You know my painstaking mistake that I am correcting? Well I am still hours away from getting it fixed, but now we are down to single digit hours. It is very time consuming and I have decided to tell you the story so you don't make the same mistake. Watch for it - I'm not in the mood to tell the story right now!
Here is a sampling of what I got done last week at the Monday/Thursday sewing days.
I am almost finishing trimming the half square triangles for Vintage Moments!!!! |
Another row on the "UGLY" string pieced blocks |
Scrap basket is getting low |
Almost have one seam per string pieced block on the Orca Bay quilt done - |
I have a bunch of fabric, odds and ends that I am cutting up to make kits for community outreach quilts. Mary was look for something to do, so she is now getting those kits to sew. That woman is a machine. This is one of the quilts that she pieced for me.
Flannel squares into a great looking quilt - thanks Mary!!!!! |
Dug out my pattern for Stepping Stones by Judy Neimeyer. This is the same quilt that Jan is making. Who by the way now has 60 of 105 blocks made!!!! That is amazing progress!!!! |
Remember Jan - madly chain piecing those blocks!!!! |
Diane gave me this article about funeral urns. Yes -that funeral urn is made of fabric covered cording - similar to the bags that we were making!!!! |
More work done on the Border Creek mystery from Quilts of the Creek |
This is the view under my long arm. Normally this area is absolutely clear, but I have received so many bags of scraps and sheeting/pillow cases that it had to go somewhere. Yikes - that is a LOT of stuff.
Scraps for pet mats and toiletries bags for the women's shelter |
Some of the pillow cases are a bit thin, so I just double it inside itself. Serged the bottom so it would stay together |
Picked through the scrap bags - oh yes - I am finding all kinds of odds and ends that can be used in my selvedge project or my scrappy string piecing. |
Then the pillow is full and serged shut. One more pet mat - DONE!!!! |
Have you noticed how different our brains are? Some people love to learn, some people do not. Some like to read, others do not. My brain is like a sponge. It tries to absorb as much information as possible. The day that I stop learning is the day that I die! Some lessons are a bit more painful that others are and I hope to reduce the number of painful learning experiences and increase the number of fun learning experiences.
I have been watching this video by Karen K. Buckley on Hand and Machine Applique and it definitely qualities in the fun learning experiences.
Karen K Buckley video on Hand and Machine Applique |
Oh my goodness - the video is AWESOME. First though - I have never seen Karen and when I saw her on the video - whew! Looks totally different than what I had pictured in my mind.
Anyway - I already have and use Karen's Perfect Circles and other shapes, but I mostly use the Perfect Circles. Many many of the techniques that Karen walks you through in AWESOME detail are identical to the methods that I use for applique. BUT there are several neat little tricks that I learned from the video that I am very excited about. I have already tried out a couple and they work FABULOUSLY. Yes - it is about time that I get back to applique but FIRST - I have this mess to clean up. I have 5 quilts to quilt in the next week and a few other things. Then off to retreat where I may just crash and do nothing.
Look what Margaret bought me. I love them. Now I have to bake some muffins!!!! Party time!!!!
Bicycle cup cake papers!!!! |
On that note - I am off to get some stuff done. I am making a list of everything that has to be done before I leave for the retreat. The list is long - there are some fun things, there are some not so fun things, there is packing, there is prepping, there is quilting, writing - Oh yes - lots of stuff and I am trying to pick and attend those things that I cannot get out of. Like teaching a class is kind of important!!! But I am happy to report that my spin class and Pilates class are on the list. If I don't have an outlet for this energy - I will burst and then I will get nothing done!!!!
So I am off to Pilates this morning.
Have a great day!!!!
I love all those scraps. What size are the toiletries bags that you mentioned? That is a great idea for the women's shelter.. I just gave the shelter here in Windsor 2 bags of toiletries but it would have been nice to include some bags too.