The blog is late this morning, but I was at the gym sweating my butt off as I zipped out another 30 K in less than an hour. Nothing like a good workout and then a good breakfast to get the day started. Gosh, I love those steel cut oats! Except that it makes me late, but that's OK. We're not going to worry about that.
So what small stuff are we dealing with today? How about some small quilts.
Through the miracle of the pony express, I got some quilts back that you've probably seen, but I haven't had in my possession for several months.
This first quilt was made for the Quilt Squared show that was held at the local museum in St. Mary's in March of this year. I took the heart from the pixelated apple quilt and made just the heart section. Yes - the heart is off-center. And that's a problem?? Not for me, it isn't.
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Mini heart quilt made by me |
Some of the quilts were for sale and I like to support artists and I was intrigued by this one. so I bought it. I absolutely love it. It's very simple in construction yet very effective and I think it's very powerful. I'm glad it's mine.
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A mini quilt that I bought |
I currently have them on my design wall. Remember the corner where the Halloween blocks have resided for years? Well, this is what the corner looks like now. Those three blocks on the top are part of another project that is supposed to be finished by the end of the year. Hmm - not sure that is going to happen. There's still a lot of work to be done, but that's OK. I'm making great progress on my goals for this year and whatever I get done or advance is something more than was done when the year started.
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Corner of the design wall in the studio |
Seriously, isn't that John Lennon mini just the most amazing thing. I love it!!!! I think the name of the person who made it is on the back, but not much more information.
I had lunch with a friend yesterday that I haven't really seen much of in 20 years!! We used to work together and we've seen each other on and off over the 20 years, but not really to sit down and have a chat. It was great and so fun to catch up. The last time I saw her was hilarious. I was in a traffic jam on the Lakeshore trying to get to the Ride to Conquer Cancer (this was several years ago). Sandra was dropping her husband off for the same event. They happened to be in the car ahead of me. Since we were stopped, she popped out to say HI. Now isn't that just the weirdest?
We've kept in touch with Facebook over the years. For those people who poopoo Facebook, it's a great way to stay in touch with those people that you don't really have day to day contact with. I'd be lost without Facebook.
When I got back, I wasn't really in the mood to sew and I confess that I read a bit and napped a bit. Not sure why I needed that nap. My nose has been so congested. Maybe I'm sick and I don't even know it? I suspect it's more allergy related.
Anyway, I ended up in the studio last night with a new audiobook that I downloaded to my phone with the intention of doing some hand work and trying to finish up a couple of projects.
Before I get to what I did - I want to know what happened to Mary Peiffer??? Mary has been the audiobook narrator for Sue Grafton's books since I started to listen to them. Mary started with "A is for Alibi" all the way to "N is for Noose". I open up "O is for Outlaw" only to discover that the books are now narrated by Judy Kaye. Just checking out some comments on the internet and there are many that are pro Mary and others that are pro Judy. Personally, I'm pro Mary. I miss her voice!! She really portrayed the characters well. Judy makes them sound OLD. Oh well - not going to stop listening - I'll just suck it up and get used to this new voice.
I need to clarify one thing as well. When the year started out, I didn't have a goal as to how many finished projects I would do. I just wanted to keep track of them. There are some that were created from scratch and there are others that will require a small amount of work to get them done. I say that just in case Diane (who is also making a list of finished projects) protests that all of her projects are created from scratch. I don't care - I set a goal for ME and if I have loads of small projects to finish up - good for me!!
Here's what I got done last night. I got the label on this table runner and all four corners of the binding are now stitched securely in place. This one is ready to be used! That makes Finish number 60 for the year.
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Finish number 60 for the year |
Then I was on a roll, so I dug out these little pillows that just needed a bit of hand stitching on each of them and now they are done as well. I'm calling them finish number 61 for the year. Three cute EMOJI pillows!!!!
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Finish number 61 for the year |
Then since I was still on a roll and I was intrigued by the audiobook, I dug out this mini quilt. This is finish number 62 for the year. I had to hand stitch the binding to the back of the quilt. It was already sewn to the front of the quilt. I had to sew down the hangers on the back and I sewed on the label which was already made.
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Finish number 62 for the year |
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The label for finish number 62 |
See - it sat for YEARS because it needed some quilting. Notice the date? That means in 2012, I was going to finish it by sewing the binding on and attaching the label. That was SIX years ago. I've no idea when I started it. But you also note that the mini was made from leftover bits from a larger quilt. Hm - I don't remember that quilt at all. I don't think it's in the pile of quilts to be quilted. I certainly don't have a finished quilt with that fabric and I don't remember giving a quilt made from those fabrics away.
Good grief!!! I'd better check the "to be quilted" list again. I should write on the label that it actually got finished in 2018!!!!
I do have one other small project that needs hand binding and then I think all the hand binding is up to date. There are still over 10 projects that need the binding attached by machine. And so many that just require a wee bit more quilting. I'm super thrilled with my progress for the year.
I was looking at the list of UFOs (my dirty dozen for each year). Still not completed those from 2017 but getting close. Don't forget that many of those projects resulted in THREE quilts, not ONE. There's still quite a few from 2018 and I'm working on them slowly. But I'm going to create a new UFO list for 2019. Yes - I am!! I'm going to be a wee bit more careful that I choose projects that are slightly closer to completion than some that I've picked in the past. Doesn't matter - the point is that those projects are getting on a list and will not be forgotten. It's easy to forget as you can see. I'm also trying to NOT add to the UFO list this year and so far I'm good. There's one quilt (Farm Girl Vintage) which may end up on that not done list for 2018. I'll see how it goes.
And on that note, I'm out of here. I've got paperwork to get done this morning, quilts this afternoon and I've got a class to teach tonight. The jelly roll rug. If you're interested, I think there's one more spot! It's at Oh Look Fabric and we're going to have fun!!!
Have a super day!!!
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