OH - I found the pictures that I wanted to share with you, but I'll do that tomorrow. And I sure hope that you popped over to the Try-A-Triad Challenge page and voted for your favorite quilt. Remember, mine is on the bottom row on the left!
And did you go to Riel's web page? If you haven't, check it out. She's a quilter, and she published two quilt books. I haven't had a chance to read The Little Ghost, who was a Quilt yet.
Today, it's all about the Show and Tell from our UFO meeting last weekend. It's not a huge incentive, but I tell you, people are getting stuff done! It's so exciting, and I have to say that even if I don't quite finish what I'm supposed to (has happened once or twice), I make great progress into getting things done, and that's all that counts. We need to clear up these massive piles of UFOs.
Susan got the top of her Halloween table runner done. It looks awesome - I love that fabric collection. Now to get it quilted for next Halloween!
Susan' table runner
Detail of the table runner
In addition to making the table runner, she was making Christmas cards! They are beautiful!
Susan's pop up Christmas cards
More of Susan's cards
More on Christmas cards another day. I've got to start writing! And I've already received my first card, but it's too early to put it up. I wonder if Susan will send me a card? Those are very fancy, and she won't be getting one like that from me!
Katheleen is working on the Quilter's Patch Quilt by Laundry Basket. She got her three flower blocks done. Here's what all of the blocks look like. This is going to be gorgeous. I will start working on my version since I was motivated when I saw her working on hers.
Katheleen's Quilter's Patch
Here's the book for the quilt - she just has the center part and the borders! She'll have that done in no time!!!
Quilter's Patch
Here are my blocks to work on for next month. Partially assembled and only two blocks. I should be able to manage that.
My Quilter's Patch homework for next month |
Here was my homework for the month. The top was supposed to be completed. And it is for the most part. The center is not finished, but I was so happy to get this quilt to this stage.
PRISM Squared quilt
But here's the even better news. OH - yes - I did cough up some cash because I was honest and admitted that it wasn't quite done. I'm happy to report that the entire center is appliqued in place.
The center of PRISM Squared
That means the entire top is DONE!!!! I made the backing this morning, and the binding is cut and ready to sew together. I hope to get at least that much accomplished today. Then I can cross this off the UFO list.
Finished top of PRISM Squared quilt top
Dede finished off a small wall hanging that is a gift for her neighbor. I think she said she finished it the day before the due date. Yep- funny how that happens, and if we didn't have a deadline, it would still be sitting there - not finished!
Dede's Autumn wall hanging
Lynne is working on her Dream Big panel, and it's looking amazing. She should be finished by the end of next month!
Lynne's Dream Big panel
Linda had a stack of blocks that she wanted to be assembled into a quilt top, and there they are! This is a gorgeous scrap quilt.
Linda's scrap quilt
Here's a baby quilt that she worked on this month as well. I love that people are doing their own quilting. If you don't want to do the big ones, at least quilt the small ones yourself! Great job, Linda.
Linda's baby quilt
Elaine is also quilting her own quilt. She's working on the borders and almost done!!!
Elaine's current quilting project
Diane had to finish piecing these blocks together and get the top assembled. I think we have finally convinced Diane that she doesn't have to make every quilt a queen size!
Diane's scrappy looking quilt top
She had some leftover blocks and made a second item - a wall hanging. I love the colors in these projects. It's unusual, and maybe that's why I like it.
The leftover blocks form a smaller quilt
Sharon is coming along nicely on her Piecemakers Calendar quilt. This is so much work - you just can't begin to imagine. She has ONE block left to put together, and then there's a big tree on the left border. Once all that is done, she needs to start embellishing the quilt.
Sharon's Piecemaker Calendar from 2000
Here's a picture of the train station. Look at all that detail!!!!
The train station
And the train is stitched in place.
One of several trains on the quilt
Liz is working on these gorgeous star blocks. She got a couple more made and will be working on the remaining blocks for next month.
Liz's star blocks
Jane was quite busy and not only got the long table runner pieced, but it's quilted and bound! And she also bound the two smaller projects on the left. She was finished weeks before the due date and wanted brownie points! There's always one in every crowd!
Jane's completed projects for the month
Laura got the borders on her Over and Down Under Quilt. This is gorgeous and looks amazing hanging on her clothesline! It's made from a flannel jelly roll.
Laura's completed quilt top
Shelly got her embroidery done! She still has a lot to embroider on this block, but her goal was the tree, and she got some bonus snowflakes done as well.
Shelly's hand embroidery homework
Diane T needed to get a backing made for her string-piece table runner. She found some blocks from another project and repurposed them for the backing! Great job, and this gets rid of two UFOs at the same time.
The backing and the front of Diane's project
Ronda got the top pieced of this flannel quilt. It's a birthday gift, so she needs to get it quilted soon. She designed the quilt using EQ8 and downloaded the fabric collection into the software. Great job!!!
Ronda's quilt top - DONE
And that wraps up the UFO show and tell for this month. Everyone has their assigned homework for next month. Each person assigns their own homework because they know what they want to work on, and they know how much time they have!
I'm going to host TWO sessions of the UFO club next year. Both will be on Zoom. I'm not sure how many people I have for the second session, but there is still room if you want to join. I'll be putting it on the blog again as we get near the end of the year.
Two more presentations are out of the way this week. Four to go! I'm really enjoying them now that my little internet fiasco is over. And guess what? It's time to start planning for 2021!!
I'll be offering some online classes, so if there is something that you want, let me know. I've got a couple of ideas, but I want to focus on techniques rather than projects. Do we all need to start another project? And I want to host a machine embroidery club. Perhaps a class on collage and a couple of hands-on with your machine. But it would have to be for certain machines only - too hard to do a variety of machines. Anyway - I'm still thinking about what to offer. So send me an e-mail if there's something you'd like to learn. elainetheriault@gmail.com
I'm out of here!!!
Have a great day!!!
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