Stay CALM! You know you have a presentation all prepped and ready to go. You know that because you did the presentation last week. However, ONE hour before giving the same presentation, you can't find it. You have a meticulous filing system, and yet - where is it? As a matter of fact, where's the ENTIRE folder with all SIX presentations.
After a wee bit of searching and coming up with Plan B while you do this, you discover the ENTIRE folder got moved into another folder. Thank goodness for keeping a cool head! All is well; the presentation went off just fine, and let's not let that happen again!
Yesterday was a weird day. I accomplished a lot, but yet I don't have much to show for it. I puttered in Studio B with the tidying thing, and I finished up some writing assignments. I just couldn't bring myself to get back to the computer to get any homework written. That's for today.
I also attacked the pile of junk that I pulled from the shelf. Oh boy - I found a binder with membership lists from guilds I used to belong to. York Heritage in 2005/06 and 2006/07. Pages and pages of names and addresses - it was a large guild. I'm not sure how big it is now. Halton Hills - 2009/10 and 2010/11. And many years with the Mississaguag Guild. I only found the membership list from 2003. Gosh - I know this is morbid, but I wonder how many of those members are no longer with us?
And I also found this. Two manuals with exercises that came on a floppy disk, so you know they are old.
Old software manuals |
The disks are gone, and the manuals are in the recycling after I pulled the coil binding off them.
And then there are these boxes. If you buy Pandora charms, you know what they are! Well, I have four of them that have been languishing in the Pandora bag on the desk forever! What can one do with all this excess packaging? NOTHING. So they'll go in the garbage. How many MILLIONS of those boxes are in the landfill?
Pandora boxes |
After consulting with my Pandora Peeps (friends who buy lots of charms), they ask that the charms NOT be put in boxes whether they are buying online or in the store. YES - I should have done that as well. I feel guilty about this waste!!! Oh well - get rid of them and move on. We can't be paralyzed by something so small.
And here's the latest customer quilt. I'll be trimming quilts today!
Customer quilt - DONE |
OK -- so let's look at the Bonnie and Camille homework from last week. I don't think I posted the Bonnie and Camille homework from last month!
Here's the book so you can see which quilt we're working on.
Bonnie and Camille book |
The first set of blocks belong to Bev. Love those blue fabrics!!!
Bev |
Catherine's blocks look very cheery with those reds and blues.
Catherine |
Here are Donna's three blocks. Love the coloring on these ones, and look at the florals in the second block!
Donna |
Donna |
Donna |
Look at the floral fabrics in Elizabeth's blocks! I love that even though I'm not a huge floral fan!!
Elizabeth |
Heidi is using THREE colors (three fabrics??) for her blocks. I wondered how it would work, but it's amazing!!!
Heidi |
Heidi |
Heidi |
Karen has a soft feel happening with her blocks. As I say with all these quilts, they will look so different because of the choice of fabric!
Karen |
Karen |
Karen |
These are Kathi's blocks. Kathi loves to fussy cut, and I see she's got a nice flower in the center of one of her blocks.
Kathi |
Loretta is using jewel tones that coordinate with a focus fabric. That's going to be very pretty.
Loretta |
These are Lucy's blocks. Doesn't that one with the gold in it just make you happy? And notice that she reversed the values of the flying geese units.
Lucy |
Margaret is working with a mottled grey background which looks awesome. I love how we're using stuff that we have in our stash that may have gotten passed over before. Now we're learning to use what we have!
Margaret |
The next three blocks are Marilyn's. Very cheery colors. A note to everyone - if a fabric has straight lines or a straight design on it and you can't deal with the crooked lines - don't buy them as they will never be printed straight on the fabric.
Marilyn |
Marilyn |
Marilyn |
Next up are Rose's blocks. Many people are following the coloring in the book, more or less, and that's OK.
These are Sheila's blocks from the first two months. I think she's going to redo the block in the top center row. Sometimes, we get a good idea, and then when we add other blocks, it might stick out. Thankfully, these blocks are easy!
Sheila |
Val is using a coordinated bundle to make her blocks. Yes - she made one of the wrong blocks, but that's OK - it's the homework for this month!
Val |
And the last is Zildi. OK -- I LOVE that pinwheel block with the striped fabric. That just makes me want to sing!!!
Zildi |
Here are my blocks.
Elaine |
Elaine |
Elaine |
How fun are those quilts going to look when they are done!!!
Well, even though there are no presentations today, the schedule is FULL. More quilts to quilt, the cutting table is ALMOST empty. I was a busy bee yesterday, and things are getting prepped or put away. The stack of stuff to sew is HIGH! But that's OK, I have a couple of "empty" days the next couple of days. It's cold today, so no danger of sneaking out to sit in the gazebo! My boss doesn't like when I do that! 😂😂😂
I'm going to repurpose some storage shelves to be more efficient, and I did find something at IKEA for my desk. I'm going to contemplate it for a couple of days and see if it would really help the issue. I also need a MOUSE PAD. I might find one around the house. Actually, I need TWO of them - one for each computer. Does anyone use those mousepads with the wrist rest? My wrist is hanging off the desk's edge always, which is probably not a good thing, but I don't feel any issues with my wrist.
Don't forget to check out QUILTsocial today. In my quest to finish up my UFOs, I used my sewing machine to finish a hand project.
On that note, I'm out of here!!!
Have a super day!!!
It is amazing to see everyone's color choices, I can't wait to see how very different the finished quilts will be because of the color choices. Great class and I'm learning a lot of great tips and best practices.
ReplyDeleteI have a mouse pad with the wrist rest. I like it. When I was still working full time, I started having problems with my right thumb, not the wrist. It was so painful to use a mouse with my right hand that I taught myself to use the mouse with my left hand. I am now ambidextrous with a mouse...LOL! It is good to switch it up and it depends on where I am sitting as to which hand I use the mouse with.
ReplyDeleteAnd...if you wait until you start feeling pain in your wrist, the damage is already well advanced. Better to not get to that point.