I recently read somewhere (who can remember where!) about luck. Oh god - now I don't even remember what they said about luck! Was it that there is no luck - we each create our own world and what happens in it - I don't know. My brain is too full of other stuff to remember things like that. I'm the best at remembering snippets that have no relation to each other, but it seemed important at the time!!!!!
So - let's just assume that luck exists - I am LUCKY!!!! Why??? Well my laptop crashed. And not because of the system - because of ME. I decided to do some STUPID upgrade and BANG - the whole thing went down. BUT - I didn't even panic. I just said - so what!!!! If I lose everything - I lose everything - yes I will be sad, I will be mad because I would have to recreate some stuff, but so what.......
I called Microsoft - they were USELESS. We tried a couple of things and they INSISTED I needed a CD to reload Windows. Well - HELLO MICROSOFT guys - computer hardware people DO NOT ship Windows CDs with computers any more. They haven't done that in a LONG time. Bottom line - they told me to call them back when I got CDs so I could RELOAD Windows. Yeah right -
Then a couple of days later - I called HP. The phone was answered IMMEDIATELY by a PERSON. Yes - a real live person. Granted that real live person was half way around the world from me, but no big deal. We tried a couple of things and nothing. ACK!!!!! Nope - not going to panic yet. I had to leave for a class - so she was going to call me back when I got home.
Got home - no call so I eventually called them back. AGAIN - I got an immediate answer - NO WAITING. We tried the same things as the morning - NOTHING. No panic yet. Then I get a SUPERVISOR to talk to - he asks me the SAME QUESTIONS - is it a laptop, what is the serial number, let's try this - at that point - I got MAD. HEY - I have tried all this and NOTHING works. What is my option????? AH - then we try one more thing and VOILA - the system POPPED back in a few minutes. I think they did that to make me feel panicky, but I DO NOT panic any more. Not since I started yoga!!!!
Then I got transferred back to the original guy who helped me walk through the reload. Now there was a LOT of crap on the system - temporary files (he GASPED when he saw how much USELESS stuff there was on the laptop).
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Yes that is 44 GB of CRAP |
So we spent a couple of enjoyable hours fixing all that. He also "lectured" me on the fact that I had NO VIRUS protection. So I got that installed too. He was actually pretty funny - yes he was in New Delhi, India. They work in a call center with 4000 technicians (24/7) that service all makes of computers, modems, routers - you name it - they service it so you can get TOTAL service in one spot. They kept calling me MA'AM and when something was going to take a while - I was told to TAKE A COFFEE.
Anyway - they were VERY VERY helpful and now with my new software help program - I can call them anytime I want (it was in the middle of the night in India), I call as often as I want and I can call them about anything related to my computer. How to set up the printer, how to set up the external hard disk, do backups, clean up the crap on the computer. Whatever.
I know some people (Carol) will probably be rolling her eyes at having to pay for that service, but honestly while I used to be able to do all that, things have gotten so complex and just takes time that I DO NOT want to spend any more with that kind of thing. Besides - I like being able to call an EXPERT who can solve the problem right away. No waiting - no frustration - I love them. And I was told to visit Taj Mahal - it is very beautiful, but NOT in the summer - the temperature yesterday was in the low 40s. Yikes - a tad too hot for me. Feburary/March is a better time to visit. See - I told you - we had a grand time talking.
Now having a computer crash is a bit like having a heart attack. When the worst happens - you make a lot of promises to THEY (that is that invisible person who is RESPONSIBLE for everything). I will eat better, I will exercise more - I will back up my hard disk, I will clean the junk files. And then after one month - we go back to our old ways. So I am going to set up my backup disk to AUTOMATICALLY do the backups - with the help of my new friends at iYOGI. No kidding - that is the name of the company!!!!!
And they think my two hardward problems were related to the amount of garbage on the computer.
So yes - while I was still able to get to the internet thanks to my iPad and the spare laptop - NOTHING beats doing your blog on my nice laptop. I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.
Then I went out on my bike on Saturday AM. Cranked out 67 K (the first part into the wind - ICK - the last part sailed down Derry like there was a dragon on my tail). I am making good time and getting close to home. Ooops - got to avoid that road hazard. BANG! Wow - I somehow hit a grate or something. Jarraed the crap out of my wrists, my ROAD ID bracelet popped open. I stopped. Oh CRAP - a flat tire. At least it was the front tire.
Now in all the years of riding, I haven't had many flats. Like car tires - bike tires are better than they used to be. In all the times of riding by myself, I have NEVER had a flat. I have changed my own flats, but usually there was someone around to help me or do it for me!!! (you got to love those MACHO guys who have a point to prove!!!!)
How does one change a flat????? Well first - let's look at the tools.........................
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Here is the tool pouch and let's see all the goodies in the pouch.................. |
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A spare tire |
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A CO2 capsule |
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Tire levers |
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Latex gloves |
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An adapter and what is that for????? |
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Attaches the CO2 capsule to the tire valve |
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CAA card (yes - they have bike service in Ontario) |
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And a phone |
I struggle to get the wheel of the bike and very thankful that the rim was NOT bent.
Hmmmm - I'll pass on the gloves - those are for sissies!!!!!
OK - use the tire levers to get the tire off the rim.
Pull out the old tube.
God - this seemed so much easier when someone did it.
Now attach the adapter to the CO2 capsule.
CRAP - how does this blasted thing work?????
I DID NOT have a pump with me - that is on my other bike.
I push, and pull and press and NOTHING.
CRAP - too far to walk home, I could call CAA, but that would be a cop out.
WAIT A MINUTE - I'll call the bike store. They will know how this stupid CO2 capsule thing works.
A quick call to Jay and PRESTO - I was in business. You just have to PUSH the CO2 capsule onto the valve and it works.
Wait - now I have TOO much air in the tube to fit it into the tire. Let out the air. This is like stuffing a sausage into a tiny little space.
Let out more air.
Oh drat - there is a KINK.
Ah - that is better - the entire tube is INSIDE the tire
Now to pry the tire back onto the rim. Hands work well, but I needed those levers for the last few inches.
Press more air into the tire. Wow - that is QUICK!!!!
Then the tire back onto the bike.
Pick up the pieces and back into the pouch.
I am DONE and on my way.
OK - so that entire process took WAY too long, but I DID IT by myself. That counts for something!!!!!!
Well - now back to the computer.
So I dug out the external hard disk
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External hard disk |
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Complete with INTACT seal |
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Hmmmm - only THREE parts - this should be easy |
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Oh oh - we have a BIG plug |
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And NO room |
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Whipped out ANOTHER power bar!!!!!! |
Ok - so now I just have to install the software and then I can download my pictures and documents. Well basically make a mirror of my laptop hard disk.
On that note - I have to get out of here and get on with my day. I have lots of quilt stuff to share but no time today.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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