Monday, September 16, 2024

I'm NOT hungry!

It's so good to be home and know I can sleep in my bed for a week. Although the days will be long as I attend some work-related classes/meetings, I'm just an attendee, so nothing has to be prepared! 

I was up early yesterday—I didn't sleep well, and I was in a different time zone. I hadn't eaten well the day before, or should I say at the party. There was tons of nibble food, and it was good, but I just wasn't super hungry. I had eaten a large breakfast that morning, and it took forever to digest it. 

So, I was hungry when I got up, and I had another big breakfast, but it didn't sit well with me again. It was an omelet and home fries. That's it! But maybe it was the hot chocolate that I treated myself with. Anyway, it wasn't a good combination, but that's OK. I wasn't sick; I just wasn't hungry. 

I went for a walk and picked up another geocache. I almost felt like I was back in Spain - there are many hills in this part of Vancouver! 

Yes -- that road goes UP

The geocache I spotted was interesting because it was stuck in the bottom of a stake beside a lamp pole. Yep, you have to look everywhere for some of these things. 

Interesting geocache placement

I was going to get one more, and to do that, I had to cross several big highways. But no worries—there are bike paths everywhere, so that was easy. 

Bike path under the highway

When I arrived, I found where the geocache was hidden. However, the grass was long and wet, and there were brambles around. I wasn't going to get soaked for that, so I left that one and returned to the hotel. 

I was near a large grocery store and spotted this. The date is September 16, and the pumpkins have arrived but are not quite ready for sale. The year is zipping by way too fast, and before we know it, it's going to be 2025!!!!

The pumpkins have arrived!

Back at the hotel, I had a wee snooze to try and make up for some of the lost sleep, and then we were off to brunch. We hosted a brunch in the morning for all the family members who could attend. We picked a restaurant in the casino, which is close to the airport. I was very excited when I walked in and spotted yellow arrows on the floor! WAIT—I'm not walking the Camino! 

Yellow arrows!!!!

We were not allowed to walk through the casino and had to walk outside, which was fine. 

It's become a big joke about airport escalators not working! I'm OK with that, but some of my colleagues live in areas where the escalators are also broken. So when I spotted this curved escalator inside the casino, I had to take a picture and post it for Karen! How the heck can they make this happen? Anyway, I'm sure DH and our friends just shook their heads at what I take pictures of and what I get excited about! 

A curved escalator

Their lives are so "boring" compared to mine! I'm sure (and know) that they all have their own quirks. Mine just seem to be more public! I'm OK with that. 

I went to brunch and got to spend more time visiting with my aunt and cousin, as well as the others who attended. I think we were 18? I'm not sure—I didn't count. But there I am at a buffet, and I have nothing to eat or drink. I have ZERO interest in putting anything in my stomach, which is unheard of for me! 

I was flying home a bit earlier than DH and had to leave while the others were enjoying their dessert. Getting to the airport was easy, as the casino was beside a Sky Train station. So I hopped on that, and I was off. 

Going to the airport via Sky Train is the most civilized thing in the world. It's quiet, and there are usually never any lineups! I highly recommend the Sky Train to get to the Vancouver Airport. 

I did purchase a few things to eat, hoping to get hungry on the plane. And then WAIT --- who's this? 

Hey - it's Paul!!!!

Yes, there's Paul. I know—I didn't even get pictures of anyone at the buffet lunch, but I got a picture of Paul. Actually, he took the picture! I knew that he was on this flight home from his back-to-back Alaskan quilting cruises. I also bumped into Patti, who was coming off the same cruise. 

We chatted for about 5 minutes, and then it was time to get on the plane. This is the view from my window as we took off. I love that you must fly out over the ocean or whatever this body of water is called at this point and then back over land. Well, I suppose it depends on which runway you use and the direction of the wind. Oh great -- it's called the Strait of Georgia. The ocean! There's Vancouver Island to contend with before you get to the ocean!

The view from my seat

I slept a bit on the plane, and I finally ate my yogurt. Not because I was super hungry, but because I thought I should eat something and didn't want to carry the darn thing all the way home. Was I feeling better? Wait—it's not like I was feeling sick. I just wasn't hungry, which NEVER happens to me. 

I was literally at the back of the plane. I was in row 57, and a few more rows were behind me. 

We finally arrived in Toronto at 9:30 PM. That's when the plane arrived at the gate, and we arrived at the far end of the terminal, which is usual. 

