Oh my gosh - we had so much fun yesterday. Yes, I know that we were not in the same room, but we laughed, shared stories, shared show and tell, saw Mary's toy sewing machine collection, and well, a couple of other things that can't be shared - yet! And seriously, where else could we have so much fun with people from all over Ontario, Alberta, and Germany. That just wouldn't happen in real life.
I love Zoom. And I'd be happy to keep Zooming for a long, long time. We even had a toast around 7 PM. The only thing we couldn't do is to smell Nina's pizza that she was making. It looked delicious, and I've already shared the recipe with my personal chef!
My internet did go down once, and it took a LONG, LONG time to get back up. I called my service provider, and I could tell by the sound of the voice that I got that she wouldn't be of much help. Just get it back up, and I'll deal with the situation today.
We had some new people drop by yesterday - hello to Holly and Gail. It was great to meet you! If any of you are tired of sewing alone - join us for the next Virtual Retreat. Mark it in your calendar because that date will be here before you know it. November 21 and 22. A Saturday and Sunday - the specific times will be posted later once I check my calendar.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by, and well, some of them were on the call all day! We were supposed to finish at 8 PM, but we were having so much fun that we went until 9:30!! I know - way past my bedtime!
I don't get as much done as I could if I were sewing by myself, but I don't care. This is our NEW social gatherings, and so it's OK to chat, and I love to chat. I got that from my grandfather and father! I really feel like I've spent the day with friends, which is what I've done. I cannot understand those who would prefer to be alone all day rather than getting together with friends on Zoom.
But the good news is that I got the last two Vintage Christmas blocks together, and after I write the homework notes, that should be ready to send EARLY on Friday morning. No reason for that to be late this week. I finished the Celebration quilt, so no excuse for that to be late either. Those are both due this weekend, and I'll be writing later this week to get that stuff up to date.
I created a LOT of stuff for the Long Time Gone class, and I have only one more document to create for them, and then they are good to go for this month.
But I also worked on something else yesterday, and I'm super happy.
This is ONE of my three UFOs that need to be completed by next Sunday. This one is called Winner's Bouquet. I taught this as a class YEARS ago. The blocks were made, and there it sat. So I moved the portable design wall near the sewing machine and placed the blocks on the wall.
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Winner's Bouquet blocks |
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The blocks are now together |
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The finished top of Winner's Bouquet |
The top is DONE, and that was the extent of my homework assignment, but of course, I can't stop there. I'll be making the binding and the backing this morning at Monday Sewing. I just checked - this is on my 2020 UFO list!!! Yahoo!!! I'll be able to cross this off very soon. Then I have the rest of the week to finish off the other two UFO projects, to finish prepping for the weekend classes, and there are five presentations this week. I have to prep for one of them, but the rest are more or less prepped, so that saves a LOT of time.
I'd better look at my UFO list and come up with something to work on for the following month. Just perused the lists, and I have a project! I think we're going to have a LOT of people in the UFO club next year. It's such a motivator!!! The repeat participants tell me that we're onto a good thing.
The only bad thing about a Virtual Retreat is that I don't get in all my walking! I only walked 7 KM yesterday instead of the usual 10+. But that's OK. It was great in the summertime because it was still light when we finished. Now it's dark! But I'm sure I'll survive!
Don't forget that the Trendtex Challenge is open for bidding TODAY. I'm not sure what time the auction starts today, but it goes until October 25. I shall try to mention it every day as this is an IMPORTANT fundraiser, and we need to support our local (for the Canadians) quilting association. I have my eye on a couple of the quilts!
And if you're looking to participate in a challenge, here's one that you can look into. It's easy. Oh shoot - just checked, and you have to be a member of the CQA to participate. Well, become a member and then participate. I've learned so much from making challenge pieces. Many were duds, but I learned from each dud. Overall, if I learn something from making a piece, it's a success, even if it looks like a dud!
On that note, I'm out of here!!
I've got a bit of cutting to get ready before 10:00 AM!
Have a super day!!!
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