Ah the beauty of being alone. No one to think you are a messy person because there is quilt stuff all over the kitchen table and all over the kitchen counter (with a smidgen of room to make a meal) and the sofas in the living and lining the perimeter of the bedroom. There is no one to think you are a loony tune because you stay in your PJs for most of the day (unless having to go out in the car or the beach). It is quiet - no TV, no radio - it is sheer luxury and I am soaking up every minute of it because next week I'm going to have company. DH is coming on Friday and Nancy might be here sooner than that. No worries - I am sure I can manage!!!!
But just because I am alone, doesn't mean that you are all not with me. I have heard people tell me that they can hear my voice in their head - "don't forget to do this" or "don't forget to do that". Well it might surprise you to know that I have been hearing voices in my head - in particular from TWO people and there was almost a fight earlier this week!!!
Let me introduce you to the two opponents. There is Pat - she is a lovely lady who likes to FINISH things and then there is Ronda - also a lovely lady who is more lax although she does finish things, but I am certain she has UFOs!
It all started off innocently enough - well just proved that I am idiot once again!!! I decided that I would work on my Pioneer Spirit Mystery designed by Sherri Hisey and run through the
Quilts at the Creek. (Check out the link - there are classes, chances to volunteer, a super quilt show - you can enter your own quilt, and lots more)
I am piecing and pressing and then I get to the middle of the page - WHAT????? I need to cut more fabric? This is a joke - right? I thought I had prepped everything before I left, but you can see how easy it was to miss. That single line (highlighted by the arrow) says cut FIVE squares of red.
Missed that cutting instruction!!!!! |
So that project got shelved temporarily and the "need to buy red" got added to the shopping list. Now I have red at home, but I need to get this top done well - what would it be to buy a couple of FQs to get the variety I need for the reds so I could get this thing done.
On my trip to Charlottetown, I stopped at the
Quilting B store. OK - most of the reason I went to Charlottetown was to go to the quilt store and to get my rain boots.
Snagged three FQs of red |
Cut the missing pieces - look I have gained STASH while on vacation!!!! |
The pieces nicely laid out on the back of the sofa.
MOST of the big components done!!!! |
Now here comes the problem. Before I left, I had asked people to give me things for my "While I am Away Challenge". Ronda, not grasping that concept very well - gave me an entire quilt kit that she didn't want. Hmmmm - that wasn't the idea, but hey - I won't say no. It's a small kit!
Kit donated by Ronda to my addiction! |
Upon looking at the kit BEFORE going to Charlottetown, I decided that the quilt was a tad too small and if I added TWO FQs - I could get my generous (or almost) sized lap quilt from it.
Two new FQs to make the quilt kit bigger |
So you see where this is going????? I hear Pat's voice in my head saying "Now Elaine - you are so close to finishing the Pioneer Spirit - you should finish it!" And Ronda is saying "No worries Elaine - just start something new - you want to and look at all those yummy batiks!"
Pat "See who close you are - the last big triangles - almost sewn together" |
Ronda "yummy NEW pattern to make" |
Pat "see those triangles are so close - you can do it!" |
Ronda "but these batiks are so much more fun!" |
ACK - STOP!!!!!! I have to say that I listened to Pat!!!! Oh Pat - you would be so proud of me. I perservered and sewing those little triangles and squares together untill ALL the major components were DONE.
Major componenets aer DONE |
Well - I'm still in the mood for sewing - I might as well start sewing the quilt together.
One half of the quilt sewn together before I went to bed!!!!! |
And then last night (we did other things than sewing yesterday), I got all those big pieces together.
The top is DONE - well almost |
Decision time - do I make something for the corners????? Ah - that is a yes - no brainer on that one. However that requires MORE cutting. I was prepared for this and pre-cut the necessary squares.
Squares required for the corners |
I hope I don't screw up these corners!!!!
So I cut and got it all prepped before bed last night.............
Corners prepped and ready for sewing |
Even had EIGHT too many red squares - the pattern was incorrect |
However that was a good thing since I didn't like how the small piece fit on the corner of the block - too small and I wasn't going to stretch the corner, so the extra red squares were just a bit larger so I cut those and put on the corners.
Outer triangles just a tad too small |
Now the four corners are DONE!!!!! |
Top is DONE!!!!! |
I was going to add borders to the quilt and even bought brown and red fabric to do that, but what is the point! I said I wasn't going to do big quilts and this one is already 64 by 86 so that is a very generous lap and it is going to stay that way.
Potential border fabric???? |
Nix the border - and do a brown binding. Done - just have to cut 8 strips to make the binding and then Pat - you can rest easy - this project is DONE until I get home and quilt it. It is going to hang in Quilts at the Creek show - so must be done ASAP when I get home. A tad difficult to cut fabric strips when I don't have a long ruler, but I am managing!!!! And I am very happy with the pressing job considering I am working with a very small ironing board!!!!
Brown fabric for the binding |
And in all that cacophony of voices, others were calling me - pick me next!!! I want to go home finished!!!
