Looking at my memories on Facebook, one year ago, yesterday was my FIRST class on ZOOM. Oh boy -- what I didn't know when I started and now look! I was on Zoom for most of yesterday! Who knew that was going to happen and that Zoom would become our lifeline (so to speak!). And HEY - my hair is getting so long.
There are so many ideas for classes and demos; there just isn't enough time to run them all. As long as people keep signing up, I'll keep running them. I have a stack of ideas, and I'm always on the lookout for more. Plus, I have another idea festering in my head, and I'm not sure I can pull it off. I need to have a chat with M to see what she thinks.
Two very successful classes in the morning. I say successful because most people are caught up in the homework, they are enjoying the classes and the notes, and they learn something. Ah - the satisfaction of that. I know that I am so not motivated by money (but do not tell DH that) - I'm motivated by the participants.
Then a demo on chenille. What a fun task that was to prep for that demo. I found a few things in the boxes that, well - I need to get working on some chenille. I love the texture of it.
But while I was on the demo, someone asked me about the chenille foot. AHA - I have my handy rolling cabinets right beside me in my Zoom station.
My supply cabinets at the ready |
In mere seconds, I had located the foot. It does pay to be organized!!! I didn't need to lift my butt off the chair - it was right there!
After all that was done, it was time to relax before the Virtual Retreat started at 6 PM. So you know what that means. Well, I did go for a walk BEFORE I hit the gazebo. I have to keep my mileage up each day, and an old friend called, so I grabbed my headphones and went for a long walk. It was a great way to do two things at once.
Then I hit the gazebo with my after walk snack, some reading material, and well - I had a glorious nap. I had been up late the night before getting everything prepped.
The view from the gazebo |
Then it was time for the Virtual Retreat. While I like all days, I love the virtual retreat. A great way to catch up on the local news. People buying and selling houses, sewing machines, quilt shop updates, and a whole lot more. Sorry - you have to be there to get the scoop!!!
And while we Zoomed, I did get some work done. I finally finished Section 1 of Long Time Gone, and it's now stitched to Section 2 and 3. Section 6 is on the design wall, and I hope to get that done today, and then I'll be working on those pineapple blocks. It all has to be done by May 15, and that will be here before I know it, so I can't slow down. I'll be sewing pineapple blocks later today.
Section 1, 2, and 3 of Long Time Gone |
Then I had a few blocks from Bonnie and Camille to finish off. This month, we had three blocks to make, but one needed three of the same to be made, one required two, and thankfully, the hardest one was only one block. I usually get one of each done and have to finish up the rest later.
So this is the second block I made. I'll show you all of Bonnie and Camille tomorrow or at least this coming week.
Bonnie and Camille block |
And here are the other two blocks that needed to be made. I finished those up at 10 PM last night - way past my bedtime. But hey - when you have good company, why not keep sewing? The best news - the Bonnie and Camille project is totally up-to-date for the month. Phew - one down and a few to go!
Bonnie and Camille block |
Bonnie and Camille block |
And there's one more Snail's Trail block.
Snail's Trail block |
I now have 33 done - only 15 left to go!!! I'll get through that easy peasy! It sure helps that everything is cut and ready to sew. I wonder if I cut enough??? I might have to put them in pairs or just randomly choose them. I'll see how I feel. I hope to get completely caught up with All in a Row by the next class, but that's coming up rather quickly!
15 more blocks to sew |
I had no choice but to empty the scrap box. It was getting a bit unruly! This looks so much better.
The scrap box is empty |
The Virtual Retreat starts at 10 AM this morning, and I've cleaned off my sewing space.
The sewing space is ready to go |
The ironing board is clear as well.
The ironing board is clear |
And there's the mess on the cutting table. My goal today is to get some of the pineapple blocks done - three would be great. Finish Section 6 of the Long Time Gone quilt and deal with the stuff on the left half of the cutting table. That would be a huge accomplishment for the day.
The cutting table needs a bit of work |
It shouldn't take that long. I know - STOP laughing because we all know what happens when you say that. NOTHING takes just a few minutes. So if I think I'll deal with that today - it might take all week! I hope not. While there are a few things to sew or fix, a lot of that just needs to be put away.
I already put some stuff away. Here are my demo boxes that I've used for years. Topics like binding, quilting, basting, etc. All the tools and samples are in their respective box. I really need to clean them out because the lids don't sit well on some of them any longer. But oh my - when I think of all the demos that I've done over the years. This taught me to put task-specific things together. At the drop of a hat - I can give you a demo on many things!
My demo boxes |
Is there a task today? Nope - it's Sunday, and it's Virtual Retreat day. Your job is to stop by and say hello!!
I have a few e-mails to answer this morning. How the heck can my e-mail just explode in a short time? I do need to find a way to sort the personal ones from the mass mailings. Delete? Flag the personal ones when they come in? Put them into a folder? I'm not sure what is going to be best. But it does require a bit of work and discipline.
Anyway, here's the link for today.
On that note, I'd better get moving if I want to get through the e-mails, be on time for the retreat, and then work my way through the list of things for today. I did peek at my calendar for this coming week. WHAT HAPPENED?? It's almost completely wide-open? Since I don't completely control my entire calendar - I think some stuff got shifted. WOW - A whole week with almost nothing to do? However, will I cope? Don't worry - I need to work on stuff that I know is coming with a deadline, so it doesn't become urgent.
Have a great day, and hope to see you later!!!!
You will totally get today's list done! Once I got in the swing of our mini pineapples they went quickly!
ReplyDeleteHow many pet beds did you get stuffed from the scrap bucket?
I love that you use pizza boxes for samples. Great idea! I might borrow that for quilt top construction/transport.
Cheers to virtual retreating. Have a terrific day and I'm excited for your mostly empty calendar week. Can't wait to see what you choose to work on :-)
Elle -- pizza boxes work amazing for storage. I used to purchase them from a packaging company in bundles of 50. I'd sell some, but I have a LOT of them. The 14" square Iris plastic storage containers also work well for storing!!!