Friday, October 11, 2024

Clean up in Studio B!

I went to bed at my usual time, and I did not take any cold meds. Guess what? I got up at my usual time, so that's all sorted out, and I feel fine. I'm probably a bit tired and dehydrated, but I'm trying to fix both. Travel is a big culprit in messing with your health! At least for me. And I mean travel for work, not for vacation. 

But the dreams I had? Oh boy!!! You would think the world is coming to an end, with alien ships traversing the sky and spying on people and, well, all kinds of nasty things. Now, where did that come from? 

It must have been the remnants of a book I finished the other day called Argylle, which is a spy novel. It was a random e-book that I got through Libby. Here's the weird bit about this book - it was released in early 2024, and then there was a movie released in 2024, but it wasn't really about the book. It was about the author writing the book (or a series of books). It's a very convoluted story; you can get all the details at this link. If you read the comments on Goodreads, I don't think anyone liked the book; many believe it was a prop for the movie. 

Did I enjoy the book? Well, it was a bit far-fetched, which is probably where my dreams came from. Yes, it had excitement and intrigue (The Amber Room), but it just seemed a bit over the top. 

Here's the trailer if you want to check out the film. I think the movie might be better than the book. It's long gone from theaters, so I must wait for it to come to Air Canada and watch it on the plane!

There were some rumors that TS (you know who she is!) wrote the novel because of the cat in the movie. But all was revealed in that first link I gave you!

I have another book to tell you about, but not today. I must get on with the rest of the story. 

Yes, I have started to tidy up Studio B, not that I did any of the tidying up yesterday. I had to take MIL to her appointment (2 hours), the dentist for me (1 hour), and walk for groceries, and I managed to get my 12 km in, so that was good. I sat outside on the front patio because it was such a glorious day, and I wasn't wasting any of it. 

It's front patio time!

Yes, I LOVE our front patio. At this time of year, the backyard is in the shade in the afternoon, which is cool, but the sun is the right temperature. Murphy sat with me for a bit, and I read and enjoyed my afternoon tea since I didn't get a chance for tea in the morning. 

Oh boy -- it sucks to get old, and the only thing you can focus on is your health. I'm sure that's the case with my MIL, and she seems to get her fair share of appointments and follow-ups. Yesterday was a follow-up, and everything is OK. But the amount of scent she had was enough to give me a headache in the car. I think that is part of her problem -- too much scent is NOT good for your respiratory system, but she didn't seem to think so. 

We had to go to the One Heart Care Clinic, which is a big place devoted to heart health care. I suspect I might be seeing more of that building in the near future, and it is NOT for me. 

I spotted this car in the parking lot. How many quilters bought it? Do you have the reference? 

KONA car

When I was at the grocery store, I noticed the giant pumpkin on display. Well, I suppose you could buy it if you wanted. I put my shopping bag on top so you could reference the size. I will NOT be bringing that pumpkin home—at least not on my walk! That watermelon the other time was much smaller and almost killed me! 

Big pumpkin! 

While listening to an audiobook this morning, I got the "to be quilted" area back in shape. There are some piles of batting waiting to be assembled for upcoming community project quilts, but otherwise, everything looks perfect! It's nice and neat, and I have a few customer quilts to get started on next week. Also, I'm "behind" on my goal of twenty community project quilts by the end of the year, so I hope to get one loaded later today. 

The "to be quilted" pile is back in order

Then, I cleaned up the two work tables for my sewing machines. It felt very good to get that done. I hope to finish one machine embroidery project today, as I need it for our machine embroidery class on Sunday. Well, I would like to have it done by Sunday. 

The sewing machine tables are in order

My computer desk is also clear, so that's another bonus. 

The computer desk is clear!

The ironing board is a mess with some small projects that I want to tidy up, and the cutting table is a total disaster. I hope to peck away at them this weekend as I plan on attending a fiber art show this afternoon. It closes in a week, so if I don't go now, I'll never get there. The show is in Oakville and called Hanging by a Thread, in case you want to go. It closes on October 18. 

I haven't touched my "pending" folder in months, and a lot of paperwork requires follow-up, so I pulled all that this morning. Yeah!!! It's something that has to be done, or I get way behind, but hopefully, it won't take too long to make that all happen. A lot of it is just looking up an email, marking it complete, and then filing it. Well, I'm adding it to the pile that needs to be filed! 

So, I think I'm back on track, which is great! I have lots of sewing to do and a few samples to tidy up, which I'm going to start later today. I've got three short audiobooks that need to be listened to in the next week, so it's all good!

I can't believe how dark it's getting outside these days. It's 7 AM, and it's DARK! Even the girls are not anxious to go outside. 

OH—before I go, here's an article about Thimbles and Things' 25th anniversary. It's rare that a quilt store lasts that long, and this one, which changed ownership, is still going strong. 

Speaking of which -- for anyone in Spice Market, Dear Jen, and the Saturday Sampler (the later two at Thimbles and Things), I hope to get all confirmations out this weekend. So sorry for the delay. There is NOTHING that anyone needs for the first class except the pattern. 

On that note, I'm out of here! Got to get the girls walked and then downstairs to get some work done. 

Have a super day!!!


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