Oh dear -- I got in trouble AGAIN.
I saw my neighbor -you know the one, walking down the street towards me as I walked home with Murphy. I decided to say "Good morning" as I do to so many people that I pass along the street. HEY -- for some people, it might be the only interaction with someone else during the day. And it's fun as we've got to "know" others in the neighborhood.
I must admit that I said "good morning" rather enthusiastically to her as we passed, and I did add on "neighbor", as the last time I passed her, she totally ignored me. Well, I had barely passed her when she started shouting at me. What the bleep does she want now? I finally turned around, and she rips her earbuds out and proceeds to ream me out for saying "good morning" to her.
What was so strange is that she said "We've had issues, and I'm trying to make amends and BLAH BLAH BLAH." I tuned out. I'm not supposed to say "good morning" to her. It was hard to hear her, she almost sounded incoherent with her yelling, but if I'm going to say "good morning", I should be prepared to stop and talk? What's this all about? I offered to talk to her, and she gives me that swirling hand motion and walks away.
I know it bothers her, and I'll continue to say "good morning." She started off by being so rude to me and she must have some issues. And if she is making amends - where are the cookies? or the wine?
I suspect that she's a bully, and she is NOT happy unless she is in control of the situation. The next time, I'll just continue to walk AFTER I say "good morning.". Or maybe I'll invite her to chat? Hmm - I could do that. Maybe she just needs a friend?
Anyway -- I think the entire thing is pretty amusing now, especially when she has let me know how much it bothers her. Gosh -- I'm a "bad" person!
Off to the dentist yesterday and well -- what's going on here? I told the hygienist how often I brush and floss and all that. And I sort of got a gold star. She said, I was doing great, but I need to do a bit better. They never say that -- they always focus completely on the negative - what you're not doing versus what you are doing! I love that -- that makes me want to do better! I should have gotten her name and ask for her always in the future!
I have a tooth that needs repair - SIGH. I wish taking better care of my teeth had been something I did when I was younger, but it wasn't an important thing taught at our house. We just won't go there.
I did get some work done yesterday, but not any great amount -- what the heck did I do all day? Oh yes - I was on the phone with Ronda all day, or so it seemed! I must say that I do NOT like the fact that my new phone doesn't have a jack for earbuds! I would have to run and get the wireless ones, and they are not paired yet - I must do that.
I thought we could have a look at the UFO progress from last weekend.
You've already seen the double wedding ring quilt. I'm slowly getting the binding done. I sat outside a bit last night and got a bit more done. I'm not even halfway!
The double wedding ring quilt |
Here's the one maple leaf block that I had completed for the other project. Only 17 to stitch in place!
One of my maple leaf blocks |
Colleen had finished three quilt tops - notice they all have a different fabric for the border - you can see that at the top of the picture.
Colleen's quilt tops |
Here is one of the tops.
One of the three quilt tops |
And she's going gangbusters with some applique.
Applique blocks |
Diane - who only wanted to make ONE block, got the entire quilt done! That's Diane for you!
Diane's quilt top |
Elaine got the borders on her gingerbread quilt.
Elaine's gingerbread quilt |
And the binding on this quilt that is being gifted to a grandson.
Elaine's finished quilt |
Nancy finished up the LAST of her Stonehenge blocks. I know that some of the Monday ladies amassed MANY kits of those blocks.
Stonehenge block #1 |
Stonehenge block #2 |
Stonehenge block #3 |
Stonehenge block #4 |
Katheleen got several quilt tops together. This small Halloween table topper.
Halloween table topper |
This one which I LOVE.
Antelope Canyon quilt |
And her Circle of Life is now completely done!
Circle of Life |
And she did more quilting on this giant quilt.
More quilting on the giant quilt |
Linda assembled all her blocks for Vintage Christmas.
Vintage Christmas blocks are together |
Lynne finished her Canada-themed table topper.
Canada themed table topper |
Morgan made a wallet.
The Necessary Clutch - inside |
The Necessary Clutch - outside |
Rose finished a community project quilt for me!
Community project quilt |
And got her own quilt top finished.
Rose's quilt top |
Sharon got the binding on this quilt.
Sharon's finished quilt |
Sheila got the binding on her quilt.
Sheila's finished quilt |
Susan got her quilt top together - it now has a border on it as well, but this was the picture I had.
Lexi quilt |
Oh, and Jane got the border on her T-shirt quilt.
Jane's T-shirt quilt |
No money was riding on the assignments over the summer, but come September, we're back to potentially losing $10 per month. While the money is an incentive -- it's the commitment to themselves to get the work done. If you don't get it done, are you saying that this project isn't that important? And each person sets the assignment based on how much time they have. I'm just the facilitator!!!
I love our UFO Club, and it sure has made me think long and hard about how I set goals, how to achieve them, and how to prioritize!!! I'm fired up!!!
Oh my gosh -- I just popped over to Facebook and saw this mug that my cousin made. She makes tons of things with her digital cutter and vinyl. I might have to order a Christmas present for my neighbour!
What a great mug! |
Oh, something amusing happened yesterday with my Virtual Challenges. I am virtually walking across Canada and I'm nearing the end. OK -- I'm at 83%, but that's nearing the end, I guess. Anyway, yesterday, I was on the ferry going from PEI to Nova Scotia. Sorry -- that writing is in French, but you get the picture.
On the ferry crossing into Nova Scotia from PEI |
And then on Facebook, this picture popped up from my REAL cross Canada cycle trip eight years ago. I was riding my bike into Nova Scotia from New Brunswick.
Welcome to Nova Scotia |
Now, what are the chances of that happening?? I got a chuckle from it.
By 9 AM, I had walked 7.6 KM yesterday meaning that I'm technically done the Appalachian Trail, although I haven't received the final message yet. Now which one to choose from next??
All the Conqueror Virtual Challenges |
There are quite a few to choose from, and some of them are much shorter distances than the ones that I've done so far. The two that I've completed are on the bottom row -- Route 66 and the Appalachian Trail. I may walk the Pacific Crest Trail - it's very long at 4,000 KM. That way, I get these long ones out of the way now. I could probably do most of the shorter ones in one year at the rate I'm going, so I'll save them.
Well, it's almost time to hit the spin class. So I'd better get myself organized for that.
Have a super day!!!
A neighbor across the driveway unexpectedly reacted and yelled at two friends dropping off a quilt one morning. I later found out he was in early stages of Alzheimers. So I attribute it to him getting confused and will think twice if it should happen to me in the future. You show a lot of grace and kindness in every day life. It is an example for all of us.
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm always happy when someone throws a casual hello my way. Perhaps you could try "good morning starshine, the earth says hello" from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. I bet she'd be thrilled LOL here's a clip from the movie if you're interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETE135Ib1ew&ab_channel=xalisragernok