Friday, October 16, 2015

I'm off and running.........................

Well not running  - actually I am taking the GO train today!  On my way down to the CreativFestival and drat - I realize that I left my business cards at work.  I have a few with me. Oh well  - must get better organized for business things.  I MUST take those card with me next week.

My calendar next week is jammed with appointments with magazine content editors, designers and other companies. I do hope to get some time to walk the floor as I am looking for some specific information for work.  I will make time!!!

I took pictures yesterday of what I did at work, but I don't have time to edit them this morning. Nope - I am trying to get my QUILTSocial blog posts done.  I am making them a bit more concise, but they still take time!!!!!   So yes - I am contending with that deadline, the T-shirt quilt deadline and well - I think the work deadline has slacked somewhat.

Those crates are leaving this morning and NOPE - I forgot to take a picture of them. But I will take a picture of them in Houston where they will be dwarfed by the hall at the convention center!  No matter - you will see how huge they are.  Rolls and rolls of finished quilts got loaded into those crates and when I left, there were just three that Suzanne was finishing off. I am not sure that I will ever like putting a binding on by sewing machine, but I am much better at it than when I started!!!

On that note - this has to be short and sweet. Just wait until next week when you get to read my QUILTSocial posts - it is all about APPLIQUE.  Some pretty amazing stuff and no holds barred - I am telling you all my tips and tricks.  It is going to be a fun week.

Well - I'm off to make new friends, reaquaint with old friends and just check out the CreativFestival.

Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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