Tuesday, October 1, 2024

25 years of no use - let it go!!!

OK --- First, if you sent me a note about the Spice Market class, I created the distribution list last night and will be sending out a note this morning. Everyone who sent me a note is in the class if you want to—some people just asked questions, and they are on the list and have the option to stay in or opt-out. I have not yet reached my 100 limit on Zoom, so all is good. I ask for your patience just a wee bit longer. 

It's so nice to be home and not have to run around like an idiot prepping for the next trip, which I leave for later today. I still have a few things to prep, but my main goal was to finish the writing. That HAD to be done. 

I'm happy to report that I'm on the last article. I finished almost all of the editing this morning, and I'll complete that when I get back from walking the girls. Then I'll let it percolate for a couple of hours while I finish prepping for the trip, and then it can be sent before I need to leave for the airport. 

Speaking of the airport, I've always attempted to be at the airport one hour before the flight, as the baggage drop-off was 45 minutes. That left me a buffer of 15 minutes. Going forward, I'd better plan on being there one hour and 15 minutes before my flight, as they have changed the baggage drop-off to 60 minutes. When I don't have luggage to check, I'm pretty laid back about when I get there, but I still aim for 60 minutes. 

Can you believe that it's October 1? I may have a couple more trips before the end of the year. OK, so I'm very shallow—but I'm so close to getting my 35 K status next year that I will book a trip just to get enough points. My flights this week are short, so I'll still need some points. Hey - I was planning on a trip to Saskatchewan. DH knows someone who booked flights to Tokyo and Buenos Aires just to keep his Super Elite status. 

It was Monday Sewing, and I spent the entire time sorting and putting things away from the trip. All suitcases are unpacked, and two are sitting, ready to be repacked. The third one is in the closet. This is what the cutting table looked like in the morning, and it has almost been put away, which is great!!! 

The cutting table is a mess

Of course, Miss Murphy was downstairs helping! She was just sitting under the table, but the minute I pulled out my phone, she lay down! 

MOM -- so glad you're home!!!!

The "to be quilted" area is still in disarray because I did not put away the quilt tops I used for my presentations. That's a job for today. 

The "to be quilted" area

While chatting, someone mentioned a need for corduroy for the backs of fidget quilts. Their guild is actively making these and donating them. There's a significant demand. Well, guess what? I have an entire basket of corduroy, and I haven't touched it in years. Yes -- it kind of "hurt" to give that beautiful piece of red corduroy away, but seriously! I think I bought it to make M an outfit when she was little. She's almost 30 - I don't think I'll miss it. 

The basket of corduroy

So I packed it all into a bag and put the empty basket back on the shelf, where it'll be repurposed for something. I'm sure a few baskets could be sub-sorted, and this will soon get filled. I'd like to see more empty baskets, and actually, there are, as I got rid of all my flannel two years ago, but the baskets were repurposed to hold other things. It's all about keeping EVERYTHING accessible. And I'm getting there. 

An empty basket on the shelf

We were chatting about clothes yesterday and how people store them. I've seen so much excess in clothing the last week that my mind is still blown. I guess if some people looked at my fabric, they would be shocked, so I guess it's no different than their clothes. But I'm still on track to do that purge next week. Even though I have something every day next week, I'm home at least to work around appointments. 

I was checking out some USBs yesterday and came across a pile of Barbie pictures. These are pictures that I took of someone's collection many years ago when I was making a quilt to honor Barbie. Shoot, I should take a picture of that quilt. I'll try to remember today. Well, I do not need all these pictures, so bye-bye Barbie! 


I can only imagine how much other junk I will find on those USB sticks. So much junk needs to go! I get that it's on a USB, so who cares? Well, I do when I want to find something. So I've got to get a better system in place, and at some point, I need to work on my digital filing system. I have an excellent filing system, but not everything has yet been put in its home. So, there are a few things that I struggle to find. But I'll make it happen. 

This coming week, I'll be at Salon Quebec in St. Hyacinthe, on the east side of Montreal. It's going to be an easy week as there is no driving for me, no being the entertainment for 6 hours in a day. I'm just there to answer questions; otherwise, I'll spend the time sewing or embroidering. That's what I'm trying to prep. Thankfully, I have many projects that need quilting, so I went through that "to be quilted" list and pulled out four smaller projects that will be perfect for dealing with at a show. 

Remember to check out the QUILTsocial blog posts this week. Here's the link to the first one, which is about personalizing the Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER EPIC 3. If you have a DESIGNER EPIC 3, you should check out this post. There is lots of good information there!! If you don't have this sewing machine, there are always some tips you can pick up for use with your sewing/embroidery machine. 

Well, I'm off to get the girls out the door. They were both so excited yesterday to go for a walk, and Lexi is in desperate need of grooming again. The hair is literally falling out in handfuls. But would DH think to grab the brush? Nope. So we had a good session in the forest yesterday, and we will again today. 

I can hardly wait for next week. Not only will I be home, but I have to be home. DH had an incident a few months ago and tore his rotator cuff. So he's been going through the process, and surgery is scheduled for next week. However, the surgeon called yesterday saying he cannot do the surgery. Nope. It's so badly torn that fixing the rotary cuff won't work, so is he getting a shoulder replacement? I don't understand all the details. But I can only imagine what I must do to help him next week. I may wish I were back on the road! He will NOT be a good patient - I already know that. 

On that happy note, I'm out of here!!!

Have a super day!!!



  1. YAY for letting go!!! I'm a good purger however, I didn't downsize clothing as I gained weight even though I should have. I believed I would get into them again. Since retiring, replacing both knees and starting a walking/cardio program along with healthier eating (I do love food!), I have resized 3x. Just yesterday I gave away 5 pair of capri and jeans. I'm not a shopper so there isn't alot of any size here. Having dropped 3 sizes in 3 years, my closet has large empty spaces!

    I intend to be wearing everything I own by the end of 2025 by reducing that last size gained! I did gift away my work wardrobe when I retired 5y ago retaining only 1 suit and a few blouses. Now I wonder how it all fit in our small closet!🤣🤣

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  2. I have had 2 shoulder replacements, with excellent outcome. But, the rehab and physio is quite long term. For about 6 weeks, that shoulder will be immobilized, strapped inside a special sling. Tasks of daily living are very difficult one-handed. There will be physio for many months. I wish DH all the best.

    1. Barb --- this guy is living in a dream world!!! He asked the doctor if he could go to NYC for business ONE week after the surgery. He has ZERO clue what he is about to face. Which is why it scares me!!!! He has the sling and thinks it's just a temporary thing. Sigh.............

    2. Retired OR Orthopedic RN here. Believe it or not, this will be a much faster and easier recovery than a rotator cuff. But yeah, a week isn't realistic ;-)

    3. Yep --that's what surgeon said --- 3 months versus 6. But he's still living in a dream world. Sigh.
