Who knew two weeks ago that I would actually get all that work done, and I would survive and even find a few spare moments to watch The Great British Bake Off? That Paul guy is pretty darn good-looking. And I must STOP thinking about baking something. Good grief -- what is happening to me?
I still have two presentations today, a Facebook Live and one of my own classes tonight. The weekend will be entirely on Zoom, but I have minimal prep, so it's all fun stuff, and I can't wait!
There are still two weeks of "work," but after that, I think I have four weeks with nothing scheduled, and the trick will be to NOT schedule anything into those two weeks. It'll be nice to get up and say that NOTHING is on the schedule and NOTHING needs to be done. Other than those customer quilts, but that's OK.
I have to say that the ladies in Quebec are so sweet! One of them searched me out on Facebook, sent me some information we chatted about and sent me a nice note.
I'm really enjoying the French presentations, even though they are still a wee bit stressful. But I have a couple of French-speaking people who would be willing to get together to chat about sewing. I have one other person who might be interested -- I must ask her today. That would be four, and that's enough to get started.
But some of those new words are now solid in my head! Yeah!!!!
I am pretty much up to date with the presentations for tonight and tomorrow. I'm just waiting for the homework photos to come in, and as they come in, I put them in the presentations. I have a bit of sewing that I'd like to get done before one of them tonight. It shouldn't take too long, and I have some time this morning.
I finally got a chance to catch up with Diane, who had run out of fabric for the community project quilts. I dug out some small bits that she needed for two quilts, and then I dug deep. I am going through the tubs of fabric under the long arm, and well -- look what I found.
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OH --- fabric |
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A "present" for Diane |
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Eight tubs of fabric to empty |
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The neighborhood watch! |
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Applique block ready for stitching |
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The Enchanted Autumn quilt |
There are some pieced blocks to work on, stitching around the appliques and borders to add. So still lots of work, but I've made excellent progress, and I'm thrilled. Perhaps I'll work on this during the Virtual Retreat.
Oh, Murphy! She just can't help herself. Her toys are strewn all over the floor once again!! It's funny how Lexi doesn't even know toys exist, and Murphy has them everywhere in the house and tries to sneak them outside if she can!
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Murphy's toys |
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Emptying the quilt |
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The old and the new mailboxes |
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Paperwork to clean up |
Now that there will be some downtime, I might just try and get some of the office space cleaned up. It's frustrating that if I had never let it get to this stage, I wouldn't have to find time to manage the stuff or get rid of it! That's one of life's lessons -- do we even realize how much time it takes to manage the crap we have collected? Oh well -- it is what it is, and I'll just have to deal with it. But I can barely wait until the day when it's all together properly!! What will I do with my free time?
I have no plans to retire, but I would LOVE to have the entire house organized by then. I may still need to take a file or two or a box and go through it, but the major purge would be done, and then I could spend my days doing ONLY what I want. When it comes time to downsize, it will be a breeze. Well, you get the picture. So, I'm chiseling away at it, and it WILL happen. Baby steps are all I can manage - both mentally and physically. But I will get there!!
Don't forget that today is Facebook Live.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to direct you -- I should have checked it out last week. If you go to the QUILTsocial page on Facebook and look under MORE -- there is a tab for LIVE. There might also be a link directly on the QUILTsocial (Facebook) page, or it might be under videos. I'm sorry -- I should have checked it out to give you a better direction. You can always watch it after the fact. BUT -- come check it out as we'll be talking about all the cool projects that I made this week, including mending sweaters and different types of stabilizers!!
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Here's the link for QUILTsocial.com, where I'm mending a cashmere sweater with the embroidery machine. Yep!!! Be sure to check that out.
And don't forget the Virtual Retreat this weekend. Yeah!!!!! I have loads to sew, so I can't wait to get started.
Saturday, November 27 from 6 PM -- whenever!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254233911?pwd=VGQrTnFybW1HMWpleHA4M2Q2NGVwZz09 Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797
Sunday, November 28 from 10 AM to 8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87246635892?pwd=VGY1cUUyLzRaRi9VUVV2ZWFINXc2dz09 Meeting ID: 872 4663 5892 Passcode: 440473
On that note -- It's time to move!! I've got KM to walk, seams to sew, and presentations to give!
Have a super day!!
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