Two more presentations under my belt for this week, and that leaves two for today. I'll stop talking about the internet connection since everything seems to be good! Yeah!
I listened to a webinar last night from a library (Wheaton Public Library)somewhere in the US. How cool is that? Normally, I wouldn't have been able to attend this author event, but because of the wonderful world of COVID, I could. Boy - when things go back to normal, whatever that is, we are going to miss a whole lot of these kinds of events. The author was Mary Kubica. The book that I read of hers was The Other Mrs. It's an excellent book, and it was so much fun to "meet" her online. Her genre is psychological thriller, and she doesn't disappoint.
Webinar - meet the author with Mary Kubica
It almost made me want to start writing a book as I listened to her. I've got to come up with a plot first! I know what I like, and well - when I'm out walking the neighborhood, I guess I'd better come up with a plot.
However, I'm going to ask YOU to write a book for me. We did a group exchange a while back, and I asked the group members to write a book for me! OK - so you just have to make a quilt block that looks like a book and give the book a title. Something that relates to me! Of course, everything is always about me!
Here are the books that I received. The camera angle must have been off since the books look distorted, but they are not.
The book block
I supplied the paper pieced pattern, and people chose the colors to reflect something about me or a color that I like. And then the even better part is that they gave the books a name. So this first one was titled "Accurate Quarter Inch Seams & Other Stores from the Cutting Mat by ............ (they did write their names on the blocks - I just blanked them out).
Accurate Quarter Inch Seams & Other Stories from the Cutting Mat by.......
Isn't that fun??? I just love the concept, and I want to make a larger quilt. I only have eight blocks, and I'd love to have more.
Here are the rest of the books.
Night at the Movies by ..........
Memorable in Orange by Elaine Theriault
I might remake that cover - gosh - a very dense design and so not stabilized enough. Look at all the wrinkles!
All of the books are AMAZING, but this one truly stands out. Look at the detail. Can you guess the title? How Pack for Retreat by................. It's hilarious!!!
How to Pack for Retreat
And look - there's me in the car on my cell phone!!! Oh my!!!
Detail of the quilt block
The beauty is that a piece of fabric works for the front as well.
For the love of quilting by .............
Oh - this one is sideways.
A cup of tea and friends make the perfect blend by .............
Shoot - there's supposed to be two more. I'd better go back and check the box. Or when I sent them to myself, I forgot two of them. Found them. I was so quick to select them on my phone that they didn't actually get selected.
Sewist Extraordinaire - Tails from Studio B by ..............
Row by Row - A Quilt Posse Road Trip by ...................
Seriously??? Aren't they just the best? They were so creative in the chosen fabrics and the titles. So if you are interested, I can e-mail you the pattern, or I'm going to find a way to put it on the blog so you can just pull it off. But then you need to send it to me so I can send you my mailing address.
I'm doing a trunk show on group quilts in February, and it would be awesome to get the blocks into a quilt by then.
Speaking of packing for retreat, after reading Katheleen's book on how to do it (or more likely Tish's advice on ONE basket, I packed this morning for the retreat. This is it. One basket - I have a few more things to add once I find the appropriate thread and a few supplies. I'm ready to go! The retreat is not far away, and I'm so ready to go!!
Retreat basket
When I was out walking yesterday morning, I saw that one of my neighbors had all their grass removed from the front lawn. NO - they are not doing anything funky with it, as I saw them resodding it later in the afternoon. It was kind of sad, really, as I saw the guys shovel a VERY thin layer of topsoil onto the lawn. What's the point of all this? Why didn't they throw a good whack of topsoil on the existing grass and reseed it? Seems like a huge waste of time and effort. Not my lawn, but still!
Getting a new lawn
I actually got in the car yesterday and went to pick up the TWO rolls of batting for the Quilts of Valour quilts that I'll be quilting starting December. Thanks to everyone who made a donation to help out. Those two rolls will allow me to get quite a few quilts quilted and off to the organization!!!
I stopped at Micheal's as I was looking for a few things. Gosh - I haven't' been in that store in a long time. I managed to snag a couple of things. Like that bright orange scrubby yarn to make kitchen scrubbies. Maybe I should throw that in the retreat bag!
My purchases at Micheal's
I got a few more of the double wedding ring arcs trimmed. OK - I need to get the rest done, but what a fiddly job. I looked at the next step, and OH BOY -it's the A arcs. So that's going to be more of the same. But once the arcs are done, the majority of piecing is done, and then I can start to sew the sections together. I'd better get moving - I want to get this done!
Trimming the double wedding ring B arcs
The backing and the binding are now done for PRISM Squared. That quilt has been moved to the "to be quilted" area. Yeah!!! I'm excited about that. I have another one - Aviatrix Medallion, which needs the binding and backing made, and that one can be moved as well. It's still sitting on the cutting table.
Bind, backing, and quilt top of PRISM Squared
I've been dealing with the samples that I've been making. They literally got thrown in a heap after I took photographs. This is the magnificent lion!
Magnificient lion made with ribbon embroidery
It's done with the ribbon embroidery attachment! Isn't it fabulous???
Detail of the ribbon embroidery
And it's time to get started on the UFO homework for next month. Oh boy - I see that all the parts of this block are cut - they just need to be sewn together. These eight-pointed star blocks were pieced, but they look too wonky for my liking, so I'm taking them apart or at least partially apart, and I'm going to resew them. I know - I'm a crazy person for doing that.
Wonky looking eight-pointed star blocks
So life goes on! Things are more or less under control, but to look at the kitchen table, you wouldn't think that. I need to take some time to tidy that up as it literally became a dumping ground for stuff going upstairs or downstairs. My last presentation finishes at 4 today, so after that, I might take a few moments and tidy up! I've been trying to keep Studio B under control, or I would never find my samples and such when I need them.
Well, it's time to go!
Have a super day, and I hear the sun will be out. So make sure you get outside and walk or even just sit out for a bit. Get bundled up!
Hi! Wow I love that lion, it's beautiful with ribbon embroidery. What is the book you referenced on how to pack for a retreat, I must have missed it? I'd love to make you a book block I have just the title :) Please send me the pattern. Cheers, Judi
ReplyDeleteJudi -- the book referred to in the blog post are fictional books!!! Do I have your address so I can send the pattern for the book block?? I'm so far behind in responding to comments. I'll find the book block pattern and e-mail it to you.