I'm sure we've all had those days that we wish never happened. That was yesterday!
Let's see -- what didn't go right. I slept badly last night (thanks in no part to Miss Lexi banging on the door at 1 AM, NEEDING to come in), and then I couldn't get back to sleep. I quilted the quilt from hell (The quilt was fine - the backing situation was not - I should have said NO), I spent more time on the phone than I normally do and ended up in a discussion about something I said I wouldn't, and that just gets my blood boiling. I didn't get much cleared off my plate in the paperwork department. And the internet went down in the middle of a presentation and took forever to come back up. Sigh...................
However - today is a NEW day, and it's going to be better. There's NOTHING on my calendar for the next five days. And while I wish I were going to my sewing retreat, we're going back into stay-at-home order, and I'll be at home sewing up a storm.
I'm going to take today and play catchup. I NEED to get all that paperwork done today. So I'm going to put my phone away and focus focus focus.
I need to get to some e-mails that I've ignored, and well - I'll take one day to try and get it all caught up, and then I'll have four days to do what I want.
Here's the customer quilt I quilted. It's adorable, and all those shirts on the penguins are adorable. The customer made the backs of some of the penguins with the name and number of the "players". That's Pittsburgh Penguin fabric, in case you can't see it.
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Customer quilt - DONE |
Let's just say that a bit more backing would have been nice. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
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The backing was very TIGHT |
I ran out of thread on the top, which doesn't happen very often, but I had another spool - I knew that before I started!
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Almost empty spool of top thread |
It just so happens that I ran out of thread on the bobbin as well. I also knew that was going to happen.
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Bobbin thread ran out |
I did have second spools of both, so no issues with the thread.
On our morning walk, I spied this bookcase in the forest. It seemed to be perfectly OK, so why was it in the forest? And not on the curb where someone could potentially take it home, and yesterday, I saw on my street four perfectly good chairs, a hat rack (which I contemplated bringing home), and a small computer desk. I think they were hoping someone would pick them up. We live on a dead-end street with not much driveby traffic. Instead of being donated, they went to the landfill—what a shame.
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A bookcase in the forest |
When I walked by the bookcase after lunch, it was trashed. What a shame, and who is going to clean up this mess. Remember that broken mirror on the side of the street? It's still there. I'm tempted to take something to pick it up.
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The bookcase is now trash |
A couple of good moments happened yesterday, so it wasn't a total wash, although it was close.
Here is my Section Three for the Long Time Gone quilt.
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Section Three |
However, when I laid Section Two out beside Section Three - something didn't jive. Can you spot it??
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Oh oh --- this isn't going to work |
Good grief - so I had to rip that wee section out and turn it around.
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This is much better |
And there it is - Sections Two and Three are sewn together. Good thing since I need that design wall today, and so all the blocks are going to come down. Only four more sections to sew together, but I've got blocks to make before that's going to happen. We have until the middle of June to get it totally assembled - loads of time!!!
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Section Two and Three together! |
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The view from the gazebo |
And I spied this butterfly (moth??) on my walk to the post office after lunch. There were three of them flitting around the forest. Isn't it a bit early??? I believe it's called the Mourning Cloak Butterfly. I see it's a butterfly that comes out in spring.
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A butterfly |
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Miss ALOOF Lexi |
And there's Murphy's outdoor toy. That stuffed bear is a mess, but she loves it and will carry the darn thing around, especially when she's stressed. It's one of her stress toys. What a goof.
So - I'm off to have a better day. Not answering the phone, not listening to the news (I know what's coming - stay-at-home order - yet people will continue to ignore this because they are TOO IMPORTANT to abide by it - STOP - blood pressure is rising), and going to get this paperwork done and also a bit of sewing. It WILL be a better day!!! Yesterday is in the past - let's move forward.
Have a super day!!!!
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