I'm happy to report that I'm right on track for today after yesterday's marathon sewing and two presentations. I have two classes and a demo. The presentations for the two classes are done. The photos for the demo are taken and just need to be loaded into a presentation. Phew -- who knew all that could happen in a day! I'm looking forward to the virtual retreat tonight.
BUT a bad thing happened. Very bad. And I must remember - FOCUS - FOCUS - FOCUS!!!
So, you know that I have UFOs tucked all over the place - well, mostly in Studio B. I had to pull some boxes to get photos for the demo.
I found this project this morning. Oh my -- I've no idea why it was in the box of chenille stuff, but I think I know why. I know that I have another 9 blocks in the same style somewhere in the house. This one is totally together and just needs a border. Do I find fabric for the border? Or do I put it with the unfinished quilt tops?
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Magic Tile pattern |
And I was chatting with the shop owner for yesterday's presentation. That resulted in pulling a project that I left at the sewing machine. Should I attempt to get it done tonight? It is on my UFO list for last year.
Or should I just put both of those projects back where I found them and FOCUS on what's currently on the table?
I have to say that I even turned off the computer yesterday. I needed to maximize my time, and I don't work as fast as I could with the computer on and streaming video. SO - I may have to stop that for a wee bit.
Before I get to the homework, I want to mention that I have THREE more of the Snail's Trail blocks done!!! They need to be trimmed. There was zero time to trim them.
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Snail's Trail blocks |
I did consolidate all the pieces onto one design board. Those three above bring the total to 31—only 17 more to go. I might have them completed after the Virtual Retreat this weekend. Well - that will depend on what I decide to focus on. But they should be done for the next All in a Row show and tell.
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Progress on the Snail's Trails blocks |
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The cutting table during a whirlwind cutting session |
I have to say that I'm also watching some of the Alex Anderson live sessions, and she is downsizing. Not downsizing her house, just what's in it. As she said earlier this week - she sees her friends downsizing because they are actually moving, and she has accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. She knows that it needs to be done. I think we should talk - we're so much alike!!!! I've been saying that for a long time, and hopefully, because people have been home, we're all starting to realize that! I'm in pretty good shape. BUT if you saw the studio at the moment, well, there is stuff everywhere. After the sessions today, I hope to put it back together again.
Now let's have a look at the homework from Urbanologie.
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Urbanologie by Sew Kind of Wonderful |
We're a small group, and several people didn't get their homework done. I have faith that they'll have it complete for next month. I have to say that I have the BEST (well - at least for me) filing system for my photos. The ones I use for class - the other ones - not so much!! But that will come. I can pretty much find anything related to the blog or any classes. This has only happened recently since we moved to Zoom - I had no choice but to find a way, and I did!
This is the class where curved piecing rules. EVERY block has some curved piecing in it, and the participants are doing great!!!
These trees belong to Lorraine. She's fairly new to quilting, and tackling all those curves is a super accomplishment.
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Lorraine |
She also got all six of the arrows done!!!
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Lorraine |
These are Cathy's trees. She made an extra one so she can pick and choose. Actually, it was all about the background.
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Cathy |
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Cathy |
Here are my trees.
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Elaine |
And I will confess that I screwed up the arrowhead, and so far, I only have one done. The rest are cut out and partially sewn together. I'm going to have a BLUNT-tipped arrow so it technically won't harm anything! It's all about how you read the directions, which I struggled with.
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One of six arrow blocks |
This month we have to make five blocks. I have ONE done. I think my focus for the Virtual Retreat should be on the homework and getting things caught up! It's so boring to be logical and rational. I might do homework tonight and then work on something else tomorrow. There's so much just ready to sew!!!
On that note, I see the girls are waiting patiently for the moment when Mom says - "let's go for a walk." Poor Lexi always goes second. However, one day when I felt sorry for her and took her first, then she demanded a walk when I came back from walking Murphy. Sigh............
Here's the information for the Virtual Retreat TONIGHT. Remember - you can just drop in to say HI, or you can stay awhile. It's free!!!! Maybe you should all check in with me to see what I'm actually working on.
Saturday, April 24th, 6 PM - 9 PM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254233911?pwd=VGQrTnFybW1HMWpleHA4M2Q2NGVwZz09 Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797
Sunday, April 25th, 10 AM - 8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87246635892?pwd=VGY1cUUyLzRaRi9VUVV2ZWFINXc2dz09 Meeting ID: 872 4663 5892 Passcode: 440473
Have a super day!!!!
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