Sunday, July 30, 2023

Zibiri to Pomplona

 So here I sit at the same table as last year to write the blog but the outlook is so much brighter. Let's say that I learned a LOT about shoes. I did use my blister kit (needle and thread) yesterday, but it was NOT for me. It was for someone else. I felt happy to use it in that way and not on my own feet. 

I wore a pair of the same socks I brought last year (good quality, name brand hiking socks) and they performed like a charm. I am applying a cream to my feet each morning and I don't know if it's necessary or just the larger shoes will suffice. Since I have the cream with me, I'll continue to use it. Once it's gone, I'll see if I get more. I acually have three containers of some form of cream, so I'll use it all. Then it's less to carry! 

I did stop once just to check what i felt might be an issue, but it was nothing and that felt amazing. You have no idea how happy I am! And learn to do that heel lock tie if you're going hiking or a lot of downhill. That is saving my toes. 

It's interesting to walk right now as I remember everything from last year. In a few days, it'll all be new to me. But I'm OK with that. This has been a good way to get back into it without much stress. 

I tried to hold back from leaving this morning, but it was still before 7 when I left. There was no breakfast which I knew, so I had bought a croisant last night. And I had my snack bar of the day with me. Well, of course I did. I have everything I own with me!!! The restaurant was not open when I passed - I guess Iˋm walking a bit faster this year, but itˋs also Sunday! The food truck was not in place either, so it was a skimpy morning food wise. 

Here I am making sacrifices! Well, itˋs not sacrifices but when Iˋm home, Iˋm etremely regimented on eating. I need snacks. Here I had to eke out that snack bar over several hours! And at home, Iˋm always in my grey sweatshirt, but if I wore a sweater here, then Iˋd have to stop to put it in my backpack when I didnˋt need it, so I wore short sleees. Yep - I survived that also.

Iˋm getting into relax mode and thought of Murphy and Lexi, as there were loads of dogs (the locals out walking) and they would have loved to bound along the trails. I did not bring a stone representin a burden from home, so I thought I would pick up a stone every day and carry it for a while and think about some issue and then leave it on a marker. Today, I picked patience. Well, within 10 minutes, I needed a bite of that snack bar, so the stone got tossed. So much for patience!!!!

We followed a river for a good part of the day - sorry I can't remember the name. And the trail for the most part was excellent. I think we still climbed 350 meters or something like that. It is NOT flat to be sure. 

We folowed paths, roads, climbed hills to bypass parts and descended on the other side. HEY-- I have met no Americans or Canadians yet. Now why is that. People are surprised that we would come all the way from North America to walk the Camino. They think it's expensive. Well, there are people here from South Africa and Australia which are a lot further away. 

My backpack is performing beautifully and there is nothing that I would change. WAIT--- there is one thing I wish I had packed. I thought of it but didn't. What is that? an eraser!!! I know - I started a suduko yesterday and it is hard and I need an eraser! Well, that's a first world problem!

So while I was the first to arrive at the Albergue today, a cathedral which was converted to beds, I got the top bunk. Shoot -- I should have stood back in the line! No worries -- it's one night and at least there are places to sit outside or inside, so I'm not worried. 

Don't forget that you can check out some photos on Facebook or Instagram if you want to see. 

I'm off to explore Pomplona a wee bit. Last year, the extent of my exploring was to the pharmacy and back 

I will say this every day --- if you have a dream or something you want to do --- book it in your calendar and do it. Life is too short and we will find a miriad of excuses not to do it. Oh yes -- my knees hurt today because I didnt take a break, so I learned a lesson. I'll take a better break tomorrow and not push out 30,000 step without a significant break going forward. 

My sentence of the day (which I forgot yesterday)

I walked in solitude and silence, except for the underpass. Who can walk under an underpass without yelling. My feet are HAPPY and that makes me over joyed. 

My sentece for yesterday 

The descent that I was dreading sure looked a lot less rocky and a lot less steep when my feet were happy. That was the first test and I passed with flying colors. Great weather.

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Had some trouble finding your pictures, but I think it’s good now.
    Take care.
