I had such a great day yesterday! I felt like I could tackle the world, and while I didn't solve any global issues, I accomplished loads! Had some great conversations with the Long Time Gone class, and well - it was a great day! Let's see what happened.
Oh, first - I want to share some walking stuff. Here's the thing about the virtual challenges -- I'm learning TONS about the geography in the areas in which I walk. I'm currently walking the Appalachian Trail, which goes through the mountains along the eastern part of the United States. It's fascinating to see the terrain from the Google maps. You can't appreciate this from driving through the area, nor can you appreciate it from your regular maps. Have a look at what I mean.
This is just the weirdest range of mountains/hills that I've ever seen. Look at how the river cuts right through the mountains. I don't think I've ever seen that before. Don't rivers usually follow the contours of the mountains? OK - so after looking at the maps again, I really want to walk part of this trail!
Terrain in Pennsylvania |
Let's have a look at a couple of the photos from Google. I've had to cross some major highways along the trail. And look - here's a pedestrian bridge over one of the highways. What you see in the pictures is just the luck of the draw, depending on where you are. And DO NOT forget to look backward - you never know what you're going to find. If you look closely at the bridge, it's marked Appalachian Trail!!
A pedestrian crosswalk for the Appalachian Trail |
Now have a look at this next picture. Yes - that is a road, but it sure the heck looks like it's gravel and a small road right through the bush. It's MAPPED on Google. Go figure!! Goggle is EVERYWHERE.
A gravel road through the forest mapped by Google |
To contrast that, on my solo walk across Canada, I'm in the heart of Montreal!! Oh my - I miss that place! Lots of good memories from Montreal!
Google map image from Montreal |
But lots of good memories here and well - I like where I now live better than where I last lived in Montreal, so I can't complain!!!
Now let's get into the quilting stuff. I'll do the show and tell for Long Time Gone tomorrow. We're going to have lots of show and tell this week. It's also UFO club day, and I've got the presentation together, and OH MY --- everyone has been busy as little beavers this month. We are all getting so much done - it'll knock your socks off.
And I ALMOST added to it yesterday. Well, not the UFO, but the stash. I watched the NEW stuff that Sue has brought into Thimbles and Things, and OH MY - I want one of everything!!! I may go looking later today. The problem is that with limited supplies if you don't act fast - it's GONE! There is one book that I'd like to get. Actually, several books, so I might have a peek at that.
Remember the other day, I was complaining that all my mini design boards were tied up. Well, I lied. For some reason, I thought they were all on the table filled with stuff to sew. Not so - there were two of them in their usual spot. Somehow I missed that!
Empty mini-design boards |
A couple of wildlife photos before we get into the quilting stuff. I didn't get a better shot of the heron as I just stood and watched it. Imagine that - actually watching something without viewing it through a phone screen!! They are such a majestic bird. I bet that devil was scouting the neighborhood. Trying to remember which houses have fish in the backyard! We haven't had them in our backyard for several years. Actually, it wouldn't hurt if they stopped by and picked off a couple of the SMALL fish, but I bet they'd go for the big ones!
A heron |
And I see the woodpeckers almost every morning. I got a nice close-up video one day. I should post it - they are fascinating to watch. Tap, tap, tap........ You can hear them all over the forest!
A Downey Woodpecker |
And now onto the quilting stuff. This is why some of my stash buckets are overflowing. The other day, I was searching for some yellow fabric. Well, I found this HUGE whack of fabric in the stash basket. It's now measured and labeled. There were almost 9 yards of fabric there. That takes up a lot of room in a basket. I think that happened because I didn't have control over the larger yardage pieces designated for backings.
Almost 9 yards of fabric |
So this yellow piece got added to the stack of backings that are still looking for a home. There are currently six fabrics that need a spot on the shelf. So the moment I remove a piece of backing from the shelf, one of these will take its place. YES -- I'm not far from having all the backings on the shelf!! And each one is labeled with the yardage. It's so easy to find something that it's obscene, and why didn't I think about doing that years ago?
Labeled backing fabrics |
I was at the long arm for a good part of the day. Here's a customer quilt - DONE. It's not a big one, and I was on a roll.
Customer quilt - DONE |
Then I decided that I had better get a couple of the flannel quilts that Diane pieced. So I loaded the first one on the long arm, and it was soon done. They are about 40" by 44", so not huge. Diane has made the binding, so hopefully, I can get the binding on this one at Monday sewing.