So, it took me 10 minutes to get off the plane, and then I powerwalked (I do NOT use people movers) to the door. I ordered an Uber, and I was home by 10:14 PM. Yep, it took just less than 45 minutes from the moment the seatbelt sign went off to walking in the front door. I love where we live. 

Yes, the girls were ecstatic to see me. At that point, I ate my muffin, but I was still not craving food. I quickly unpacked my meager possessions from my suitcase and was in bed—fast asleep. 

I slept in this morning because I'm tired, and now I have to get ready to leave for today's adventure! The girls aren't getting a walk, which they don't know yet. 

I'm gone all day for five days, but I'm home in the evening, where I'll try to catch up on some sewing, quilting, and writing!!! It's going to be a long but exciting week. Then, I believe there is an in-person event at the Hobby Horse on Saturday. So be sure to sign up for that—there is lots of cool stuff to learn, and in-person events are always exciting. 

And there's a Virtual Retreat this coming weekend. Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon, so be sure to put that on your calendar.

Have a super day!!!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

The engagement party

The blog will be a bit late today for those who use it for breakfast entertainment. It was a busy day, and hey—we all want to see the pictures of the reason we flew out here. 

First—yeah—to Air Canada. They have reached a tentative deal, and the strike is averted. I was all checked in—at the back of the plane—row 57! Yep—it's a big plane. But no worries about it being canceled. 

Should I start with the evening and work back to the morning? Heck no -- you have to read about my day before the party!

Of course, I had to go for a walk, and I found myself near a beautiful cemetery. And yes, it was wet. It wasn't raining too hard at this point, but I had an umbrella. 

Walking up the road to the cemetary

In the cemetery, I found this beautiful area for the niches. How "fun" would that be to be remembered here. 

The pond for the niches

Those niches in the front are in the pond. I don't think we care so much where our remains are—it's all about those who will come and visit us! I'm technically a transient resident in this country, so I don't have a "home" cemetery! I'll figure that out when the time comes—or maybe I won't. 

Then, it was off to do some geocaching, and I found three of them. This area is absolutely beautiful, and you really don't feel like you are in the city at all. Dillon lives somewhere in this area, and they regularly have black bears visit them in their backyard!! Yikes—Little Bear must be supervised at all times!!! 

But why are you seeing a picture of this tree? Because there's a geocache container nearby.

The location of the first geocache

This is just a pedestrian crossing sign until it's also an excellent place to hide a geocache. 

A good hiding spot for a geocache

Some of them are so darn tiny!!! OK, I cheated. I didn't bother unrolling that little piece of paper and then attempting to fit it back in. I had it in my hand. Whether I signed it or not, I don't think anyone is going to check. 

The geocache container and the log

The last one was hidden in this tree. It was really starting to rain at this point—well, it was not a downpour, but as I tramped in the bushes, I got a bit wetter! 

The third geocache

I laughed as I walked through part of one of the university grounds. There were a bunch of shared cars in the parking lot. Yep, they all had roof racks on them—for skis or whatever. We are near ski country here!!!!

The shared cars

Then, it was off to the venue to help set up. I had not questioned M what exactly had to be done, and I have to say that I was expecting to help lay out a few things, but NO—when I arrived, Dillon drove up in the truck, and there were all the supplies in the back! The venue supplied the main tables and chairs, but she wanted some special things, including more intimate seating areas and drapes to hide one end of the hall. 

So, between her friend Yagana, myself, M, her half-brother Alex, and Dillon, we got that place pretty ship shape in a very short period of time. I must say that it warmed my heart to know that she and Dillon were prepared to do this work instead of hiring someone to do it for them. Does that mean my child is becoming responsible with money? I can only hope!! 

I had to stop at Canadian Tire on the way back to the hotel to get some fishing line so we could hang up one sign, but I managed just fine. I was back at the hotel with minutes to spare to have a shower and then back in the car to get to the venue to hang the sign and be ready for when the guests arrived. 

Oh, I gave Dillon his quilt. He laughed when I gave it to him because he said that made it official—he was now part of the family. I should have a better picture somewhere, but I literally threw it at him and said that it wasn't a good time, but that's OK—I really wanted him to get it on this trip. 

Dillon and his quilt

I cannot say enough how happy I am about M and Dillon. They ground each other so much, and I look forward to hearing about the crazy things they will do as a couple. 

