Sunday, October 6, 2024

Understand what you like and WHY!!!!

Copyright is a slippery slope—well, not so slippery, but remember that if someone designed or wrote it - it's copyrighted! You can't copyright an idea, but it drives me mad when I teach a class, and someone takes my lesson plans and reteaches the project to others. I hope my notes, which I generously share with the students, are not being used! I must remember to start putting a watermark on everything I send out. 

The bottom line is do not copy any published material you did not write or design. It is illegal to copy ANYTHING and share it with someone else, including articles in a magazine, information you purchased, books, etc. Copying is not good. If you are finished with it and sell it or pass it along, that is OK. 

Do NOT use someone else's materials directly to teach or inspire another class. I have zero issues if people use some of my teachings to share with others, but it's always a good idea to share where you got that information from. Be sure to WRITE YOUR own instructions. What I write is MINE!! 

So today is the final day of Salon Quebec. I know I'm excited to go home tonight, but it will be late, and I hope I can make it to the airport without falling asleep. I am NOT in charge of getting to the airport. The other person flying to Toronto with me prefers to arrive in plenty of time! I hope I did not jinx us!!! 

Claire and I went around the Salon yesterday and looked at tons of quilts, and I took tons of pictures. I'm not ready to post any now because I want to digest them, and we still have quilts to look at this morning. Walking around and seeing what we like (love) and are less than fond of is a great exercise. But it's not enough to say I like or do not like something -- one must identify WHY because that's how you're going to learn, 

There are so many reasons that a quilt attracts or repels you -- the pattern, the fabric, the workmanship, the thread colors, and so much more. If you don't like something and repeat that style on one of your quilts, you are not learning. So learn to dissect the quilts you like and don't like, and then you won't make the same "mistakes" on your own, and the things you like, you can incorporate into your quilt. 

I've done that for years. I don't badmouth a quilt I don't like, but I will say why I don't like it. It's not being critical but identifying my likes and dislikes. Anyone can make a quilt; if they are happy, that's great. But I'm allowed to not like someone else's quilts, and if I give a reason, it's better than saying, "I don't like it." 

I sound like I'm rambling this morning. My head is still asleep. 

I slept well, woke up a bit earlier than usual, and stayed awake, so that's a good sign. Thank goodness my meds keep me going. I probably will NOT go into the hospital tomorrow morning with DH—I'll do a drive-by for him and then the same to pick him up. 

I am really primarily dehydrated and tired. And at the end of this crazy marathon, there is just one more day!!!

Here's Mary, who showed up on a bus tour. Look at her Toddler Tote, a free pattern of mine on the AllPeopleQuilt website. The fabric matches the fabric in my quilt!!!

Mary at Salon Quebec

And here's Paul. I have to say he cleans up nicely! Yes -- we let him in our booth even though he's with the competition. 

Paul - who is everywhere

Claire is madly making a jelly roll quilt on the serger! 

Making a jelly roll quilt

And this is what happens when you wear black!! 

She had threads everywhere!

It's kind of hard to see, but there is all my crap spread out on the desk in the hotel! 

Making myself at home in the hotel

We'll return to the show early this morning to see the rest of the quilts. As I mentioned, it's been a fascinating exercise, and we still haven't seen all the quilts. 

One morning, we went downstairs, and the breakfast room was packed! It was apparent there were a busload of tourists—actually, there were two busloads. 

Last night, Claire and I were brainstorming in the breakfast area, and OMG—two busloads pulled up! They dispatched them quickly, as all the information had already been processed. I was in the elevator with a couple of the people, and they are from Korea. It's probably much cheaper to stay in St. Hyacinthe than in Montreal. I'm not sure where they are going or how they got here, but there are busloads. I would imagine we'll see them in the breakfast room this morning! 

That's about it for today. I can't wait to get home—I am so motivated to sew and can't wait to start. This coming week, I have some appointments and tasks to accomplish, and the first machine embroidery software class at Stitch by Stitch will happen tomorrow evening, so I'm excited about that. But then it's Thanksgiving, and I don't have much happening that weekend. I can't hardly wait!!!!

If you go to a quilt show - remember to look closely at what you like or don't like and ask yourself WHY!!! It's a great lesson. 

Have a great day!!!!


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