I was busy prepping my presentation yesterday and some other urgent work, so there was no time to listen to that remaining bit of the page-turner audiobook. So this morning, as I loaded the next customer quilt, I got back to it. But then it's time to get the day started, and I have 17 minutes left. How is that for control?
I'll probably finish while walking the girls this morning. All I can say is the author has a twisted mind. The plot keeps twisting at every page (or so it seems), and I almost feel like I need to go back and reread it. Yikes!! I'll have to get her other books. This is Paula Hawkins. She also wrote The Girl on the Train, which I've read. All I can say is that most of these psychological thrillers relate to twisted family ties. Need I say more!
Thanks to Gwen, who pointed out the "weeding" tool I discovered on one of my GO dies is, in fact -- well, it's a sort of weeder. It's meant to pull the fabric bits out of the dies, making sense. The fabric stuck in the slots on the dies when I used it the other day, and the weeding tool didn't click until Gwen mentioned it.
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A weeding tool for the GO! cutter |
So when I was teaching my applique class the other day, I took the cutter in case people wanted to cut some shapes.
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Using the GO! cutter |
Because I'm frugal, I have a box of leftover fabric bits that have fusible on the back. I run them through the cutter to cut small flowers, hearts, or circles. They are great practice bits for classes.
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Bits to be trimmed down into shapes for applique |
And here's my box of shapes - ready to applique.
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Completed shapes! |
Yes -- I know that's a piddly little job and who can be bothered? But I enjoy that kind of puttering, and I think that kind of puttering is what keeps me sane. If I'm always rushing to the next bigger and better job or fabric, my brain has no time to sit back and deal with the mundane. I think our brains need the ordinary to recharge! If we're always GO GO GO, it's not good. At least not for me.
Here's another example of control. I saw this gorgeous collection of fabric when I was at K&A, and I decided to think about it rather than rush and have them cut one meter of everything, which I've been known to do in the past.
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Gorgeous fabric collection |
Look at those vibrant colors. That makes me very happy, and this is the kind of thing that I'm more attracted to than cutesy tiny prints or big flower prints, and I like the monochromatic stuff with vibrant colors. What a change from when I first started to quilt!
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More of the collection |
This is the name of the collection, in case you are wondering.
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The name of the collection |
I may still get some, but I've decided that until I have a specific quilt to use it in, I'm NOT going to buy it. I do NOT need it -- I have lots of other fabrics that make me happy, and I should make those fabrics happy by using them up! Then I can get more!
What would make me really happy is to ditch a ton of fabric in that stash room that will likely never be used. And I will do that -- it will get donated to the community projects pile, but I have so much ahead of me that I want to get some of that caught up first. Then color by color, I'll go through my baskets. That will be a traumatic experience, but if I start with one basket at a time -- it will be done! When it's time to downsize, I'll have practically nothing but UFOs! And quilts to quilt!
I have a small bag of bodkins that I use with the serger when I want to tuck the end of a seam into itself. The bag had been "lost" for a long time, and I had no idea where I had placed the bag as I am usually very good about putting things back where they belong.
So when I taught the applique class the other day, I pulled two demo boxes off my shelf. One for applique, the other for fusible. As I unpacked the boxes and sorted through them when I got home, guess what I found? YEP - that little bag of bodkins!!! I've been using a yarn needle, which works, but I wanted these metal ones.
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My metal bodkins are FOUND! |
The bag is sitting on the ironing board right now as I contemplate a new location for it. Where I used to have it isn't really a logical place. I should put it with the serger tools as that is when I use it most. Or do I put it in my hand stitching needle box? I've got to contemplate that a wee bit.
My sad little tulip garden! But I've got blooms, so the rabbits and squirrels didn't get everything. I'd better enjoy it as this garden won't be there next year! More on that coming up in a couple of weeks.
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My tulip garden |
When I moved that desk in the office, there was room to put the SECOND of two toy boxes on the floor for Murphy. I know -- she doesn't need two, but she has two. Lexi couldn't care about toys if her life depended on them. Too juvenile.
Within minutes, this is what the toybox looked like.
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Murphy's toyboxes |
Yep -- I heard Murphy ruffling around in there and pulling stuff out. She is not content unless there is a mess.
Speaking of Murphy, the rest of today is all about her. I now -- I'm catering to her ego! She's cute, and she knows it!!