And now for the party!! There were so many people who came! So many relatives came and on her side - they came from Halifax, New Brunswick, Alberta, Ontario (us), San Diego, and, of course, BC. It was exciting because I hadn't even met some of those relatives. They had friends from high school attend, as well as Dillon's family who are here. Even his Nana, who is 100, came. And she was amazing - such a wonderful lady to talk to. 

I had to take a picture of M's shoes, as they were super cute. They were a bit too high for me, but she loved them. I noticed at one point that she was in a pair of flat sandals!!!!!!

M's shoes

I loved her dress - it was beautiful, and the skirt was so cute!!!! This is Dillon and M as they listen to some of the speeches. Or should I say the toasts to them!! 

M and Dillon

I "cheated" and got up and spoke off the cuff. Why not? They needed to hear a few stories of M when she was a child—or at least to prepare Dillon for what was ahead! And everyone needed to know the story of the actual engagement in Hawaii!! And how we messed up and ran into M on the first day of our trip. It's a great story, and we can all laugh about it now!! Then? It wasn't so funny!

Hopefully, after all the hard work and the quilt, I've redeemed myself!!! No worries—all is good. 

And then they got up and spoke. There was a photographer there who took loads of pictures, so hopefully, we'll see some of them at some point. I'm certain we will, as my child loves photos and photo books—both of them do—so we'll have pictures!

Dillon and M

I got to visit with my aunt and cousin, whom I hadn't seen in a long time. And I need to book some vacation time when I'm not rushed to get back home! In a few hours, I'll be back at the airport to board a plane home, and I have an entire week of training and meetings coming up!!!! I WILL get through this marathon!!! 

I'm not sure how to express my happiness with M and Dillon. Like all couples, they will have their moments, their ups and downs. I feel they are a match made in heaven and that they'll have loads of fun as a couple!!! 

In case you are wondering why there was an engagement party since the actual engagement happened in Hawaii in March, the venue of the wedding (June 11, 2026) is small. There isn't room for many people, so this was an opportunity to celebrate with everyone. 

The only thing I'm not a fan of with these events is the music. I hate having to shout to be heard over the music!! But all is good, even though my throat feels raw this morning. 

So -- sorry for the delay. It's all good. 

Have a super day!!!!


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Yet - another travel day!!!!

It's a different day and a different time zone - again!!!!

And here is why I hate traveling with DH. It's very early in the morning here, and he's asleep, so I'm in the lobby with my portable office. It's not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. Renting a condo or a house is an excellent way to get around this, but it wasn't an option for this trip. However, we are staying at a very nice Holiday Inn. Although, weirdly, they do not have a business center, so a sofa in the lobby is my desk!! 

I'm OK with that. 

OK—about the picture of the pants with the bell bottoms—I know that picture doesn't really show it, but they were labeled bell bottoms—and I don't think I took a picture of the label. But they were bell bottoms, as were many other pairs of pants in that department. Here's a link to the trend. 

I saw one pair of jeans in the changing room, and I swear that each leg took up an entire meter (or yard) of fabric. I did take a picture of those, and I'll post it another day. As we always say, there is nothing new these days!!!!

And yes, I can confidently say that the flower I posted the other day is a sunflower. For me, sunflowers grew on a single stock and had one main head, with the possibility of a few extras. Those are the ones I've seen grown here in Canada and the kind I saw all throughout the Meseta in Spain. 

However, some research tells me there are many kinds of sunflowers, and the ones I spotted were bush sunflowers. They grow like a shrub and are native to the desert states in the US. Think southern California and Colorado, amongst others. So I learned a new thing. I was so focused on the blooms that I didn't bother getting a good shot of the plant. It has the fuzzy stock and all the appearance of a sunflower, but the blooms are smaller, and it grows on a shrub with many heads (blooms). Thanks to everyone for their comments and questions about what kind of plant it was. 

I had to take the girls out for an early walk yesterday, and when we passed the park bench, Miss Murphy had to jump up. So, I snapped this selfie of the two of us. 


There are several things about this photo that I love. First off, she's a cutie, and we just love her to death. She's always so happy. This was a selfie that I took in almost complete darkness and look at the quality. It took three tries to get one where she wasn't moving because the camera had to process the shot for three seconds, and for Murphy to be still for three seconds is a big deal. 

