There's hope for us all. Did you see Elle's comment the other day? She had FOUR holders filled with magazines and is now down to 1 ½!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! That's impressive. First, I'm impressed that she only had 4 holders of magazines! But I will get there one day! The important thing is that I'm not buying at the same rate as I was, which is a good thing.
There's so much repetition in the magazines. That's OK because, while for those of us who have been around for a while, it's repetition, for those new to quilting - it's all brand new!
My magazines are sorted by title (which is HUGE), and I grab one pile at a time and go through them. It just so happens that the stack I'm currently going through is filled with stories - it's not really a quilt magazine. I'm OK with that. I bought them to read, and I'll read them. This particular stack is then being passed along to someone else. Then I'll grab the next stack. Hopefully, it's a stack with little reading in it, so it'll be quicker to go through.
Based on what I have in those boxes on the table in the office and my UFOs and current projects, I will need to think long and hard before I rip any quilt pattern from a magazine!
Speaking of those boxes, look what I found.
Celebrity Quilt brochure |
I have been looking for this brochure for years!!! I found it in a folder of Quilt Canada stuff. Good grief -- why was it in there? One year for The Quilt fundraiser, a number of us made memory quilts from items of clothing or signatures donated by celebrities. OH GOSH -- I remember doing this, and while I'm sure I took pictures of the pieces I made, I have no idea where they're filed. I will one day!!
This one was made from a jumpsuit donated by Ann Curry, an anchor on NBC News' "Today." I made peacocks which is the NBC symbol. Here's the info on the label since you can't read it very well.
Today is a Good Day
Emmy-award winner Ann Curry is the news anchor for NBC News' "Today" and a regular contributor to Dateline NBC. Inspired by her sister's experience facing the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, Curry has increased her efforts by raising awareness and promoting early detection. Size 39" by 23."
Today is a Good Day |
I also made this next quilt. The silhouettes of the ballerinas are made with fabric from costumes from the National Ballet of Canada. I gave someone the leftover fabric; I should see if I can get it back since they had wanted me to make a quilt with the leftovers.
Here's the information in the brochure:
Elegance in Motion
The National Ballet of Canada, a company with more than 60 dancers and its own full symphony orchestra, is Canada's premier dance company and ranks as one of the world's top international dance companies.
Eleven of the dancers, including Karen Kain, Heather Odgen, Ryan Bourne, Greta Hodgkinson, Martine Lamy, Guillaume Cote, Jennifer Fournier, Nan Yu, Nehemiah Kish, Sonia Rodriguez, and Aleksander Antonjevic have signed the label on the back of the quilt, which is framed in point shoe ribbon. Size 90" by 50".
Those silhouettes were taken from a pattern by Carol Bryer-Fallert.
Elegance in Motion |
Good thing we make labels for staff. I swear I had made this one, but NOPE - it wasn't me. It was made by Susan Schavo and was made with bow ties from Al Waxman. Did you know that he died on January 18, 2001??
Here's the information on that label:
Al Waxman was the much-loved Canadian director/actor who player Larry King on the popular 1970s Canadian sitcom"King of Kensington" and the short-tempered Lt. Vert Samuels on the 1980s American sitcom "Cagney and Lacey." He died on Jan 18, 2001, of complications during heart surgery.
This quilt was made as a tribute to Al Waxman. The strongest impression I have of Al Waxman is love, the tremendous love he had for his family, his craft, and Canada. Size" 30" by 30".
A Bow Tie Quilt for Al Waxman |
I have more quilts from that brochure to share with you tomorrow. Goah -- this brings back so many memories. I found about eight of the brochures - I'm putting one of them with the catalogs from those fundraisers and the others, well, I'll put them back in the folder which will go into the filing cabinet.
Remember how I said I want all the paper to fit in the filing cabinet? Well, I checked yesterday; I think I'll be culling that cabinet. It's NOT full, but it's not empty. That's OK. Let's get things together, and then a further culling will be required. It's going to happen!!!
Here's the logo that was on that box of fabric. I love it - now did they discover the word "ART" in their name, or did they create the name with that in mind?
A cool slogan from Benartex |
I had a great day yesterday. I was back at the gym for a yoga class. I'm trying to find a good time and teacher for the Surrender and Root classes - the ones that are mostly stretching as I desperately need it. And if I'm going to pay that HUGE price for this gym, I'm going to get my money's worth from it. Holy -- this class was slow. I swear we did three poses in one hour and seemed to hold them forever. OK -- we did a few more than three, but it was slow, but that's good.
And I've already been this morning. Yep -- a gym junkie!! That's OK cause I don't like the body fat number I got, and I'm determined to lower it. It's all that sugar that I've been eating!
I sewed all afternoon and have nothing to show for it. OK -- I have great stuff to show, but I can't share! You'll see it all in due time. I'm just trying to get ahead on the homework, so it's not all due on the same weekend.
And one more customer quilt got done.
Customer quilt - DONE |
And how's this for playing thread chicken? See, the cone is empty, and the end of the thread is about a foot above it. That was perfect - I was at the end of the row, and I put a new spool (the same color - obviously), and I was good to go.
Thread chicken and I won! |
Oh, let's not forget the amount of time I sat at the computer sorting out e-mails and trying to create distribution lists for my upcoming classes. The Saturday Sampler is FULL -- It's probably oversubscribed at this point. I have to see by how much. The BOHO Heart and Gypsy Wife class are ALMOST full, so if you were planning on signing up - I'd do so very quickly. You can find the class information for those two on the Thimbles and Things class page.
There's still room in a Long Time Gone as this is the second time running that class. You'll find the information on the same link.
I got hooked on one of James Patterson audiobooks yesterday and listened to the ENTIRE thing. Very exciting! It's one from the Women's Murder Club. I'm way behind in this series, and I'm OK with that as if or when I want to read one from that series, I don't have to wait on the author to produce a new book - I just grab the next one from the library!!!
Well, that's it for me today. Loads of stuff to get done, and I'd best get started!!!
Have a super day!!!!!
ah do remember, this was my 4th time through all my magazines. I started with a 36" wide shelf full about 5 years ago. This was my promise to myself-never more than 1 shelf of magazines and 1 shelf of books. That was my journey to get to 1 1/2 holders :-)