It was a crazy day yesterday, as I got in touch with everyone I called, so I was on the phone the entire morning! I do NOT take calls on my cell phone any longer. If someone wants to talk to me - you must text me, and then I'll call you on my home phone. I don't trust the quality of my cell service (voice only), and I should request Bell pay me back part of the monthly service fee! However, I made good progress on some things that needed to be addressed. I also wrote a few e-mails and one set of classes for one store is decided! Yeah!
I also have ONE more event this month, but it's a day trip from my house, so it's not a big deal. I'll be at Sew Productive (47 Mill Street East) in Action on Saturday, July 22nd. They are a quilt shop and a Husqvarna Viking dealer, and they have expanded! Yes --- they have doubled (at least) in size and are having a "reopening" on that day.
I'll be there doing some demos, and I can't wait! Sergers and quilting, needles and threads, circular attachment, and projects in the hoop on the embroidery machine! It will be a jam-packed day, so watch for the advertising on their Facebook page. Exciting!!!!
As a result of my phone calls, I didn't get much done in the day. However, the next quilt is half done, and I'll get the remainder done today. I got all the bindings on my samples. Wait -- that's not entirely true, The bindings are stitched to the back, which is the hard part, and I'll get them stitched to the front later today.
But not before I emptied another spool of thread! At this rate, I'll be buying thread soon! Hardly -- I have so much; it'll be a long while before I need more piecing thread. Maybe some colors for machine embroidery, but definitely NOT piecing thread.
Another empty spool |
I chuckled as I spotted this little gem on my long arm. Now where did it come from? It's dull on one side.
A clay spiral? |
And sparkly on the other. Did it come from the red/white quilt on the long arm? If so, why was it with the quilt? Another mystery in the great world of things. It's only 1/2 inch in diameter at the most.
Sparkly, on the other |
I got two boxes yesterday! This one was interesting - it's a box of shoes.
You got mail! |
I like the Hoka running shoes, so I ordered two more pair of shoes from them. I'll open them up later today and try them on. But I was most excited about the "recovery" shoe in the plastic bag.
My latest shoe order |
The podiatrist suggested I wear Birkenstocks in the house, and I thought these would be just as good. I debated the style -- between the toes or over the toes. I went for over the toes as wearing socks with them is easier. I went with a size 10; however, I think they are slightly too large. CRAP -- this is why I hate buying online. Now with socks and swollen feet, these might work, but every day? I think they are too big.
My "too-large" recovery shoes |
I was hoping to wear them yesterday, but alas, I must evaluate the situation and see how easy it is to return them.
And I got another box as well, and this one has a quilt in it that I need to get quilted in the next couple of days. It's a very cool quilt, and I'm sure you'll want to see it, but it's a secret for the moment!
.jpg) |
More mail |
Then something extremely unusual happened at our house. As I've mentioned, we have a new cinema that opened up near our house. Near enough for me to walk, but would DH walk? Well, he did! We saw the new Indiana Jones movie last night, and he walked! You could have floored me, and he's much slower than I am, but I didn't complain.
There are only six screens at this cinema, in addition to a sizeable sit-down eating area and an arcade. But all the seats are cushy recliners!! It's not VIP, but why would you pay the price for VIP when you get this for HALF the price. Seriously --- if I want food, I can buy it and take it in, which is what we did. OK -- we just bought popcorn. But you can purchase alcoholic beverages at the concession stand and take them into the theatre! Yep - I'd pay half the price of VIP for that.
Cushy seating at the theatre |
The movie was great - hey, it's Indiana Jones! And when they start to play the theme song, you just want to stand up and shout - "Go Indie!" A great evening out! I did NOT stand and shout, in case you're wondering!
We even walked home at 9:30 PM when it was darker, but the air was cooling off, and it was a glorious walk.
I have to confess that I'm obsessed (how long will it last) with digital sorting. I went through TWO more folders yesterday, and when I get looking at it, it shouldn't take too long to go through everything. OK -- so I'm going through the easy (and small folders), but still, it's exciting to see everything is tucked into the appropriate folder. All the items are not necessarily in the correct sub-folder, but when there are fewer items, it doesn't take too long. And I suspect there is a ton of duplicate stuff!
I must learn why sometimes I get "copy" versus "move," because when I only get "copy," - I MUST be diligent and delete the duplicate. That's been my problem for years. I copy something instead of moving it, and then I'm afraid to delete the original files. But no more! I deleted so much yesterday that I got a notice from OneDrive asking if everything was OK!
Clean drives - clean mind!
On that note, I'm off to spin class.
Then I have a ton of stuff to do - pictures to take, videos to shoot, documents to write, quilts to quilt, quilts to bind, and much more!!
Have a super day!!!
I’m inspired by your progress with the digital sorting. Something I desperately need to do myself. Thanks for the motivation!