Another project waiting in the wings to be swn |
Ah - there you have it - I have to say that I am happy to be finished this quilt - it was a LOT of work, but I do like it. It is very scrappy and for the most part did come from my scrap boxes although I did have to dig into the stash as I didn't have enough scraps in the right sizes. Thanks for all your encouragement Pat and Ronda - don't worry - I am going to start cutting and what is left over from the cutting will go in the "While I am Away Challenge". Since I need to get working on that - the kit will be cut SOON!!!!! But not today - I have another urgent thing to do today. And it looks like an awesome day out - I MUST get out on my bike.
One of the other things I brought to do while I am here was to get rid of some magazines. I know - thank goodness I travelled by car!!!!! The content of most magazines really is timeless. If you don't read it now - well you will be rereading it in a new format a few years down the road. So YES - these magazines are OLD - almost 10 years old, but what the heck - I bought them. I might as well get my money's worth from them.
Quilter's Home |
Plus it is interesting to check out some of the links/teachers/etc to see if they are still around!!!!! Many are NOT at least in these magazines.
OK - so I came across this article on quilter's horoscopes. I said to myself (since there is no one else around!) " these things are so hokey and ridiculous, but what the heck - I'll read it anyway".
Article on quilter's horoscopes |
OH MY GOD - within seconds I was laughing my head off. I read all the horoscopes and while I could identify with most of the things that was said about the other signs, MINE couldn't have been closer to the truth. Do you want to know what it said???? This is from Quilter's Home - December 2006. Shhhhh!!!
Quote "Virgos are known as the perfectionists of the zodiac. Efficient Virgos doen't waste any materials. While other signs throw scraps of unused cltoh into the trash, you take them back out to make beautiful scrappy quilts, and you use the smaller cuts for paper piecing. What another person considers too small to use, you will turn into a quilting treasure. Others marvel over your work, which is a true reflection of your precision and efficiency. And you're happy knowing that you used every little scrap you had and didn't waste anything. You desire to serve and help others, but if you volunteer for too many projects, you won't have a personal life. Limit the number of good-works quilts you make for that guild. And be sure your quilt will be appreciaed and treasured by a family member or close friend. It's not your responsibility to create a handmade heirloom every time you're asked for a quilt. Be a little selfish with your time, and try not to be so harsh on yourself either. You're your own worst critic while others are in awe of your masterpieces."
Is that not the truth!!!!! I don't know about awe and masterpieces but I am being selfish with my time - an entire month to myself away from everything??? Doesn't get more selfish than that!!!!
Well guess what other pictures I was going to post this morning? And when I saw that article - well I knew it was all true.
My ender and leader project!!!! Note the size against the ruler!!!!! |
These need to be pressed (they are all pressed now - I EFFICIENTLY pressed them while waiting for pictures to load on the computer!) |
These need to be trimmed (the pile is a LOT bigger now) |
These guys are trimmed and ready for some action!!!!! |
These are the leftovers from Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Soltice. I am going to throw them into EQ7 to see what I can come up with!!!! Yes those little guys are TRIMMED to 1 1/4" making them 3/4" finished. I know - I can't help it - it is my SIGN!!!!!
In case you think I am doing nothing but sewing - that is hardly the case. If I were only sewing - I would be getting way more done. Nope - I sat and read for most of the afternoon yesterday. Just had to finish this book.
Sahara by Clive Cussler |
I swear in his first Dirk Pitt books, he does NOT have a character called Clive Cussler, but in the last two he has. Perhaps I can check that out on the internet. I certainly do NOT want to have to read the other books again. This one took a bit of time to get into and VERY far fetched, but that is the fun!!!!!
My new book (well it isn't new - 2002) by Minette Walters is already disturbing from the first page. Perhaps that is why I had trouble sleeping last night. Or perhaps it is the allergies????? Where are they coming from????
And let's not forget the crosswords. Ah yes - something that I used to spend many hours on when I was younger. I LOVE crosswords. These ones are easy and see - NO PENCIL. I always used to do crosswords with a pencil. God forbid that you made a mistake. No - it wasn't acceptable to write over the mistake. No you had to erase the mistake. Why???? I have no idea. I'm a Virgo - remember. Anyway - I am using a Sharpie pen and loving it.
Crosswords with a PEN |
On that note - I am out of here. Got a busy day today. Got a deadline which will take some time to get completed today and I really really hope to get out on my bike - even if it is only for 20 KM. The hills are calling me!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
, cross
I just watched the movie "sahara" on TV starring Matthew McConaughy - fun movie to watch. Finished your Pioneer mystery quilt - awesome!!! I was voting for Pat! Glad to hear the weather sounds better today and you can get out on the bike. Always enjoy reading your blog and your funny stories.
ReplyDeleteWow - I didn't know they made a movie about that book!!! It would be fun to see how close to the book it is. I like how the author takes historical events and sort of changes them around! And who knows - they might be true!!! I know that darn Pat - no fun finishing projects off!!!!
DeleteYes, Proud of you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pat - and now get out of my head!!!!!