Of course, the girls still got their separate walks, but short ones. And this was the excitement on Lexi's walk! Thankfully, she was on her leash, and the skunk was far away, and we had no incidents. 

A skunk

Then we were off to the airport, but not before DH realized he had forgotten his wallet and had to return. Thankfully, we were just at the end of our street. 

We went to the lounge instead of getting into the line for Tim's. Well, that was OK, but it certainly didn't equal having tea from Tim's! Our gate was right by Tim's, and had I known that the boarding was going to be delayed, I'd have gotten into that line. But everyone was lined up at the gate waiting to board, and then we were delayed in boarding. 

When we were on board, we were told that boarding was delayed by about 40 minutes because the plane was too hot. Seriously? I've never heard of that. But they sure made up for that by having the air conditioning blasting for almost the entire flight. I was a frozen block by the time we got off. I had mentioned this to the flight attendants, and I could feel the temperature increase. But, as they had turned up the heat. Then someone must have complained that it was too hot because I felt that temperature go back down. 

DH was sitting in Business Class with a significant down duvet. I was going to ask him for it, but I didn't. Then he sent me back his chocolate bar, and at the end of the flight, I realized he did not use his duvet. GRRRRR --- Next time we fly, and he's upfront, I'm grabbing that duvet first thing. 

I also didn't want to make the others around me feel bad, so I stuck it out. The weather is wet and cool here, so hopefully, I'll manage!!! I'm sure I will. 

We met with friends traveling to Vancouver for the big engagement party. They were on a separate flight, but their flight was delayed, so we chatted a bit in the boarding line. Then, because we were late, they ended up arriving before we did. 

There was a huge line for the rental car, which I had a reservation for, and of course, DH was looking for a fast way out. Seriously?? He doesn't get it—he thinks that status buys everything. We were visiting with our friends, so what's the big deal? 

So I got this Ford Explorer, and guess what? It doesn't have carplay in it. What the heck is that all about? Later in the day, I found it -- but only Apple CarPlay. Who in their right mind makes a vehicle with only one version of carplay in it? Next time, I will insist that my vehicle has Android CarPlay, or I won't rent it. 

Thankfully, I had two very good navigators in the car, and we got to the upscale Holiday Inn without a problem. 

DH had some business, so the two friends and I were off to find something to do. The first stop was to see my Instagram "friend." I've never met her before, but I know her quite well because she has a super IG account. I also follow her on Patreon, where you actually PAY money to follow them. I know—it's super crazy. I know --- with all these influencers and IG superstars, it's like following the stars, but they are regular people! 

They bought an abandoned home in this area, and I managed to track down where the house was located. OK—don't ask, but with the internet these days, it's pretty easy to find most things. So, I knew where the house was, and I had it confirmed from several other sources. I won't provide more details than that. You don't need to know. 

We showed up at the house, and OMG—it's just like on the videos. Well, of course it is!!!! But it's a big construction site, so we weren't able to get inside the gate, but Jenna came out to greet us, which I'm sure was a big shock. How did these random people appear at her gate, and we know who she was? 

We chatted for a few minutes - it was starting to rain, and they were still working. We snapped this picture. 

Jenna and I

I look like a dork in the picture, and she is super skinny! After we left, I bet they wondered how we knew where their house was!!! But it's very close to where M is having her engagement party, so that was partly our excuse for being in the neighborhood!!!

Then we drove around, and holy -- there are oodles of houses for sale in this city. So, of course, we had to check that out online. I could sell my house and move. Some of the views were spectacular. Although we couldn't see the view from Jenna's house, the view is stunning - I can see that in the videos. But the streets in the area? Let's just say it's a good thing they don't really get snow here. It would be pretty treacherous. I wouldn't be leaving my house. 

When we finally arrived back at the hotel, I was wiped. I hadn't slept well the night before nor slept much on the plane, so I read, napped, and didn't even get up for dinner. 

And now- of course, with the change in time- I'm wide awake!!!! 

Now that we have some free time this morning, I'm not sure what we'll do, but the big event is tonight. 

Have a super day!!!!


Friday, September 13, 2024

Quilt History books

I'm home! It was hilarious because I hadn't even boarded the flight to come home when I was checked in for the flight tomorrow morning. Yes, it's a bit of a crazy scheduling situation at the moment, and while (fingers crossed) it looks good to get away tomorrow, there's no guarantee that I'll get home on Sunday! But I'm a gambler! Plan B or Plan C will be implemented if need be. And what are they? I've no idea yet, but I'll think of something if I need to. 

