Hello Jenny from Australia!!! She figured out the time zones and popped into our Virtual Retreat last night! How fun is that? It was Sunday morning for her, while it was Saturday night for us. Gosh -- I absolutely LOVE the Virtual Retreat. We get to stay in touch with our friends, and meet new people! And if you're traveling, as was Karen, no problem -- just pop into the call from wherever you are!
Yep -- those Virtual Retreats are here to stay! And so will the Monday sewing -- I can't help it -- if some of them want to go back to the physical in-person meetings -- I'm good with that, but I just don't have the time to pack up and go, set up, then sew for a bit, then pack up and come back home. Not going to happen for me for a long time.
Well, let's take a look at the remainder of those UFO projects.
Colleen has almost completed all the hand applique on this quilt called Fleur! That is a LOT of hand applique, but the end result is gorgeous!
Fleur hand applique |
Dede is very close to completing her 100 Tula Pink blocks for the Samler. This extra pop of color that she has added looks fantastic around the blocks.
Dede's Tula Pink Sampler quilt |
Diane is working on Night Sky by Jaybird Quilts. The frames are on the blocks, and now it's time to assemble.
Diane's Night Sky |
Elaine has the backing and the binding completed for her William Morris snowball quilt.
Elaine's snowball quilt |
Jane is completing some blocks for the Border Creek Station sew along from a couple of years ago. In her wisdom, she thought that making 5" blocks instead of the original 10" would be a good idea! Never again! (so she says!)
Jane's sew-along blocks |
Kathleen finished off two quilts from a stack of churn dash blocks. Now you know how we say that a quilt is dog-approved or cat-approved? I think Hobo Kitty was pointing out that he wanted ONE of these quilts. That looks like a very possessive pose if you ask me!
Hobo Kitty claiming a quilt |
Kathi is in the final assembly steps of her Graphic Jam quilt by Sassafras Lane Designs. I LOVE this quilt - but I don't have time. No -- I don't have time!
Kathi's Graphic Jam |
Look at those shameless ladies in their skimpy beachwear!
Shameless ladies in bathing suits |
Linda used it to make a pillowcase.
Linda's pillowcase |
She made a couple of extra pillowcases for donation.
Donation pillowcases |
She took a stack of blocks and assembled the top, as well as quilted it!
Linda's quilt top in the snow |
PLUS, she got quite a few blocks completed for her Town and Country (365-day quilt) from The Gourmet Quilter!
Blocks for the Town and Country quilt |
Sheila finished the blocks for this quilt, and it's now quilted and bound.
Sheila's quilt |
The back is perfect for her quilt |
WOW -- that's amazing. I just love seeing how much the group pushes themselves and each other to get stuff accomplished, although I did hear some grumbling last night that someone (not me) took on a bit more than they thought they could get done this month. It's good to push ourselves! I know she'll get it done -- she's just grumbling!
I have a couple of things to share that I worked on last night at the Virtual Retreat.
The first were these two table runners that needed borders. Hmmm -- is this on my list of 22 things for 2022? I better check -- if they are NOT on that list, they should be!
My two table runners with the borders added |
They now both have the borders on them, the binding is made, and I have a large piece of fabric for the backing. I'll have to quilt the first one, then piece the leftovers to make the backing for the second one. Yeah!!! These are leftover bits from a quilt I made a couple of years ago. The runners were on the current project table, and now they are in the "to be quilted" pile.
Backing, binding, and the two table runners |
I also finished one of the blocks from yesterday's homework. We had to make two identical blocks -- I managed to get one done for the class, and now the second one is done -- you'll see that later this week.
And I decided to start clearing the ironing board of all those half-square triangles. So I pressed, then trimmed, then pressed and trimmed. I still have a large stack, but I hope to get through that today, as well as process some of the half-square triangles for the hourglass units. I put some of the units away before I decided to take a picture.
Trimming half-square triangles |
Then I need to layout my UFO project for this month, or I will be grumbling that I took on too much.
And what's with these girls? They seem to have a love/hate relationship. They never sleep together, and they love to play fight and are totally jealous of each other if one gets a treat or more attention than the other.
This is the closest I've ever seen them sleep together, and probably because Mom was sitting in the chair right there. This was after a play-fight session.
Close, but not too close |
And what's this? I'll hold your paw? Notice that sly Lexi has her paw on top -- she always looks so innocent, but who is really in control here? And Lexi was closest to me -- did you notice that?
Holding paws |
Murphy is just a goof. I looked out at one point, and there she was - curled up in a sad dog ball against the house. She is on one of the rabbit's paths to move from the gazebo to the deck. Maybe she thought if she was quiet and hiding behind the bushes, she could trick the rabbit into complacency? Oh, Murphy!!
Murphy hiding |
That dog is all or nothing. Fast or STOP! That's our Murphy!
Well, it's time to get moving! We have our first show and tell from Out of the Box this morning, and the homework is AMAZING. So much creativity!!! I can't wait to hear all the stories.
Don't forget that after that class -- we'll start the Virtual retreat TODAY at 11:30 Eastern.
Here's the link.
Have a super day!!!!
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