Thanks for the tips on sorting digital files and scraps! In an ideal world, all my photos would be tagged and stored in Photoshop Lightroom, making it a snap to find any of them! Sadly, they are not, but I'll work on it! And my computer files are mostly named correctly; however, I think it's mostly because of their location in the file system that I can find them. And I will say that, for the most part, I can find those files very quickly - except for the other day when I needed them for my presentation!
The problem is creating duplicate files or folders. I MUST learn how to move, not copy, and then any files that will be shared in a class (which means between two computers) or a file I'll need on the road goes onto OneDrive. Anything else will be stored on my hard disks. Slow and steady!!
I had to laugh at changing file names -- I do that with my distribution lists. Depending on the class, the distribution lists were everywhere, and it wasted time to find the right one. So they are all named 2023 and then the class name, so they are always at the top of my list. Once the class is over, they get a Z in front of them, so they go to the bottom. Do we know how to trick our computers or what?
As for the scraps -- I am not a saver of strips, as per Bonnie Hunter. I tried that, and it did NOT work for me. My scraps are little pieces that are diligently stored in boxes by color. Some are so small that I can only cut a 1" square from them. DO NOT judge me on that! Yes -- I'm a fool, and I LOVE IT! The key here is to find a system and size that works for you! I like the idea of storing the sizes in a larger container and keeping the colors in Ziploc bags within the container. That might be the way to go!
I had a very productive day yesterday as I was well-rested and ready to go! Sadly, I can't share any of it with you yet. I did one thing for an article I'm writing, and the other was for the digital cutter class this morning. I don't like when people come to class and have nothing done, so I needed to get my act together because I've been lax in that department. But I more than made up for it yesterday!
I had the long arm going. OH -- I can at least show you this much. A solid piece of fabric with batting and batting. I made some samples and tried different setups on the long arm. It was a fascinating experiment, and I can't wait to share it with you! Yesterday was step one -- today will be step two!
I had to laugh as someone I was texting asked me why I didn't take the day off and do something fun. Well, I had already taken enough days off, and all that experimenting was FUN!
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Experimenting on the long arm |
And then the embroidery machine was chugging away at the other side of the room. And I used a piece of fabric I was given at Quilt Canada in June, so that didn't stay safe long!
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Using the embroidery machine |
So there's the long arm working away by itself (you have to love automation!)
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You have to love automation! |
And I had to clear off the table to get to the digital cutter. Don't ask!
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The digital cutter also got used |
And this is the space between the various tools, all of which work on CNC technology, which is what my Dad is super interested in! HA! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in our family!
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Studio B in disarray |
That extra table is still in the middle of the floor, and now there are heaps of stuff on the floor behind it. Good grief -- will I ever get the place back together? Narrow pathways between the boxes -- it's just like it used to be 15 years ago!
But I had fun yesterday. I made some booboos -- hey, that is part of learning. If I didn't make mistakes, well, then life would be boring! I hate boring!
Now I have to create some more inspiration for others! The things you can do with an embroidery machine, a digital cutter, and a long arm! Watch out! OH -- I used a computer to help tie it all together. By the way -- the long arm was working on its own independent task!
I had a mild panic attack in the morning when I went to clean up the kitchen table. I opened my eyeglass case to find it EMPTY. WHAT? Where are my glasses? Do not tell me that I left them in Winnipeg in the rental car. I hardly ever wear them, and I'm becoming forgetful.
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Where are my glasses? |
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MOM -- I am a good girl - will you play with me? |
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MOM -- is it time to play yet? |
Oh, Murphy -- we love you to death!
What will I do this afternoon? I have to prepare for a major writing session this coming week, so I'll put together the plan of what I will do and then fire up the appropriate machines and get to work! And I'll throw a bit of reading in there as well!
Thanks again for all the tips -- I'm taking all that to heart and will get this done. What I need to do is start deleting stuff I no longer need!
On that note - I"m out of here!
Have a super day!!!
At least you know where stuff should be 😻, love that sweet Miss Murphy 🥰