I had a super day yesterday, and well, I had to be outside since the weather was so amazing! I have to confess that after my walk, the gazebo was calling my name, and it'll be just for a minute while I have my snack. Alas, that didn't happen. I fell asleep, lulled by the wind in the trees and the wind chimes. But I was in my T-shirt and loving every minute of it! I didn't nap long, but it was glorious!
The girls were happy - they could come and go as they please for most of the day, as I left the door open for part of the day.
Like seriously - isn't this just the most relaxing sight you've seen? The noise of the wind, the wind chimes, and soon the waterfall - well, it's just the best!
The view from the gazebo |
I took a short video of the wind chimes so you can hear how beautiful they sound. I love shopping for wind chimes! If you listen carefully, you can hear the bamboo chimes as well. And while it sounds like I'm at the ocean, that's the wind in the trees. If the big arrow on the video doesn't work, click the smaller arrow in the bottom left-hand corner. But make sure the sound is on!!!!
And it got very windy, and the trees were going crazy.
How did you make out with eliminating some of the old computer books? I hope you at least got rid of one or two of them. They are outdated, and there's no reason to keep them.
I pulled this off the shelf and went through part of it. Actually, I had an urge to purge yesterday, but I had no time - well, I had time obviously;y since I was in the gazebo, but I didn't get the priority quite right. Don't worry - I was at the computer late last night and very early this morning to get the rest of the writing assignment done.
There were some books and two packages of software.
My sorting task for yesterday |
Hmm - a book on Windows VISTA and the 2002 version of Microsoft Publisher. Both of those books went in the recycling bin, which got picked up yesterday. Do I feel any remorse? The only remorse is that I bought those books and probably never even opened them. That's disturbing. But that software is long gone, and time to get rid of the books. There's no need to even think of donating them. They are HISTORY and not worth keeping.
Old manuals - GONE |
Here's the thing -- we NEED to get rid of these old manuals. If the software is gone, the product doesn't exist any longer - do your kids a favor and get rid of them. You will NEVER open them.
I found a box not even opened. The plastic seals were still intact. I thought it was software.
A box of software? |
But when I did open it, I found some cable that would allow you to transfer videos from your video camera to the computer.
A cable |
Gosh -- do people even use video cameras any longer??? It was for Windows XP, and the box was dated 2001. For heaven's sake - why was I buying all this stuff and then never using it? Thankfully that habit is long gone, but it's annoying that I didn't see the light back then. However, I do now, and it's time to deal with the mess I created! Slowly! I did get rid of other stuff, but I won't bore you with a picture of everything I got rid of.
Oh - I found another annoying thing - I'll share that tomorrow as I didn't take pictures, but I will because it annoys me.
I got another customer quilt done. I need to start trimming quilts - there's a bit of a backlog in that area.
Customer quilt - DONE
But I need to finish clearing up the cutting table. I did get some stuff put away, but I also added some stuff. Studio B is looking pretty spiffy at the moment. I'll have a bit of flexibility with the schedule over the next couple of days, so I hope to make big inroads to get everything put away in a more neat and organized fashion.
What did I learn yesterday? Well, I have crazy customers who want crazy things done to their quilts. Could I use TWO pantographs on alternating rows? I have no idea, but it turns out that YES, I can. That Quilt Path software is brilliant! Now I don't think these two designs go together well, so this isn't going to happen, but I can mess around it for future ideas.
Two different pantographs |
What's on the agenda for today? Two more presentations and a lot of writing. I need to catch up on the homework assignments and some paperwork that has been sitting here. I'm also playing around with the arrangement of making my desk space more efficient, and I think I've got it figured out. It means the purchase of a small table and a bit more cleaning, but for the moment, it works. It's amazing what can happen when you start to have a wee bit of room and get rid of some of the layers and layers of paper that just doesn't need to be kept any longer.
Baby steps!
And let's not forget the e-mail that I've almost totally ignored over the last week. I see another delete session coming up!
I have two links to share with you this morning. Leslie sent me this link for a comedian, and the theme of his skit is "
Never Marry a Crafty Woman!". I have to say that I got a chuckle or two from it.
Oh my -- so much to do, so little time!!! I PROMISE that tomorrow, I'll have show and tell for you.
Hmm - what can we tidy up today? Well, I know that you all did NOT finish those computer books as you had to pry them from your husband's hands. Pry a little harder and get rid of them. Hmm - the same goes for textbooks. Some textbooks may still have some value, but ALL documents from university, whether it's your own, or your kids - NEEDS to go. Don't even ask your kids about their stuff - if it's been at your house for years, then they likely do NOT want it so toss it!!! Don't worry M, you haven't been away for that long, and most of the junk is gone. But she really does need to clean out the clothes in that closet in her old room. Hmmm....................
But let's get the day started!
Have a super day!!!!
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