The flight home was pretty uneventful, except if you think the Toronto airport is huge, Denver is HUGE. There is the West Terminal and the East Terminal, and within each of those, there are multiple buildings that you get to by train. It's a crazy place, but I managed to get to the proper gate! and well within the time frame. I had no problems getting the luggage checked. 

So, are those sunflowers? Or Black-eyed Susans? I should have the proper response tomorrow, but I'm leaning towards sunflowers. Think BUSH Sunflowers. Remember - I was in Colorado, not Canada. 

As we arrived in Toronto, there was that giant Airbus 380. I'm not sure what plane it's beside, but the 380 is massive. When you see it from the back, the way the wings are attached makes it look like a waddling duck. 

The Airbus 380

I think I arrived home around 2 PM. I love flying west—you gain time, but you lose it all on the return. The first thing was cuddles with the girls. You would think by now that they get it that when we go away, we come back. But Murphy? Nope—she's just a silly girl. 

I immediately unpacked my suitcase. I don't need this one for a few weeks, but I didn't want to leave my samples squished. So they are laid out on one of the project tables in Studio B, and I hope to get that all cleaned up in October.

The suitcase is empty

I saw this license plate at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum and I probably have it already, but I bought it - just in case! I now need to do something with all those license plates. I'll come up with a plan!! 

A "new" license plate

Even adding the seven (shhhhhh!!!!) books I purchased at the museum, I wasn't even close to the weight limit on my suitcase. I didn't see the weight, but it wasn't an issue. 

I love these state quilt history books and added a few more to my collection. 

Quilt history books

Another quilt history book

Two more states

Washington state

Those are the books that I'll keep when I need to downsize! It's so much fun to read the histories of the quiltmakers. 

Oh -- I should mention that those books are used, so the most I paid was $10. Most of them were $5. A very good deal. Last year when I went to Golden, I only had carry-on so I was very restricted in what I could bring home. This year - big suitcase (well, medium) and I was good! 

Then I had to finish the book I was reading while I relaxed and had a cup of tea. Then, it was time to get to work and get the binding on that quilt. I decided to trim the quilt BEFORE I cut the binding. Usually, I make the binding when I make the top, but that did not happen with this quilt. The back of the quilt was plush, so there was a HUGE mess to clean up before I could cut the binding. 

What a mess to clean up!

The good news? The binding is on the quilt, and it's packed in my carry-on. Now I must also find some clothes to throw in there, but the important thing is in the suitcase! 

The binding is on

Look at this silly girl. This is how she washes her face; she looks like such a goof when she does that! Then, when she realizes you are watching her, she gets shy and stops!!!! Oh, Lexi -- I love you to bits!
MOM - stop looking at me!!!!

I am NOT saying this because I was just at their offices, but this is the most recent issue of Love of Quilting (Fons and Porter), and OH MY -- it is a good issue. There are two quilts I'd love to make and some great ads for stuff I'd love to have, but my long arm is too old - perhaps a new one is in order? Anyway, check it out. I thought it was great, and I got to meet the editor while I was at Golden. 

The most recent issue of Love of Quilting

You may see me on a video somewhere mentioning how much I liked this issue! 

Well, that's it for today! 

I'm off to pack some clothes!!!

Have a super day!!!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Preparation is the key to success!

Someone mentioned that my "mini sunflowers" might not be sunflowers. I did take other pictures, which I haven't transferred to my laptop, so I can't post them. Anything is possible, as my thumbs are not green by any means. There isn't even a shade of green in them. 

I'll see if I can find out what the flowers are. I mostly took pictures of the blooms, but I have a couple of buds that sure look like sunflowers. However, I most definitely could be wrong. The other flower's name was black-eyed Susan, and I don't think it's that because these were growing on a spindly stock (like a sunflower, but not a straight stock). Shoot -- I won't have time to take a picture of the stock before I leave. I'll try to find it on the internet. 

The day started bright and early—I was picked up at the hotel at 7:15. I love when people are punctual, and I was waiting with my suitcase full of stitchouts. 

It sure makes a difference, having been to the studio once before. I knew what to do and how to get set up; it took no time. Don't forget there is hair and make-up to be taken care of as well. 

