Friday, July 14, 2023

Synchronized dogs

So what's with the coyotes in the neighborhood? I haven't seen them in months, but every once in a while, they have a howling fest in the forest, and last night, they were in fine form! It took me a while to get back to sleep, so I'm grumpy this morning! The coyotes always howl in the night - never in the day! 

I KEEP ADDING THINGS while I'm getting things done on that to-do list! How does that happen? At least, it's all on paper - I'd never be able to remember all that, and why are there always so many things to be done? Paperwork, tidying things up at the house, gardening? Picking up and dropping off - it seems endless!

And I just blocked off the dates of all the quilt retreats booked for 2024. And I marked in LARGE letters -- NOT AVAILABLE so my work could see that! I've had to be very flexible this year as we are down one educator, so let's hope we have a new hire by next year and that someone else can do more dates! Let's see how it goes. 

I also have ME days on the calendar, and I need to mark those as NA for my work to see as well. 

This is even more important in light of an e-mail I received last night. A member of a local guild that I used to belong to has passed at the YOUNG age of 69. I'm not sure of the cause of death, but it just shows that we need to get our affairs (quilting stashes) in order and stay in order because we never know what will happen. And we want to be able to spend time doing the things we love and with the people we love. 

Seriously, I don't seem to get much time to enjoy my backyard - except for pulling weeds. I need to get some mulch- add that to the to-do list to help keep the weeds down. 

I mean, doesn't that look super inviting? 

My oasis

Oh, look -- it's the synchronized dog team, although Murphy's front paws are NOT in sync with Lexi! But they are so cute hanging around in Mom's office! I couldn't resist taking a picture of them. 

MOM -- almost time for a walk!

I got another quilt quilted. Yeah!!!

Customer quilt - DONE

But not before I had a wee issue with it. The customer has been notified. 

Oops - an open sem

Even though I top-stitched the gap closed, you can't tell where the open seam was. They can always remove that and hand stitch it closed if they like, but when you look at the quilt? You can't tell! There is a wee hole in the backing. Important to keep those seams together! 

Fixed as best as possible while on the long arm

I had to pick up something yesterday, which took a bit longer than I had planned, but I learned a lot while chatting, so the extra time was well worth it! I LOVE when that happens. You find an unexpected resource in an unlikely spot. 

Then I bought dog food on my way home. Good grief -- two bags of dog food -- almost $300. Those girls had better start pulling a bit more weight around here! 

OK -- I think someone messed up the weather app yesterday. While the temperatures are cool, they are NOT this cool! And actually, it's not cool, it's very comfortable. I don't understand the number of air conditioners working on these cool mornings. What about opening a window and getting some fresh air? They must be bundled in blankets in the house!

For July?

That totally boggles my mind or the people that rarely leave their house and have the A/C on all day. You might as well live in a condo! Our windows are almost always open, the girls go in and out the back door, and I'm walking every day. I have slacked off a wee bit and started taking the girls for a second walk after dinner instead of a longer walk for me in the afternoon. The girls are NOT complaining -- they are happy. 

I started to watch the second Harry Potter movie, and it's weird, as Linda mentioned, to watch the movie when the book is fresh in your mind, but I'm OK with that. 

Well, it's off to another marathon type of day! I'm a wee bit behind in the writing to where I'd like to be, so I hope to get some of that done today. 

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Allergies. That's why we have doors and windows closed and the a/c on. I'd prefer to have windows open, but also like a slightly less sniffly hubby.
