Sunday, August 19, 2018

The BiQUE Ride - Day Seven - Part One

I suppose if I was smart, I’d be using the Apple computer in my room to do the post so I wouldn’t have the buffer issue this morning. But what’s the fun in that? I also have Apple TV in the room - but why would I even think of that. Nope - I’m a quiet calm girl through and through.

So yesterday was our LAST cycling day on the trip. Always a bitter sweet day - you’re glad you are getting to the end, but at the same time, you don’t want it to end.

We started out dry and stayed dry the entire day. I should have put sunscreen on and I did not. I think I got a wee bit of a burn. BAD me. Now I look old and wrinkled - like a roasted chicken. I can’t believe people used to think that look was good.

I think we were about 22 K into the day when we hit the Quebec border. Unfortunately NO sign to indicate that other than the road sign had three fleur-de-lis on it. I rode by myself again and it was great fun.

Just amazes me how I can entertain myself for hours on end and at the end of the day, I can’t remember a single thing that I was thinking about. I currently don’t even have any issues to work out - OK - so I have a lot of issues to deal with but none that were pressing. I have quilts to be designed for TOMORROW but I’ll do that tomorrow. Already got ideas - just need to get them on paper.

I met up with the truck on two occasions- the second one, I wasn’t going o stop at, but decided I would. A famous bakery where I bought something but didn’t eat it. It’s in my bag for the trip home later today. But I sure enjoyed the watermelon. That’s the kind of stuff that I want to eat when I ride. FRUIT!!!!  And I FINALLY learned how to stop my Google Maps from twisting and turning. Thanks to Seamus for helping me out with that. It drove me crazy and I was ALWAYS turning the wrong way. Now I know how to make it stop. And how to make it do that again. So much to learn. And Google Maps still isn’t tracking me. I see back in my history that it used to track me - when I had no idea but that was months ago.

It’s funny because on some days when you do a bunch of errands, I used to say - wouldn’t it be fun to see where you went/drove. Well - that was happening and I didn’t even know it. It’s pretty scary actually - there is NOTHING that Big Brother doesn’t know about us.

That’s it for Part One.

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