Monday, October 21, 2024

Make your life easy - change that rotary cutter blade!

Oh my gosh -- another beautiful day! It was very difficult to stay in the house, so I did NOT! Life is too darn short and quilting? While there are deadlines, it's not life or death! I walked to the grocery store, not once, but twice! I need that daily goal of 12.5 KM to meet my annual walking goal. Do I have to? Nope - I don't - the world won't end, but I made a commitment to myself and am determined to keep it. 

Then, the girls and I sat outside and read on the front patio. They are NOT keen on this arrangement since they have to be on their leashes. I love them dearly, but I don't trust them! Oh, they wouldn't run away like they would before, but if they saw another dog, a rabbit, a squirrel, or a cat, they'd be gone in a heartbeat. 

While Murphy is mostly calm when we see rabbits and squirrels, she's a lunatic when she sees a cat.

When I finally entered the house, I went downstairs to try to tidy Studio B. I started with the tubs that I had acquired. Here are the two quilt tops, with backing, that went into the community projects "to be quilted" pile. 

Two quilt tops for community projects

There was a large bag of I Spy fabric. I think we exchanged that at one time. She may or may not have used some of this. I put it with my retreat stuff—it'll make a great project to do at a retreat. Several other almost-finished projects went there as well. They will make great additions to the community projects pile. I certainly DO NOT need or want those quilts. There are two Christmas-themed quilts, and I wonder if Project Linus wants them? I must contact them today. If not, well - I'll let you know about those. I've sent a message, so I should have an answer by tomorrow. 

I-Spy fabric

Speaking of the community projects area, this is one part of the community projects area with MANY quilt tops to be quilted. I do not like cardboard boxes, but sometimes you do with what you have. 

PART of the "to be quilted" area for community projects

So when I emptied two of the large clear plastic tubs, I substituted them for the large blue tote upstairs filled with Christmas fabric. Then, I was able to get rid of one cardboard box and added several other quilt tops. 

Plastic is sturdier than cardboard

The blue tub is more in line with those I already have, which is better. 

Looks better

After sorting, putting away, and rearranging, this is all that I have left to sort through. If I remember correctly, some large pieces are appropriate for quilt backs, so it shouldn't take much to sort through. And then I'll have ONE more tub to replace that final cardboard box. 

This is the last of what needs to be dealt with

Very little of what came in went into my personal stash. It mostly went into community projects., which is a good thing. I did keep the thread and sorted all the neutrals into that empty basket. The rest went into community projects. 

While working on my UFO, I managed to ALMOST complete all the first rounds on the twenty-four blocks with the dark for the first row. Yes, this was a project I inherited in those tubs. It'll make a lovely lap quilt when it's done, and since more than half of the blocks are done, it shouldn't take too long. 

The first round on the blocks

I think there are THREE blocks left to finish that round. Then they need to be trimmed, and all that remains to do is add the second and final round, black on white. That will take a bit longer, but it's still an easy project to do as an ender and leader. 

What remains to finish the first round

I have company for the next two days, which is excellent. A work colleague has a day between events, and we have projects to work on, so that will be the focus for today. Then she's gone on Tuesday morning to prepare for her next event. It works out great to share time and complete a couple of samples. 

I changed the blade in my large rotary cutter, which is a good thing. There was one annoying spot on the cutter, and I always tell people they need to change the blade when that happens. I need to listen to myself more often. 

Changing the rotary cutter blade

I even got a piece of tape and marked the date. Now, I need to change the medium cutter blade as well. 

I marked it with the date

I did not sleep well last night, but I am headed out to spin class. Do I even remember how to set up the bike? It's been that long. They will think I've died! But between travel and feeling under the weather when I got back, I just couldn't drag myself to the gym. I think a nap will be in order later today. 

On that note, I'm out of here! It's going to be a nice day again today, so it will be hard to stay inside. We might work in the morning and then off to the back or front yard to brainstorm or just veg out! Then we can hit the sewing and embroidery machines later when it cools off! 

Have a super day!!!



  1. I wish I were nearer than 2000 miles! I'd love to quilt a bunch of that pile. I sew "fiddly piecing" so tops take much longer than the 3 hours I spend quilting a twin.

    Must have been the night for bad sleep. I woke every 90-120 minutes and gave up after 8hours. Time to catch a plane home after 15days :-)

  2. The NICU in our hospital used Christmas quilts, or at least they did in 2004. My son was there Dec 12 - 19. All the babies in the NICU get project Linus blankets, my son’s was not Christmas but the babies the end of his stay were getting little Christmas Quilts.

  3. Enjoy the weather. We've had three days of rain with more expected this afternoon. Today's high is 10 C. I also had a hard time sleeping last night. I ended up getting out of bed and stayed awake until 4 am.

  4. You were looking over my shoulder! I changed the blade yesterday - BUT I had to make some mistakes along the way. I get a BIG pack and HORRORS PUT TWO blades in at the same time. Cutting was a nighmare and I figured it out very quickly but then put it on backward (I'm lefty so I do everything backward) 11 p. m. is not the time to start messing around. Thanks for the storage tips!