Pinecones are dropping, and she adores carrying them around. And not just one -- but she managed to scoop two of them the other day. This is nothing, as I've seen her carry 5 around at once. Oh, Murphy!!!
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Murphy and her pinecones |
The next couple of pictures are ones that I snapped when she was trying to find her ball that I successfully threw into the bushes. This is her FAVORITE activity.
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WHOA --- who put that tree there? |
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MOM -- I can't find the ball |
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OH - it's in there -- I'll get it |
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Mom -- I'm caught in the bushes - help! |
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Mom -- I won't fall in the pond - I'm very nimble |
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MOM -- I'm exhausted. Let's do it again! |
And then she goes and sits in a muddy spot near the pond, and she is happy!
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The perfect muddy spot for Murphy! |
I had a big adventure yesterday, which you will hear about tomorrow. I know -- why do I do that to you?
I had to pop into the dollar store on my walk yesterday. This store is very close to two high schools, and I am sure that the mall and all the shops in this area must HATE their location because of the high schools. I was standing in the line for the self-checkout when two boys with backpacks came from the opposite direction. Excuse me! Excuse me! OK -- so at least they were polite.
Next thing you know, Excuse me! Excuse me! as they pushed through to the front of the line. What the heck is going on? OH -- so two other friends were waiting at the self-checkout.
There was a tiny woman as the attendant, and she reamed them out for holding that self-checkout hostage while the other two went off to get whatever. So the four boys crowd around the self-checkout with their backpacks and chattering away. I was ringing my stuff through, and I heard them get ready to leave. The small woman demanded to see their receipt! I was very impressed with her!
As I was leaving, about 20 other kids entered the store -- all with backpacks. I can only imagine how much gets lifted in that particular store.
What are they buying? Well, I would guess it's not kitchen stuff! They sell a ton of junk food at this dollar store -- chips, chocolate bars, pop, and I suspect that is what they are buying.
Why they installed self-checkouts at this location is beyond me, as it sounds like a recipe for disaster for the bottom line. I'd also get rid of the junk food, but have you noticed how huge that junk food section is?
I must remember to NOT go near any stores when school lets out. I've seen some stores limit the number of students that can be in the store at a time.
And when I popped into Indigo (book store), there was a service dog getting some training. I didn't stop to watch, but those two dogs were so well behaved! Now, if only Murphy had one smidgen of their control!
There is a lot on the agenda today, and I've got to get myself organized to make it all happen. And this weekend which was supposed to be quiet, is now jammed with activities all day, both days! But that's OK. There is an end to the chaos -- I hope. I keep saying that it does ease up, and then the deadlines come back again.
Have a super day!!!
I’m not sure why my comments are coming up as “anonymous”. Just another thing technology to figure out.
ReplyDeleteOur dog before Jade, Tucker,…a beagle/lab mix with some border collie thrown in for good measure…was just like Murphy. We would pick up his toys and put them in their home, and even if he was curled up in his chair, he would come down and pull most of the toys back out onto the floor. Jade, on the other hand, is much like Lexi. Unless it’s a squeaker that needs to meet its demise, she’s hardly got any interest in toys.
That's so funny! We love our pets and I love to see their personalities come out and how different they all are. I see you are no longer anonymous. Hiw did you make that happen?
DeleteI love the bright colors of that fabric line! You have great restraint 🤣! I love your backyard, did you construct it yourself? Murphy is so handsome 🥰
ReplyDeletePamela -- great restraint is right! However, I'm also very logical and sometimes reasonable. I do NOT need more fabric and after buying that laptop, I couldn't justify spending more money. As for the backyard, it was partially done when we moved in 20 years ago. The gazebo and the shed were there, as was a small pond. We then had a landscape company do the work for us over several years shortly after we moved in. No regrets -- we love it.
DeleteI sprinkle paprika around my tulips when they start coming up. The bunnies don’t like it, so they leave my tulips alone.
ReplyDeleteRose -- that's a great idea. I'll keep that in mind for the future, but those poor tulips will be toast in a couple of weeks. Perhaps I can move them to the backyard or find a home for them in the new space.
DeleteThere are numerous stores in my small town that have huge signs that say the kids must leave their backpacks at the service desk, which is right next to the door. Shoplifting is an epidemic around here.
ReplyDeleteYes --- I'm surprised that they don't have such a policy here or at least near the highschools. I'm sure the shoplifting is a huge issue. I wonder if they noticed a difference when the schools were closed?? I bet they did!