Saturday, July 8, 2023

Harry Potter!

What's with the weather? It's positively freezing this morning. So that's a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, a few days ago, with the humidity, it felt like 39 degrees C and this morning? It's 15! I'm not complaining -- I love wearing my sweatshirt; however, I left the windows open last night, and it's a tad chilly in the house! The girls are ecstatic! 

I had a great day yesterday, but sadly, I can't share any of it with you! At least, not yet! TWO documents and their photos went out the door. Well, they got transferred to the editor. Then I got a quilt quilted that can't be shared. It's an unusual quilt; thankfully, an edge-to-edge design was all it needed. I had to make the backing first, and it's a huge quilt, so I wasn't looking forward to that. But it went together easy peasy! 

I now have to trim and bind it, which will be a task for later today, and that can be mailed out on Monday! It's going into a magazine, so I'll share it when that happens. I'm still a wee bit behind the eight-ball on the writing assignments, so I'll continue to work on that over the weekend. 

I have ONE Zoom this morning, and I'm somewhat prepared. At least it doesn't start at 9 AM, so I have some time to finish the presentation. 

There are two Zooms tomorrow, and I'm trying to decide what to do for them. I want to have something to show and tell - technically, I do, but it would be nice to see something new! I attempted to do something yesterday but wasn't happy with the results. Perhaps I'll show that -- at least I was doing something! 

I must have scared everyone away with my caution about those panels! AHA -- we all think differently when we have to think about MAKING something rather than just putting it in our stash!! 

There are still panels available if anyone would like one. 

Panel One

Panel Two

Panel Three

My goodness -- that wouldn't be hard to make something, but then you are all being very good, and I applaud you! 

The bundle of panels is sitting on the floor beside my chair, and look what happened. Miss Murphy decided to crawl in beside them and go to sleep!

Sleeping with the panels!

That silly girl! So if she isn't thinking about her ball, she's got a teddy bear. 

Mom - I'm eating my stress bear

No, she is NOT kissing that bear goodbye. Well, I guess technically she is because she was madly ripping the stuffing out of him!

MOM -- why won't you play ball with me! 

MOM - I'm NOT destroying this bear

Mom -- remember - I'm the cute one! 

This area looks like a teddy bear graveyard! I need to get a garbage bag and clean up her mess. 

MOM - this is my area - stay out! 

In an attempt to clean up the paperwork at my desk, I managed to sneak in an hour's worth. I didn't even make a dent. But that's OK -- it's one hour that I don't have to worry about later. 

So what are you reading or listening to these days? I've gone back in time, and I'm listening to Harry Potter! WOW --- Can you believe it's over 25 years since the first book was published. NO - that can't be true, but it is. The date the first book was published is June 26, 1997. 

Can you believe that I never finished the series? I never read the last two books! Not sure why that is, but anyway, I've decided to go back and read them, so I can eventually read those last two. They are fascinating books, and you can see why they took off! You just have to love Harry, Ron, Hermione, and all the secondary characters. 

DH commented that my new hiking shoes are pretty bright! I know --- if you checked out the site yesterday, there are 16 colors. I might as well go bright -- why not!

I also managed to get my sample suitcase unpacked. It's been sitting in the front hall for weeks, and the only reason, I did that is I need to start packing for my event on July 22, where I'll be doing some demos at Sew Productive in Acton!

Well, I guess it's going to be short and sweet this morning! 

Have a super day!!



  1. Hmmm, coincidence? Last night I started a new book, and it just wasn’t grabbing me, so while I was drifting off to sleep I decided I should reread Harry Potter. Then I open your blog this morning to see the title Harry Potter.

  2. You are not the only one who has never finished the Harry Potter series! I quickly read all the books in succession as they were released, then stalled at the last book which, coincidently, I am just finally reading now.