Then, it was time to get wired for sound. This microphone was very tiny, and others are even tinier than that. I love it! Of course, I spotted some other equipment on the desk and had to ask questions. 

So everyone knows what's happening, I have to walk through everything I brought. They were duly impressed and mentioned several times how well-prepared I was. I didn't take a picture, but it was beyond OCD. Even I was pretty impressed. Let's just say that I'm going home with a mess. I literally threw everything into the suitcase, and I'll deal with it when I get home. 

As usual, I brought too much stuff that could be covered or even highlighted, but it's better to have more than not enough. 

Oh, did I mention what I was doing? I was thrilled beyond doubt when I was asked to tape two more episodes of Love of Quilting, the TV show. The answer was a resounding YES—as if I would say no. I would miss a family event for that—well, maybe not M's wedding or even her engagement party, but most other things I'd miss. It's so much fun! 

And the more you do, the fewer "mistakes" you make and the less you have to stop, and well - I'm a talker! Once I get wound up - it's hard to get me to stop! But all in all, it was a super fun day. 

I had my own "dressing room," and no, I didn't get candies delivered, but snacks were available throughout the day. 

The sign on the door of "my" room

Once my two episodes were taped, I watched Sarah and Angela tape one of their shows. What you can learn by observing and asking questions can blow your mind!!!!

After everything was done, I got a picture of the three of us. Note that I've blurred out what was on the cutting table and the quilt on the wall. I don't want to spoil their show. 

Angela, myself, and Sarah 

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the set. This is where I sat to watch the final episode being taped. There is so much to see! 

The set

It was a super day but exhausting - even for me! But we had loads of laughs, and it was relaxed and not stressful in the least. I know!!! But I just got in my teacher/chatty mode and forgot the cameras were there. That also got mentioned!!! 

I got a ride back to my hotel and vegged out for a while but then decided to take the long way to the restaurant. 

This was the sky -- how beautiful is that? 

The Colorado sky

This area where the hotel is located is very bizarre. There is a school here, some businesses, and even a Kohl's, plus two hotels. It's a good use of space between several major highways!!! 

I spotted this sign and thought they were being "funny," but then I realized they probably meant the BOOT that gets put on cars. 

They mean business

I stopped at Kohl's just to have a look around—I'm not sure I've ever been. I remembered I needed a pair of black pants, so I picked a nice pair for a reasonable price. I got them even cheaper by signing up for a loyalty card! 

While shopping, I spotted this. I had seen them before, but I was a bit in disbelief that this trend had made a comeback. But yes, bell bottoms are back in style. 

Bell bottoms

I mostly stay at the Holiday Inn. I might as well stay at the same hotel chain and try to get loyalty points. And the breakfast offerings are the same wherever you go. They all offer oatmeal, but the consistency is NEVER the same. It is very rare that the consistency is right—it's either runny as water or, as in today's case, pretty thick and almost didn't look cooked. But it was!!!! 

Thick oatmeal

Well, I'm a gambler and headed back home early in the morning. I really want to get home as I have some work to do before leaving the following day. What the heck -- you only live once, and if something happens? Then we go to Plan B. I'm not worried in the least. As Doris Day would say (or sing), "Que sera sera!!!"

I'm off. I hope you are all working on the decluttering situation. The one thing I realized that I should have done was to keep some of the pictures handy over the years. I now need some of the "before" and "after." I'm sure I'm going to find them—it might just take a while. 

Have a super day!!!


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A travel day

OK—this one was weird in the world of travel days. I was flying United, which I do not usually fly, but they are a Star Alliance Partner with Air Canada, so that's why I was on that flight. We left the house in plenty of time, but about 5 km from the airport, the traffic slowed almost to a standstill. Hmm—this is not good. But we had time—as long as I arrived one hour before my flight to drop my baggage. 

It turns out there was an accident, and two lanes of traffic had to zip off almost into the live lane beside us to get past the accident. That delayed us by 20 minutes. DH was driving, and OMG -- he was freaking out. I do NOT want to have him drive me again. I was getting anxious because of him! He has ZERO patience when it comes to traffic. ZERO!!!!

When I arrived, I went to the kiosk to check in, and OOPS—I'd missed the 90-minute deadline to check luggage. So I had to get in the line. There was ONE person manning the desks and one customer with that person. I've no idea what they were doing, but it was taking forever, so another person arrived to help. 

