Wow - it seems like I am spending a LOT of time editing photos. Never mind that I have an issue now. A solveable issue, but I have to deal with it right away. You see my camera card is FULL!!!! And I didn't bring any spares. Part of the problem is - well OK - I am picture happy - I love to take pictures, but I am also blogging for QUILTSocial this week and well - the girls and I had a fabulous photo shoot on the beach yesterday and after MANY pictures - I settled on three for the project shot. I'm going to let Carla make the final decision! So many things to thing about - shadows, angles and so on. Anyway the girls and I had a riot!
However my camera card was FULL before we went to the beach so a quick trip into town was in order to get a new one. I also needed a few more groceries! Hmmm - the drug store does NOT sell camera cards. Checked out the two grocery stores - they did NOT either, but I found a treasure in one of the grocery stores which I will share with you hopefully tomorrow. Checked the gas station - NOPE - no camera cards either. I didn't feel like driving to Summerside so I decided it was time to delete some pictures.
Back home - deleted 70 pictures and well - the card is full again!! I think it is safe to say that we are off to Summerside today. I know - I could delete more, but what is the fun in that? Nope - a new card. Memory is so inexpensive these days. For around $10 you can get a LOT of memory.
Today is Monday and I miss the Monday Maniacs!!!! Last Monday, I got progress reports on what they were all sewing. Do you want to see??? Oh yes - they were very productive and it was fun to receive the pictures knowing that we were all thinking of each other.
Anita was quilting a quilt - she is focused and this project did NOT take her long to make. |
Anita makes a quilt (for a purpose) and gets it done. I should take a lesson from her!
Mary working on a shadow box quilt |
Lynn making a duffle bag - is that for me???? OH shoot - I remember her daughter's favorite colour is orange as well. I think the bag is for her! |
Jan in the final stages of putting her Stepping Stones quilt together. The one that the instructions said could be done in TWO days!!!!! |
Susan's block for Tonga Rhapsody - you see - she has much more contrast in her block than I have in mine! Love that turquoise! |
I believe this is Susan's as well for the table runner project |
Maria was working on her Silent Night quilt - it is GORGEOUS |
And also binding this scrap quilt which is for HERSELF!!!!! |
I got the pictures later in the day so I think a few of the others had left. Awesome job everyone - so nice to see what everyone is working on.
Well - I have a ton of pictures to share with you and I think we are back to a beach day. I had to laugh because I think it was yesterday when I said that I could do whatever I wanted and yet I was at the sewing machine? Well - nix that. I was sitting at the computer in the morning and absolutely could not stop yawning. I mean I was barely able to sit up. I had a LONG LONG nap and felt much better. Not sure why as I had a decent sleep - I think I ODed on the cinnamon buns. Oh well and then we went into town so didn't sit at the sewing machine all day.
I did finish my QUILTSocial project yesterday and I LOVE IT!!!!! Just wait until you see it - will be revealed next week. But I needed something to finish it off and where was I going to find that???? Yep - I needed sign board and there was no election signs anywhere around. I even scoured the road sides while out on my bike the other day.
Well - here is what I realized - the FOR SALE signs and there are a LOT of them around - yep - guess what they are made from???? If you said corrugated plastic you would be CORRECT!!!! So I was actually scouring the ditches for lost and forlorn FOR SALE signs, not election signs. There were NONE. And I could NOT bring myself to taking down a perfectly good sign. I think that is illegal and we won't have any of that!!!!
Guess what FOR SALE signs are made of? |
I did manage to find one forlorn looking sign near the beach and even brought it home.
My forlorn looking FOR SALE sign |
And I even attempted to cut it up after I found an exacto knife in the junk drawer.
Junk drawer |
The hollows inside the sign were packed with sand and even though I tried, there was no way that sand was going to come out. Not that I would have minded the sand, but it did add a significant weight which I didn't want.