Community project quilt - DONE |
But I wasn't done, and so I loaded another one. I LOVE my Quilt Path (the computer). It's been THREE years since I got that. Can you believe it? Absolutely worth every penny! Hands-free quilting, although it does require babysitting, so it doesn't do everything! I'm still the one in charge!
Hands-free quilting |
And who could do those perfect circles by hand?
The pattern on the long arm computer |
This turned out amazing! I LOVE it, and I love seeing the fabrics in the quilt. Some of those are PJ pants, some fabrics came from old projects, and some came from Ronda. So thanks to everyone who made a contribution to getting these community projects done!
Community projects quilt - DONE |
Look at those perfect circles!!!
Perfect circles |
Once the binding is on this one as well, they are ready to donate to Project Linus. I need to try and get a few of these done every month, as well as a couple of Quilts of Valour quilts. I haven't yet cracked the plastic on those two rolls of batting that you all donated money towards. There are a LOT of community project quilts, and if I could get all that out of my house? Why - the studio would be empty. Kidding!!!
I did a lot of piecing for the Long Time Gone project. Just wait until you see the homework. In the meantime, I got more of my Snail's Trails blocks done. Eight more to add to the stack!!! I believe there are now 27 of 48 done!!! Oh yes -- progress - slow and steady! Before I know it - I'll be done. Which is a good thing as I have a wee bit of homework to get caught up on Long Time Gone! That HAS to be done in the next two weeks!
More Snail's Trail blocks |
In case you think I'm taking photos of the same blocks, here's what my design boards look like. I could almost consolidate them onto one board now!! Yipppeeeee!!!!! I wonder if I have the right number of pieces?
The cut pieces for the Snail's Trail blocks |
It's going to be a busy day today, with UFO Club, EQ8 Club, and a handwork session. I wonder if they'd notice if I sewed during handwork? Actually, I should dig out that quilt that I was hand binding and finish that. Still not done. I've been reading in the evening, and there's no time for handwork!!!
I"m not out of the woods yet with my low back and knee issues, but I swear I feel like a new person after all that massage this past week. I feel like I have a new knee!!! It's a miracle! And it's totally a muscle issue. Thank goodness for that. So keep up with those exercises!! It makes my daily walks so much more pleasant, and I'm averaging about 11.5 KM each day - almost totally pain-free.
I swear, though, that EVERYONE needs to walk or ride a bike around a commercial area. You need to see what I see as a pedestrian. Yesterday some guy just blew past me as I was about to cross the exit from a grocery store. I was close enough that I banged on the back of his stopped car. He opened his window and yelled at me, and I yelled right back at him that he was an idiot and thanked him profusely for stopping! People in cars do NOT get it!! They feel it's their right to do what they want. It drives me crazy!! I know people are probably afraid to have me as a passenger in the car! I would be too!
I've learned that you trust NO ONE on the road, not cyclists, not pedestrians, not other cars. You must be on ALERT 100% of the time! OK -- BREATH - BREATH DEEP!!!
And then you have Miss Lexi. She's just calm and collected all the time. OK - most of the time. She loves to sleep in her kennel, and as I was putting my shoes on for the afternoon walk, I looked up, and there she was, watching me! She doesn't move her head, but her eyes will follow you. It's kind of creepy!!!
Lexi chilling in her kennel |
Well, it's time to get the day started!!! Lots of stuff happening, and I'm happy to report that I won't be at the last minute prepping stuff for today!! It's all done. What has happened to me? Oh, don't worry - I have loads to do - I'm just trying to get ahead of the game. I do have homework notes to send out, and my goal is to get it done today!!!
I also need to get into my garage. I have two bike racks for sale, and I need to get the locks for both of them before they can go up on a website. There's a huge shortage, and well - I might as well sell what I'm not going to use. No hitch on my car - so no bike racks! If the bike doesn't fit in the car - then I'll just ride from home, which is what I'm mostly doing now.
Have a super day!!!
We Have sand hill cranes here. Years ago, there was just one pair. Apparently their babies are also returning here. There are now 6 or 7 pairs. They eat in the fields surrounding our house and they fly over the house to go back to the river (where their nests are). They are also very noisy and always make noise when flying. Can't miss them when I am outside.
ReplyDeleteOh my -- when I lived on the prairies - I remember sand hill cranes!! I just want to come and build a bunkie and live in your backyard!!! Have a great day!!!