The long awaited moment - let's put this quilt together!! Misty Pines - the pattern was originally published in McCall's Quilting - Jan/Feb 2013. So we would have seen the pattern at our retreat in November 2012. OK - so it took a couple of years to get organized, but it is happening.
Here is a picture of the quilt. It really and truly is beautiful. Designed by Patti Carey from Northcott and of course all the fabrics are from Northcott. Check out my links at the end of this blog if you want a kit - unless you find an old kit somewhere, you get these exact fabrics. |They are completely sold out and I think a few have been substituted here and there in some of the kits available today - but it doesn't make any difference.
Misty Pines by Patti Carey of Northcott |
Let's have a look at what happened at our sewing day for Misty Pines.
There were eight of us in total and we started off with lots and lots of goodies. Oh - actually this is what the goodie station looked like after lunch!
Lots of goodies to eat |
Linda, Susan and Linda - all very hard at work |
Tish, Sharron and Rose all equally focused |
And where was Pauline? Yes - her chair is empty because she was also taking pictures and got one of me!!! Can you spot me amidst the chaos???
Me - amidst the chaos of my sewing station |
McCall's has created a sew along for this quilt. The links to the videos are at the end of my blog post. You do have to have a subscription to QNN-TV in order to watch them. I watched the first two (of twelve) yesterday morning before the group arrived. Hmmmmm - a fabric key would be a good idea for this quilt as many of the fabrics are very similiar and because it is Stonehenge - some of them are quite different depending on the location of the cut. But the underlying texture of each is different. Since the kits have NO extra fabric whatsoever in them, I thought they all needed a fabric key and so while they were sewing the easy stuff - I made fabric keys for all of them.
Fabric key for Misty Pines |
See how similiar all those fabrics are?????
That means that every piece they made HAS to be labelled. The sewing part of this quilt is easy, but the keeping everything together part is NOT.
Label label label!!!! |
Linda and Susan with their first tree blocks |
Tish with one tree block |
Rose with two trees |
And there are also tree blocks that have no trunks.
Tish with a trunkless tree block |
Here is a picture I found on the internet where someone added a border to their quilt. It is gorgeous!!!!
MISTY PINES QUILT KIT - flying geese are torture, but I love this quilt. Would look nice in earthy shades of green and midnight blue. Quilts Patterns, Quilts ...
Misty Pines with border
The tree blocks are very simple, but then we got into making jagged blocks and as we are making them, Tish pipes up with a suggestion on making them in a different way. Too late to change because the kits are all cut, but I went to bed thinking about it and by jove - it would work AND be less complicated.
You know what that means - yep - got to remake the quilt and try the new instructions. Of course - we have to try a different colourway!!!! The ladies offered to save their plastic ziploc bags so I could fill them again with a new colourway. Yes - imagine the quilt in blue/greens (someone above suggested that as well) or how about autum colors - greens/oranges/rusts. Oh yes - I think a different colourway is in order. But will I cut the kits for them???? I think NOT!!!!
I guess I'm checking the Northcott warehouse this morning to see what I can see!!!!
I can cross one more person off my license plate TO DO list. Rose brought me quite a few that she had picked up this summer on her travels. One from Mount Forest and a bunch from the US.
More license plates!!! |
I think I still have four or five people that are sending me plates - most are on their way and hopefully will be received by the end of the week. I still owe 8 people - some of them - I just owe money so that is easy. By the end of October - it MUST be done. I will make the goal of having my swapping all done by the time the new release comes out which is probably Oct 24 or something like that.
Look - more bicycle fabric!!!! Thanks to Rose who found these on her travels this past summer.
Bicycle fabric |
OK - so you are wondering what happened to the room after everyone left. I have to say that it was nice to have the room looking so tidy. And I really really was excited to walk around, not tripping over stuff.
I was good - I only brought ALL the remaining stuff related to Misty Pines.
Misty Pines stuff |
Oh - I have to say that I did pretty good on the kit cutting. There were THREE pieces missing that I had not cut. Thankfully - they were small and easy to cut - so the group got them yesterday - they were the testers. I must cut more and insert it into the kits and for those that already have a kit - I'll get the pieces to you when you take the class.
On the other set of tables - I put this bag of T-shirts. This is a quilt for a customer and NOW - I have a very tight deadline to get it done.
Customer quilt to get sewn |
BUT - I would also like to get Misty Pines completed. So it was back to cutting after the class left yesterday.
Cutting 17 kit components |
Notice how full that bolt of fabric is.
I am cutting, cuting,cutting and oh boy - now I am down to the last section of fabric.
The last of that bolt of fabric |
BUT - I still have these many kits to complete.
Kits to complete |
And now down to just this...........
Will there be enough for the last few kits???? |
Ended up that I am missing ONE 2 1/4" strip to complete the last kit!!!!! And if I would have been a smidgne more carefull on the cutting (being more careful about cutting off the selvedge - I would have been OK).
One kit that needs to be completed |
And after the group got organized and I cut the extra fabric for them AND I made the fabric keys - I was able to get a bit of sewing done myself. I made 10 blocks. I have no idea now many there are in total. You can see how similiar the values are - very close. The blocks on the left are NOT pressed yet as I do not know which direction the seams have to go.
My blocks |
Now if you want to make this quilt and you have NOT ordered a kit from me - then I would suggest that you run to either of these two web sites to see if they have anything left.
Here is a place that has kits for sale -
Quilt and Sew Shop
McCall's Quilting also has kits for sale.
Otherwise - wait for the blue/green version or the autumn version. What the heck - why not!!!!!!
On that note - I am out of here. Have an awesome day - there is nothing like a new project to take under my wing! I'm kidding - I have so much to sew that I can't possibly look at making this in another colour, however.................................