However when I was in town yesterday, I happened to notice the offices of
Coulson Realty. I wonder...... So yes - I stopped in and asked if they had any damaged signs they didn't want. As I eyed a HUGE stack of brand new unpainted boards in the office!!!!! The agent said he had thrown out two just the day before!!!! Shoot! "Wait", he said and went downstairs. I hear CRACK CRACK and well - I had a piece of damaged sign board!!!!! The sign had been used but I don't know how bad of shape the rest of the sign was in - but my part was pretty good!!!! A big thank you to Coulson Realty - the people around here are so accommodating - well I love the small town feel!!!!
Coulson Realty |
Ooops - I didn't get a picture before I cut the sign up, but that goodness it was bigish as I cut the piece I needed and then realized it was a bit too narrow and I was able to get enough from what was left to get the correct size!!!!!
Mission accomplished - got my sign board!!!!!! |
And to see what I used it for - well you must wait!!!!!
More pictures of the beach - sorry - it is just so beautiful and peaceful that I can't help taking pictures. Each day, the ocean is different depending on the weather.
The sand dunes |
The ocean was VERY calm |
Calm calm calm! |
Since there is rarely anyone else on the beach and I know the girls aren't going to rum away - I let them wander. Egads - what is Sammy doing?????
See Little Samy in the middle of the picture???? |
Great - what trouble has the little beachcomber gotten into???? As I got closer - she ran away with something in her mouth!!
Little Sammy having a snack on something |
Make that a LOBSTER claw!!!! |
She loves lobster!!!! At first, I thought it wouldn't be good for her - it is raw after all, but even with her sensitive stomach, she has shown no ill side affects from eating the lobster. So I say - eat away!!!!!
She even carried the claw part way home until she got bored of carrying it |
And yes - the mud is red here and the sand is red. Somehow I managed to get a big gob of red mud on my bike rack!!!! Almost looks like I scooped it up! There is a sharp little hill to get onto our private road and it may have gotten scooped up when I drove up the hill! This picture was from a couple of days ago when it was raining.
Big gob of red mud |
Saturday morning we took a drive. The cleaning lady was here (I know - spoiled - just like back home) and so rather than hang around with the dogs - I decided to take a drive to try and find the bakery that Robin had taken me to. It was Saturday morning and they make fresh cinnamon buns. Sounds like a plan to me!
Keep in mind the gas gauge on my car is getting seriously low and I was supposed to fill up when I was in Kensington, but didn't. I'm certain that I will find a gas station between here and the bakery. Let me say one thing - I grew up in Saskatchewan where the roads are STRAIGHT and predictable. Here - the roads are willy nilly and everywhere you look - there is a road -curving up the hills, down the hills and around the hills. Oh yes - it would be easy to get "lost" here. But I did take the trusty map with me (thanks to Maria for giving me hers!)
I make it to the first intersection where I have to turn. Hmmmm - left or right? It must be right and so I drive. Nope - this isn't the right direction and now my EMPTY light is on. Oh oh - I am totally in the middle of nowhere. Better turn back - I went south when I should have gone north (which then turns south on a different road!). Hmmm - I wonder how empty the tank will be before it runs out of gas. Back to the main intersection where I made the wrong turn - do I go back to where I know for sure there is a gas station which would mean a LOT of backtracking? or do I forge ahead in the hopes of making it to Cavendish where for sure there is a gas station?
What the heck - let's be adventuresome. Let's forge ahead!!!! And within 10 KMs, I came to a FULL SERVE gas station!!!! A great little place where the dogs each got a dog cookie and Little Sammy even ate it which is very rare for her!!!! She has become quite the little Alpha dog since Sparky got sick! Although she is so nervous that her legs are shaking the entire time!!!!!
Ah - while adventures are great, I would have hated to run out of gas. I felt much better and we were off to New Glasgow to find the bakery. Well a few more twists and turns (some right and some not so right), we zipped past the bakery on the left while I was looking for it on the right!!!!! Ooops - how did that happen????
Then a bit of a detour to get home so I could pick up a Tim's. I know - but I don't have one every day - so I am allowed a bit of an indulgence from time to time!!!!
