Thursday, October 17, 2024

Cherrywood Challenge

Oh gosh!!! Continuing yesterday's theme, another crazy thing happened so quickly that I barely had time to register it! 

Several days ago, we discussed the surround sound system in the family room. I hate it, as four speakers and the subwoofer are all on the floor. It's ugly and takes up visual space, and I wanted it gone years ago. Of course, now there are sound bars that do the same thing. They look neater, and well, I think we need one. 

Two days ago, we talked about a specific brand. Last night at dinner, DH forwarded me an email about that brand. Then he spoke of a different, more upscale brand, and he searched it; I did not. Within 30 minutes, I got IG ads for that upscale brand. 

Seriously??? How did that happen so quickly? And I didn't search on my phone! 

Yep -- if you have a cell phone, you are being monitored EVERY SINGLE minute of the day! Now it would be interesting to do some tests. What kind of things does it pick up? You could have a grand old time testing this! What obscure thing could you mention or search for and see how quickly it appears in your feed? 

It's a bit scary. I MUST remember to have fun with this. 

We had a training day yesterday on PFAFF machines. Oh my gosh—new stuff is coming—two new machines (embroidery and sewing) and changes to the mySewnet software! And if you are a current user, you are going to LOVE them, especially if you are a Silver-level subscriber! I believe the new version will be available next week (fingers crossed), so watch for that. 

FYI --- the new embroidery machines are NOT top-of-the-line. The creative icon 2.0 will still be the top-of-the-line! 

I decided to buy a new spool of that invisible thread rather than fight with the old one with the broken-down spool. I was going to pick it up today on my way home from the meeting, but then I decided that $20 for shipping was a price I was willing to pay to avoid traffic and out-of-my-way driving. I hope it arrives today. In the meantime, the quilt on the long arm will have to wait!

I took these pictures when I was in St. Hyacinthe. I went to Tim's, and some of the Tim's have local artwork. This was a toonie at center ice of some major hockey event. The writing is too small to read. I've seen these at several Tim's across Canada. 

Center ice toonie

This wooden sign is very cool! I wonder if a local artisan made it, or is it a mass-produced item? I've never seen one before. 

Wooden plaque for Tim's

And they had more local artwork in another corner. It makes the place seem a bit more personal!

More local artwork

Speaking of artwork, these are the posters from TWO of the Cherrywood Challenges. The pink one is Diana, and I had a piece in that exhibit. My quilt is along the right-hand side, third from the bottom. I know you can't see the details, but it's there! You can see it a bit better on the website. 

Cherrywood Challenge poster - Diana

This is the Bob Ross poster, and I also have a piece in this one. Mine is in the third complete row from the bottom and three to the left of the right-hand side. It's a bridge. 

Cherrywood Challenge Poster - Bob Ross

I also completed a piece for the Van Gogh exhibit, but it wasn't accepted. I started and am almost finished with the Prince challenge, but it's still sitting there. 

I am going to buy the latest kit with the Abyss theme. I see so many possibilities with that one—I'm trying to locate a kit in Canada so I can get started! I just checked the Stitch by Stitch (Kingston) website, and I don't see it yet, but I'm sure it's on order! Someone sent me an email about yesterday's post, and they mentioned something that made me think of an idea for this challenge! Inspiration comes from EVERYWHERE!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was pretty quiet, and I'm happy to let the dinner go when it's just the two of us. Why make a fuss? I know some people would say that we are worth the fuss, but I'm NOT a foodie, so I could easily have hamburgers (which I did), and I'm OK with that. All that prep work and no one appreciates it? And you overeat? Not for me! 

However, there is one thing that I cannot miss. Of course - it involves sugar, and that's the pumpkin pie! 

I like making my own whipped cream with icing sugar! I use my decades-old hand mixer—I don't need a new one when I barely use this one, and it still functions. 

Making the whipped cream

But look who comes running when they hear the box being opened. They are worse than two kids. Do you remember when, as a kid, your mother made something with the mixer, and you got to lick the beaters? That's my two kids! 

MOM - hurry up!!!

And so they got to lick the beaters! First Murphy. 

MOM - this is so delicious - we should have pie every day!

Lexi got the second one. Thank goodness our "third" dog stays in the forest. That's a reference to all the hair I've taken off Lexi, in case you happen upon this blog post and wonder why I'm leaving a dog in the forest. 

Mom - I could get used to this! I want more! 

And there it is—my pumpkin pie (store-bought and I'm perfectly Okay with that), but that homemade whipped cream? That's the best!

My Thanksgiving dinner!

I must confess that when I got home yesterday, it was almost 6 PM, and I was wiped. So after dinner, I just vegged out until bed. Remember, that's not a lot of time since I'm in bed quite early so I can get those eight hours of sleep. 

Speaking of keeping dogs in the forest, we had a frost warning last night, and I see the temperature is 2, but it felt like -1. So where was our Lexi? Outside! DH let her out before bed, which I keep telling him NOT to do. Put her on a leash because you know she will stay outside. 

She banged on the door at 6 a.m. to come in, then came in and jumped on the couch. Silly girl!! 

Well, I'm off to get the day started. I'm back at the meeting for half a day, and then I need to take DH for a physio appointment. His shoulder is doing well, and he's taking the brace off daily to exercise his lower arm. Today, the physio gives him exercises for the shoulder. 

After the appointment, I had better get myself in gear to clean up some of that mess downstairs! I don't have a plan, but I better come up with one very quickly, or I better start packing boxes! 

On that note, have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. The Cotton Harvest in Seaforth has Cherrywood Challenge kits.
