And just like that - the quiet and calm is shattered in a million pieces, just like my patio tabletop!
I was doing so well until I received two emails announcing two short (2-hour) events near me. With travel time, each event will consume a lot more time. I don't need to attend these events, but I want to. OH—and they are both this week when I'm supposed to be prepping for a couple of events and my blog posts.
I signed up for both events, meaning I will have to forego the leisurely tea on the front patio, work late to catch up, and probably only two quilts will get done this week. Technically, only one has a deadline, but the community project quilt is already loaded, and I will only take that off the long arm when it's quilted.
Don't worry. I have time, but it will make things a bit tight. It's nothing I can't handle. And those deadlines can't be pushed. I have to be on a plane next week.
Thank goodness I decided to set the Cabin in the Woods applique aside for a bit; otherwise, I would have no choice this week. The break is good anyway, and the project is NOT forgotten!
I made excellent progress on one of the projects and the blog posts yesterday. It was a slow and methodical day. It was an audiobook day, although I didn't finish it. I'm not sure why some days I work better with an audiobook and others without. I rarely have the radio on any longer. I used to use Alexa to listen to the radio, but that doesn't work well at my house. The connection keeps cutting out, and it's very frustrating, so I end up yelling at Alexa to play the radio. I finally gave up.
Now I use my external speaker (I love my SONOS Roam) and the app on my phone, which also works through the internet when I'm in the house, but it never cuts out. Can you tell me why?
I now have three Alexa Dots in the house that we don't use, so if anyone is interested in an Alexa Dot, they are up for grabs. I'll never use them, and they are collecting dust. Some people love them, but me? Not so much. I really don't have things for her to do, but she does a lot! We have one in the kitchen, and DH uses it as a timer. That's the extent of Alexa's usefulness for us.
I broke down and bought this book the other day. I've wanted the book for quite some time, and I ordered it on my birthday, which arrived yesterday. I'm sure it's a very interesting story, as she accomplished much in her lifetime, wrote a ton of books, and filmed countless hours of TV.
New book to read |
How is the decluttering coming along? I may have to set it aside for the moment with the extra time those events will consume. I'll attend one of the events today and share it with you tomorrow. It's so easy to grab a drawer or a shelf and just look at what's on it. What's amazing is how the little things - mostly things we do not know what to do with, get tossed aside and become clutter. That's the hardest for me. The pioneer spirit in me wants to make use of everything, and that's not possible. So, it's OK to throw something out if it can't be used, but try to find the proper place for what you are tossing. Recycling, can someone else use it, electronic waste, and finally, the landfill if no other place.
Better yet -- STOP accumulating those junky little things. I think the worst thing is the marketing crap that stores and events hand out. You know -- the FREE stuff that we COVET, as if these things were gold. Why? I've no idea. But swag bags at events are one of the worst. Going to a trade show (quilt show) and picking up all the crap with a name on it. In all the stuff I'm in the process of decluttering in the office, there's a lot of swag stuff, and don't get me started on quilting swag. Most of what is in those bags is garbage or stuff that you'll never use. Save the planet and just say NO.
Don't start with how many people on social media will offer giveaways. Most of what's in the giveaway is something that you will never use; you have to tag your friends to quality (please do NOT tag me - I hate that, and it's very intrusive and rude), and the person giving the item away is just trying to increase their reach. Just say NO!!!!
We must learn to get over the "it's free or on sale or cheap" mentality because we're just going to end up having to get rid of it later. Gift baskets are another clutter accumulator!! Or gifts, period—just don't bother giving a gift if you don't know what to buy someone. It's just clutter and often ends up being regifted or thrown out. Find a better way (gift card to their favorite store or NO gift) - maybe write them a letter or send a card, but don't waste your money on something just because it's the "right" thing to do.
Wow -- where did that come from?
I'm learning so much in the decluttering process. One thing I've learned is to NEVER save the good stuff. There is no reason to save it; use it now, or that special day may never come. That special day may come, but you won't be around for it!
That's like my two bone-china teacups. I purchased them many years ago, and they were still in their boxes in the cupboard. They were expensive, and well, I was saving them. Then, a number of years ago, when I was decluttering the cup section of the cupboards, I happened upon them and decided to use them. I use one or the other every day—well, every day I have tea at home, which is most days.
One of my SPECIAL tea cups |
I bet they weren't meant to go in the dishwasher, but I put them in. If the paint fades, then that's the patina of that cup. I'd rather drink from a faded, well-used, and loved cup every day than die with a brand-new cup in a box in the cupboard. Thankfully, we have no china or silverware to deal with in our house. We have some crystal, and I'm tempted to get on DH's case and get rid of what's there. There's not much, but we don't use most of it. It's all wine glasses.
But use the good stuff—put those gold-rimmed dishes in the dishwasher—wear the gold off. Who cares? You can't sell the stuff, so you might as well enjoy it. Get out the new sheets or towels or whatever else you are saving. Stop saving it and use it or give it away.
I walk past Tim's almost every day, and there are days when I think I deserve a treat because you can't just buy tea; you must also buy a cookie. Then, I tell myself that I do not need that treat. I have healthy snacks in the house, and I'm saving money. Yes, I pick up Tim's from time to time if I'm on the road, but it's not something I need every day.
So the other day, when I was at the drugstore, I spotted the brand of tea I like (Yogi), and they had two different flavors, so I decided to buy them. I looked at the price - $7.99 for 16 bags. I thought it was a bit expensive, but then I got to thinking. If I had bought tea - that would have cost almost $2.00. The Yogi tea costs 50 cents. OK -- looking at it that way, the tea I buy is cheap!!
I also get a nice quote on each teabag. I wish they were not individually wrapped, but I guess that keeps them fresh. The sachet can be recycled, and with my china cup, there is NO waste.
The quote from the Yogi teabag |
It really is how you look at anything. Expensive or cheap, it needs to be used. Nothing is sacred at my house any longer. I am happy to use everything and anything. Sometimes, it takes a minute for me to remember that, and then I use it!!!
Speaking of tea, this is the face that I see when I'm sitting outside. She stays there for a while and then leaves. I've brought her out a couple of times (on her leash), but then she gets bored and wants back in the house. She can stay in the house by herself for an hour!
MOM -- can I come out to play? |
I had a thread emergency and needed to go to Fabricland for thread and more zippers. As I was browsing the notions wall (just looking and taking two pictures), a lady was browsing the needles and asked me, "Do you sew?" LOL --- she had a question about needles and which one to buy, so she got a mini-lecture in the store about needles. It was her lucky day. I hope it worked out for her! I ONLY bought what I went for, despite looking at other things.
Back to the EXIT game last night. Oh boy—we were stumped on one puzzle, and despite our mutterings out loud and the "discussion" about what we were really saying, we figured out the clue. But not before we had to peek at the first clue (there are three per puzzle). And it was DH's eagle eyes who spotted it. I can barely see it with my glasses on.
But do you see something written on these? They are small - about the size of a thumbnail.
Pieces for the EXIT game |
These puzzles are going to drive us to drink! But they're so much fun. We're almost done with this one—it's one of the games, not the Advent Calendar, so there are ten puzzles in each box. Well, I've got more! And there are many more that we still need to purchase - but we are using them!
On that note, I'm off to spin class. And then the merry-go-round starts, and it won't stop until the middle of October! Yeah!!!
Have a super day!!!
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