Lunch!!!!! |
I bought FOUR of those buns and ate two the first day. Right after I had one the day after - that is when my body went into over load and needed some major nap time to work off the sugar!!!!
Also got some cumin gouda cheese and fresh whole wheat bread |
Here are a couple of interesting things we saw along the way.........
Mini (and I mean mini) stone church. I left the house in the picture so you can see the scale |
Just another Farm - I LOVE this name!!!!! |
Beautifully restores old tractors - took that photo for my Uncle John who also restores tractors. Each tractor had the appropriate gas can beside it. Ah - what memories!!!! |
OH MY GOD - read this article - a dinosaur was stolen from
The Toy Factory just TWO days ago. It really is sad - what is the matter with people!!!! I might just have to stop in just to browse! I certainly don't need any toys - but the place looks cool from the outside.
I have seen several other blocks around as well. I wonder what the significance is???? Must do an internet search or wonder if Robin knows????
OK - a scary thing just happened. I did a quick search on the internet to see if I could find anything. Nope - I did not, but I did see a couple of images in the IMAGE gallery on Google. As I am looking, I see some pictures of a bicycle in front of several quilt shops!!! Yikes - that is MY bike!!! How did that happen????? I think it is pretty funny that many things I try to search on Google and my blog now comes up in the search!!!!! Oh well - I will send Robin a note about the quilt blocks.
Sign you see in the Tim's drive-thru |
Rare moment when the girls sleep on the same bed |
Sparky seems to prefer sleeping on the hardwood floor which isn't that warm. Then she gets up and she is stiff!! I know - my joints don't like the ocean air either!!! Anyway - I try to get her to sleep on the bed or the quilt I brought for them to sleep on, but Little Sammy seems to scoop the bed and Sparky would rather sleep on the floor. Case in point - the bed is wide open right now and they are both sleeping on the hardwood floor near me!!!! They love me!!!!
At least on the trip down here, Sparky has finally learned how to travel in the car. Before she was all over the place, trying to stand up to look out and then she would fall. I put blankets and beds in the back of the car for her to sleep on and she would rarely settle down. Now - she gets in the car (after I move all the beds into the back) and she immediately settles down. Good dog Sparky!!!!
Sparky in the car |
Little Sammy meanwhile, wants to be UP FRONT where she can see. Except that I hate that she pants and gets everything wet because she is so nervous. Silly little girl!!!!!
Little Sammy in the car. |
Speaking of real estate - want to buy a cottage here???? Well there are several for sale. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up the price of the cottage behind me. OK - so this is the furthest from the beach cottage so you would expect the price to be lower -right???
Cottage for sale |
And how much is that cottage???? $169,900 - check out the
listing on Coulson Realty web page.
So if that cottage is that price - how much do you think place goes for?????
Another cottage close to me |
I got the scoop from the cleaning lady - this one is owned by two doctors - two pyschologists I think she said. They are planning at some point to live year round here - HA - good luck with that unless you snowmobile in and out!!!!!
And this little cottage is so cute. I think the building on the right is the bunkie, there is a shower in the black section (all the cottages have some form of outdoor shower, some private, some not so much - yes - it is get rid of the sand - I know that much!!!)
Cute little cottage |
Look at the detail on the door |
Which matches the detail in the window |
While there were many people here over the weekend, it is now Monday and many have gone back to work. But Sparky enjoyed looking out the window at some activity. It is boring from an activity perspective for them here!!!
Sparky checking out the neighbourhood |
The sunrise at 5:18 ish this morning!!!!! |
Wow - that was a bit longer than I expected, but I had to get a bit caught up on the pictures. Don't worry - I still have a lot waiting to be posted and well today is another day!!!! I have to find a camera card somewhere and my best bet and closest is Summerside. Besides I have to go back to the Bargain Outlet Fabric to show them my project since I bought all the materials for it there!!!!
On that note - I am out of here.
Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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