Good morning from Chattanooga, Tennessee!
Somehow, I managed to get everything done before I left. I don't even want to know how that happened. The only SNAFU was a meeting I was supposed to have with my colleagues before I left. I was waiting for them to connect to me and they were waiting on me. It did involve technology, SKYPE and text messages. No worries - we can have it later today once we hit the hotel.
While I was waiting for my ride to the airport, I realized that I had NOT checked in and I had NOT activated my NEXUS card. Could I remember my password for the NEXUS card? Nope - but then it came back and I was checked in, card activated and I have minutes to spare.
I zipped through all the lines - customs line, security line - although I did have to take my scarf off and my laptop had to come out of my backpack! And then I went to Tim's to get lunch. Hmmm - they need a lesson or two in efficiency. I think there were three people working in this busy spot at lunch. TWO people were taking orders and one person was prepping the orders. People were waiting for their food and I mentioned this to another fellow that was also waiting when POOF my food appeared ahead of everyone else's! The order taker had to wait for something so she got my order ready while she waited! While she didn't get the cookie right - I was OK with that!!!!
Then off to the gate to wait. I brought a good non-fiction book and I was all set. Then on the plane and I couldn't keep my eyes opened. I was asleep before the plane took off. I slept for about half the flight - didn't realize that I was so tired!
I arrived in Atlanta and my ride was going to be 1 1/2 hours late. Thank goodness for texts so I knew what was happening. So I got myself comfy in one of the waiting areas and I got out my quilt and my binding supplies and I was set. Then close to the new pickup time, I went outside and sat there enjoying the heat and a bit of humidity. Then a car with a bike on the back and Ontario plates drove up and my ride had arrived.
As I sat there, I was watching the people around me. Here is a possible clue to the huge issue we have with mental illness. People do not talk to each other. Almost everyone in that same waiting area had a screen in front of them. Kids playing on phones or tablets, NOT talking to their parents or siblings. No one reads books anymore. Yes - this is a SERIOUS problem. Now I know that this isn't the situation with everyone, but it's something we need to consider.
Patti timed her trip back home from the south with this show in Paducah. The GPS is also another great tool to have. Just plug in the address and away you go. Although there are times when I wonder just how much we should trust those darn things. But I've never been steered wrong so far - so that is OK.
Watching a story about how much information these FitBits and other fitness devices track and how one was used in a criminal case to prove a woman's story of being attacked in fact was false. Even your Smart Phone can be used to track your whereabouts! OK - never write the blog with a TV blaring in the background. What a HUGE distraction.
And on the way down, I heard that four members of the Grand River Modern Quilt Guild (I just met with them on Thursday) have won one of the prizes at the Paducah! That is very exciting and I can't wait to see what they won and see their quilt.
There are loads of people coming from all over to this show - it truly is a big show and I hope to see lots of familiar faces. Don't forget to come and visit us at the Northcott booth!!!!
Once we arrived in Chattanooga, we were off for something to eat. Then to bed. Today we are in the car for the morning and hope to arrive around lunch time - well it will be after lunch I think.
As promised, I managed to get some of the photos of the quilting from QuiltCon edited before I left. I took tons of photos and I'd like to share them all with you, but there wasn't time before I left to get them all done. Here's a sampling and I have more for several more days this week.
Beautiful wavy lines - notice that they are NOT consistent, nor are they parallel
Wavy lines |
Straight lines in groups of three |
Curved lines and the offset figure eight |
How to handle the intersection |
These next couple of pictures are the kind of quilting I expected ALL the quilts to have. But surprisingly, there were not many quilts that had this kind of quilting.
Swirls |
More swirls |
And more swirls and look at the quilting in those blocks |
I do like the quilting - I must put that one on my doodle list to see how I can figure it out for me. Wow - I just saw on TV (I'm in the hotel lobby), an ad for Brother sewing machines from a local sewing shop.
Varied density of quilting |
Varied straight lines |
Straight lines |
More straight lines |
OK - there's the sewing ad AGAIN and just heard a drug commercial. Oh boy - after hearing all the disclaimers, I wouldn't take that drug! The disclaimers went on longer than the actual talk about the product!!!
Straight lines on a log cabin |
Straight lines in two directions |
Straight lines in varied distance from each other |
Straight lines again! |
Straight lines on an angle |
Straight lines on an angle |
Straight and curvy lines |
Straight lines - yet again! |
Straight lines in a pattern |
You can see - there is a huge trend to straight lines in all kinds of variations. The next time you think you can't quilt a quilt - think straight lines. Now don't think that all of these were done on a long arm - if you make the straight lines not quite so straight - no one will know which line is right. Consistently inconsistent - that's the key to fun quilting!
On that note, I'm off to get my quilt and will get more of the binding on. I should have no problem to get it done before tomorrow morning.
Have a great day!!!!
Love those pictures. As a beginner those swirls are a real challenge :) But it's really beautiful :)
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