I had to laugh yesterday as the mystery book I was listening to mentioned the Camino! One of the potential suspects was walking the Camino, which ruled them out as a suspect! How timely!
Over the years, millions of "pilgrims" have walked the Camino, and many have written books about their journey. I've read the Jane Christmas book (What the Physic told the Pilgrim) -- that was probably the first one I read. I know there's a movie (The Way) I will watch when I get back. Watch that trailer -- it makes me cry!!!! I've seen the Shirley Maclaine book (sounds like she did this the VERY HARD way -- no making friends and begging for food - that won't be me) and I'll Push You (also a movie, and the trailer will make you cry!). Watching those trailers makes me emotional -- I'll be a wreck on the trail!
I won't be writing a book, but I'll be writing my blog, which is the same thing but with lots of pictures! And you all get to share the experience.
I'll be sharing some of my equipment purchase adventures before I go, and YES -- I'll answer some questions that I bet are burning in your mind but too afraid to ask. Those will have to wait for another day. All I can say is I'm running out of time!
But -- I'm in good shape. I've got a plan, and I've got lists, and I'm following them, and even better, I'm on track.
Here's something that I spotted on IG last night, and WOW -- this is so appropriate and an interesting way to look at your day - every day.
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Rules to live by |
1. Get up early. Yes, I get up early every day and love doing that, and I get so much done in those first hours of my day.
2. Express gratitude for what you have. While I don't actually come out and say "thank you" to the day, I often think that I am very fortunate in what I have: my health, my girls, DH, my lifestyle, and most important -- being able to choose! Yes, I am extremely grateful and need to be more aware of that.
3. Do something productive. OK --- so this is where the day got interesting. I got a customer quilt done.
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Customer quilt - DONE |
I've finished cutting out the magazine quilt that needs to be done before I leave, and I sorted and tidied up in Studio U and Studio B. So yes -- I feel my day was pretty productive. And here's some productivity from the day before.
When Diane used to call me to ask for more fabric to sew into quilts for community projects, I used to panic. What to give her? I'm ahead of the game, as I have a cupboard with fabric kits "on deck." So when she called, like she did the day before, I had stuff ready to take to her.
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Fabric for Diane to sew |
Two of those bags above were waiting in the cupboard, and I decided to dig more out since I'll be away for a while, and I don't want her to run out!
I opened two tubs under the long arm, neither of which was completely full. I sorted them into groups or collections or things that would go together.
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Soring fabric into collections |
And I set aside about 6 more fabric bundles for her to work on the next time she needs something.
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Waiting "on deck" for Diane |
I had help, of course, and I swear she has claimed that piece of fabric as her own!
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The helper |
The remainder fit into one tub that isn't full, and I have an empty tub.
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One empty tub! |
I popped that empty tub to the other side of the long arm, and now all the cardboard boxes are gone! There are three tubs of fabric left under the long arm, and since most of that is monochromatic stuff, I might sort it by color and start going through my stash, pulling out one color, and adding in the monochromatic stuff. That's something I'll be thinking about on my trip. Maybe not!
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An empty tub |
And there it is -- a hole under the long arm! Oh my -- well, I'll confess that it didn't take long before I found a tub from Studio U that filled that space. It's only half a tub, but I'm getting so giddy at my new organization that this isn't working. This is FUN!
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Empty space under the long arm |
4. Do something fun! Well, I enjoy everything I do, including sorting and organizing. The more organized and clean things are -- the more fun this becomes! I finished my audiobook and went for a walk -- almost 15 K again. I NEED to get that backpack on and start walking with it, so I'll be used to it. Time is running out.
5. Do something for someone else. Does being a shoulder to cry on count? A friend I've known for years called me a while back to say that his wife had liver cancer. She was diagnosed in March, and she passed two nights ago. He called me to talk, and I listened. It is so sad - here's a grown man who I've NEVER seen cry, and he is devastated. I wish I was closer, so I could give him a hug, but he lives in a different city.
And we had a few laughs amongst the tears. They live in an apartment, and my friend said that he has to go through her things in a storage locker. GASP!!! NOT the storage locker! I think it's a lot of clothes and he has no idea what to do with them. Thankfully, an adult daughter is in the picture, and she can help (hopefully).
