100Q
Day Ten - Top ten reasons why I love the Husqvarna Viking H|Class 100Q
Well I had a good laugh when I went to Monday sewing. TWO people had purchased the H|Class machine.
Lynn's machine |
Joyce's machine |
I see that both of them have a mat under the machine. Perhaps they can tell us why?? I will ask them.
Joyce with the borders that she put on her scrappy braid quilt |
I think they are going to LOVE that little machine. They seemed to be quite happy - and if you read Day 10 - you will understand why. The features on this small machine are amazing. Check it out and you will see why this is such a cool little machine.
In case you are wondering what happened on Day 6, 7, and 8 - that was tutorials for making Fabric Journal Covers and if you want to check it out - here are the links. They are so easy to make. These examples are very simple and with no embellishments - you can have one made in less than an hour (provided you have all the supplies). Have fun and let me know what you make!!!!!!
Day 7 - Fabric Journal cover tutorial
Day 8 - Fabric Journal cover collage
Day 9 - Crazy about Fabric Journal covers
I have the next week to prepare the next two segments. Oh yes - I am busy taking pictures which is NOT an easy task. I will show you my "studio" tomorrow.
I did manage to tidy up a bit.
The ironing board is clear |
The cutting table - made progress - not quite there yet |
Have you ever been invited to a wedding and you want to go just because of the invitation???? We received such an invitation yesterday.
Very fancy and the weight of the card stock is very HEAVY |
Separate invites to the ceremony and the reception |
Information and RSVP cards |
And even the envelopes were printed with the design - again - that was no ordinary paper for those envelopes!!!! |
I won't be going - won't be home. But I can imagine how fancy the wedding is going to be. In all honesty - I have no desire for this kind of thing. I hate SHOWY events - it should be about celebrating the couple and not the pomp and circumstance. Ah yes - you can take the country girl and put her in the city, but you can't take the country out of the girl!!!!!!
On that note - it is time to ride to Tim's and get my tea and then get to WORK - I mean - back to taking pictures and sewing. YEAH - a fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!