You take the following...............................
Wire, wire cutters and pliers, |
A glue gun and glue sticks, |
Stuffing and these AMAZING stuff tools, (honestly if you need to stuff something - they were AMAZING) |
Duct tape, and |
A bejeweler (and let's not forget some fabric) |
You get feathers and what are the feathers for?????? |
That would be for Randy Rooster of course!!!!!! (sorry he is NOT laying an egg - he is a bit wobbly and needs something for support!!!) (Someone made me that fabric egg years ago - now I have a use for it!!!!) I might have to make a 3-D chicken too!!!!! |
GOD - I am HANDSOME - I could stare at that gorgeous guy all day!!!!
(Yes - Randy is a typical egotistical MALE) |
SO what is the story behind the rooster???? Well last year (see - so far all my projects are related to things that we talked about LAST YEAR so technically NO NEW PROJECT YET THIS YEAR)
Anyway - last year, the Christmas Club was chatting about tinners. You know - each person chooses a theme and then the tins go around the group (in a predetermined order) until everyone has worked on each others' tin. Then the owner of the tin gets their tin back with a block made by everyone in the group.
I was stuck for a theme and in chatting to Marian - I came up with this. Don't ask how that happened - it just did. My theme is Randy Rules the Roost!!!! Since he is new in town - well he is looking for HOT (pinks, yellows, red and orange - of course) feathered chicks!!!!! And I got carried away just a bit - as I made the "Block" rooster and then decided that my container was big enough to hold a "real" rooster.
My "poultry" basket that someone made for me years ago (well I got it in an exchange at a retreat) |
See everything fits!!!!! |
After Christmas Club met on the weekend - we exchanged the tins. However everyone wanted to see the first blocks which was a first for me - but was OODLES of fun. Here they are........................
Randy Rules the Roost - Elaine |
Wine, Women and Song - Karen |
Butterflies - Nancy |
Hearts - Linda |
Blue/white - Marlene |
Bits n Pieces of Past quilts - Annadele (I love that 2000 fabric in there!!!) |
Home Sweet Home - Suzi |
12 Days of Christmas - Liz |
Snow - Kristin |
There are two others - one I forgot to get the picture - Autumn - Linda P and Funky Christmas Penguins - Ronda.
So that is going to be a fun and very INTERESTING project as the year progresses. However - I will NOT be able to show you anything until the final reveal. It is now a SECRET project.
Now how about an update on the 12 for (20)12 project. I decided that the end of January is fast approaching and I had better get myself moving or I would not complete the FIRST project and that would be bad.
A true UFO - bits and pieces just abandoned in the box |
Got the buttonhole stitch complete on the Santa Block |
Got the buttonhole stitch complete on the snowman block (I notice I goofed and his hat is supposed to be sitting ON his head, not hovering above it. Oh well - not going to redo it although I barely have seam allowances now.) |
As I was working on this, I got to wondering why did this project get abandoned??? Well the hat on the snowman would have been one thing. Losing TWO pieces which have to be remade (two TINY pieces and the fabric for the new pieces is IN THE BOX as well as the fusible). But this is probably not why it got left aside.
See this fabric that was cut for the borders. It is directional, but it was all cut in ONE direction. There is nothing that can be used for the cross pieces between the blocks. |
But look - there is another similar fabric in the box - so I will just use this and the other will go in the batik scrap box. |
OK - I think we have time to finish that this month.
Now how are the others doing on their 12 for (20) 12 projects.
Kristin is DONE. She got her table runner complete and it is already on its way to a good home.
Kristin's table runner. GORGEOUS job. I love it and I like the way you positioned the holly leaves. I wish I had done that!!!!! |
Judy got her January project done.................
A cute baby quilt. Way to go Judy!!!!! |
See - when you have an incentive (me posting it on the blog for all to see your progress) - you get things done. It is NOT TOO LATE to join in. And Anita - I still haven't received your picture.
Linda P sent me a list of her 12 for (20)12. OK Linda - send me a picture of your first project you want to focus on. Then we will be after you to get it done. Do you have anything small that you could get done (that means - binding, sleeve, label - the whole sheebang!!!!) by the end of January.
I also got my December blocks done for the Block of the Month with one of my guilds. A very cute block.
Blocks for Block of the Month |
And now a word from Kaylee.
Mom - WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME?????? That lady is giving me squeezes, but I DO NOT get the same cuddling here as I do at home. It is JUST NOT THE SAME.
But I am having LOTS of fun here. I like to get up and wander around in the night which drives that man CRAZY. But I get lots of sleep too and there are so many beds here - I just love it. But MOM - they have something here and I NEED ONE - please get Dad to buy me one.
Mom - LOOK at this cool rug. It is so thick and comfy. I love it and want one. |
Mom - look at me - see how cozy I am |
Just sleeping the day away |
And LADY - if you think I can't hear you taking pictures of me - think again!!!!! |
Hello LADY - it is almost time for dinner!!!!!! And we want it NOW!!!!!! |
Yesterday I was at the grocery store and they had a few books on sale. I had a peek at a couple of them and was tempted to buy them - they were ON SALE. I did NOT buy them - oh but - I did buy something else which I will show you tomorrow. But one of the books was on organizing and here is a tip I gleaned from that book. Make a TO DO list each day - BUT that list has ONLY THREE THINGS on it. What are the THREE critical things that have to be done that day. Well - in my case - I usually have THIRTY-THREE things that are critical (OK - so I am exaggerating, but not by much!!!!). I think once you get the three things done - then you focus on the next three and so on. I think that is good - it does provide FOCUS which is IMPORTANT.
So I must go and get my THREE CRITICAL things out of the way and then find the next three critical things. It is going to be a crazy day to say the least.
Have a great day!!!!!
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