But this should be an eye-opener for everyone. Nat had little time or inclination to deal with her stuff after her diagnosis, and now it's left to her husband. Think long and hard about having a storage unit, and think long and hard about what you currently own. I know that is something I"ll be thinking about on my trip. What else needs to go from my house? How much do I need at home if I can live for 40 days from a 10 LB backpack?
6. Get some sunlight. Absolutely --- not only do I take my Vitamin D pill (Mary -- I'm learning to take it every day!), but I'm outside for a couple of hours every day -- rain or shine, snow or sleet. I NEED to be outside, or I'll die!
7. Exercise -- As I mentioned, I was out walking three times yesterday. In the morning for the girls, in the afternoon for me (no errands), and in the evening to drop off and pick up stuff from Diane.
And I got my hanger for my Conqueror medals hung up yesterday.
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My medals hanger |
I don't have a ton of medals, but I want to display them.
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My medals are in a heap |
Notice how the one on the right isn't hanging nicely? Why is that? The bands are sewn to lie flat around your neck, not the flat bar.
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This medal is crooked |
So I unsewed the seam and turned the fabric to make a flat loop! I love it. Those three medals represent 10,836 KM or 6,733 Miles. That's amazing and even more amazing to realize that I started on December 30, 2019. That's the equivalent of 11.6 KM (more or less EVERY DAY) for 2½ years! That's a HUGE commitment to walking! It's free, you can do it anywhere, and everyone CAN do it! Yep -- I have aches and pains and arthritis in my knees, and my hips and back aren't always happy, but I do this for my mental health. And drugs work wonders!
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My medals! |
I don't need the motivation to walk -- I walk to do my errands, I walk the dogs, but mostly I want for ME. My mental health changes are HUGE. I firmly believe walking has helped me clear my head about the junk in my house, how I spend my time, and much more. I don't take entertainment with me on my walks -- no audiobooks, no music, just nature, and my brain!
8. Put a smile on someone's face. I'm not sure I did this -- I know that others did this to me. I think I did -- at least I chatted with some neighbors, so hopefully, I put a smile on their faces!
9. Express gratitude or compliment someone. I thanked Diane for the quilts she had for me. I sure hope I did, and if I didn't -- Diane, here's a huge THANK YOU for everything you do!!!
Here are NINE quilts with backing and binding that I picked up from her in the last two days.
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Three quilts to be quilted |
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Six more quilts to be quilted |
10. Learn or do something new. Oh gosh -- me who is always going on about learning -- did I learn something? Well, I didn't learn anything, but I'm going to try something new, and it was delivered yesterday. I'll share that with you in a couple of days. You're going to be SHOCKED.
I have to say that I LOVE that list, and it's something that we should be looking at each and every day. Perhaps not those exact 10 things, but we need to be living our lives a bit more than we are! I know I was guilty of working too hard and frantically to get everything done. I know I'm in a lull right now, but when things pick up, I don't know that I want to return to that frantic pace. There has to be some downtime!
Anyway, I leave you with that list as I think it's something to contemplate, and even if you work a 12-hour shift every day, NONE of those things above would take very long to accomplish and could be completed while you work! Think about it -- this is the ONLY life you get, so live it to its fullest!!!
And who turned down the thermostat? It's practically freezing this morning!! But I'm not complaining -- these days are SO comfortable, and I'm enjoying every second!
Have a super day!!!!
Wow! The Camino! I'm sure you'll have a great experience, and I'm excited that you are going to share it with us on your blog. I'll be reading it every day! I am curious about how you reached your estimate of 10-12 pounds to carry in your backpack. I haven't walked the Camino but I have done other several day hikes and some backpacking. On the hut to hut hikes, where breakfast and dinner were provided, so no need to carry food except for lunch and snacks, our packs weighed in between 15-18 pounds. No, I wasn't carrying my whole wardrobe, just a couple changes of underwear and socks, a clean shirt. But, but water weighs a lot, and it's not something you can skimp on. Plus basic hiking necessities, rain jacket, first aid supplies, headlamp, it adds up. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteMy father-in-law did the Camino in his 70's!! You got this!!