I explained the situation, and she grabbed my passport, got my baggage tag, marked it urgent, and away it went. Let's hope it comes out on the other side! 

Then I got to security, and everything went smoothly there, except no one was picking up the empty trays on the other side, so that was a mess. I picked them up so that my tray could come out of the X-ray machine. 

It was a bit of a disaster when I arrived at the Nexus line. Getting the scan was no problem. However once you get scanned, you have to see an officer. It's just a formality. But the line was HUGE as there seemed to be ONE officer controlling that line, which was not well marked with the posts. So when someone tried to bypass that and go where the Nexus sign was, he (and others who followed) were yelled at to get back in this person's line. 

It did not make any sense at all. As I arrived to see this guy, he waved me to the other line, where three or four officers were available. I have no idea what happened there. It was the most bizarre situation I've ever seen. 

Then, the long walk to the US gates, but I made it just as they were boarding. Well, after I grabbed something to eat on the plane because I had not had breakfast yet, $30 for a bottle of water, a sandwich, and a yogurt parfait! At least they put it all in a nice bag so I could carry it! 

I was in 31F - a window seat, and I was OK with that. I slept a bit and read a bit and the flight passed quite quickly. The flight had been delayed by one hour, and we knew that the night before, so some people had tight connections, and they asked for them to be let off first. I bet some other people snuck off the plane at the same time. It doesn't matter - I was not in a hurry. 

Close to landing

I got off the plane and then had to find my luggage. Denver Airport is HUGE, and a train takes you to the luggage carousel. By the time I arrived, my luggage was waiting for me, which was good. United has an app to track your luggage, but it didn't tell me it was on the plane—just that it was in their system. 

Then, off to get an Uber. They have a bit more sensible Uber setup than Toronto. There are several Uber stops, and your driver tells you which one he'll meet you at. In Toronto, it's one big mess. 

Uber pick-up

I arrived at the hotel early, so I checked my luggage at the front desk and changed into my shorts because it was 30 degrees!!! But it was a dry heat, and it was a beautiful day. I walked down to the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, which is a treasure if you are ever in the neighborhood. Oh, that's in Golden, Colorado. 

There is this beautiful little garden at the entrance to the strip mall. 

Ring the bell to clear your mind

And there's the sign for the museum. 

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum

They have a gift shop that also sells fabric. I don't need more of anything, but I did browse the used quilt books, and perhaps one or two followed me home. 

These were the two exhibits and while I don't have permission to share any photos, I can tell you that both were spectacular. I get their newsletter, so I knew what exhibits were on. 
The shows at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum

I spent a long time checking out both exhibits. Then I sat outside and enjoyed the scenery for a bit and then returned to check around a bit more. 

Later in the day, after checking into the hotel, I decided to walk. I found a Goodwill store within walking distance, so off I went. I used my Google Maps, and guess what? I only made one slight detour because I didn't pay attention, but the direction thing was good. 

A good bike path connects to the sidewalks, which is good because this area is surrounded by major roads and highways. It's hard to walk anywhere. 

The bike path

I spotted some small sunflowers along the way, and they were very cool. Not like the big ones I'm familiar with. 

A sunflower

The bees were going crazy with those blooms. 

The bees enjoy the sunflowers

I had the pleasure of walking beside a prison. OK, let's just keep walking. And when I was headed to the store, it was a gentle downhill! 

The scenery

The hills in the area - everything is dry. 

Except for the golf course. I think it's a huge waste of water to keep those golf courses green, but it's not my business. 

The golf course is green

Then, I returned to the hotel area, where I had dinner at a great Italian restaurant. 

It was a great day, and despite a few hiccups, everything worked out! But I must remember that United (should I fly with them again) has 90 minutes on the baggage! I was between 60 and 90 minutes when I checked in! So it wasn't like I arrived with 15 minutes to board. I cut it close, but not that close. 

Today's big question is whether I should fly home tomorrow or change my flight and fly to Vancouver. With the potential strike and the possibility for Air Canada to start canceling flights on Friday? It's a crap shoot. That's what DH said -- do we just wing it like we always do? And I'm inclined to go with that. Something will work out -- how much does it cost to rent a private jet? 

And now I'm off for another fun adventure today. Everything is as prepped as it can be, and we'll just wing it! 

Have a super day!!!
