I didn't even bother to look for the missing stuff. No time at the moment and I'll find it eventually! I almost forgot what I was looking for! No matter, the cropped version of the picture went in the homework assignment, and life is good! I bet that group NEVER asks me for homework again -- I sent them a whopper!
OH MY --- I was so thinking about other things this week, that I forgot to mention there's a VIRTUAL RETREAT this weekend. Good grief -- I knew that but forgot to write it down. So here are the links for the weekend.
Saturday, February 25 -- starts at 6 PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254233911?pwd=VGQrTnFybW1HMWpleHA4M2Q2NGVwZz09 Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797
Sunday, February 26 -- starts at NOON EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1959 8156
Passcode: 053861
I know people enjoy the virtual retreats because they REMIND me if I forget! Like what happened this time. I was chatting to someone last night, and she mentioned it. Oops!
WAIT -- did you notice what I said? I was chatting to someone? Yes --- I was on my cell phone for one hour last night in my kitchen, and NOT once did my voice drop. Can you tell me what that is all about? I've done nothing, so was the problem due to signal issues from the carrier? I have no idea -- I just wish I knew it was fixed.
I had two Zoom presentations yesterday, and I'm getting awesome feedback, so that is good. Thanks to everyone who has signed up for these Zoom calls through the various Husqvarna Viking or PFAFF dealers. I learn so much while prepping, answering questions, or seeing the show and tell from others. I'll be so smart one day!
There are no Zooms today. Yeah! It'll be nice to take a wee break before the weekend when I'll be on Zoom for most of the weekend. And I've got a ton of work to do (as if that is anything new!)
I have no idea what is happening to my computer. The memory (saving stuff) is slow or non-existent at times. I saved THREE screenshots for you this morning, and NONE of them were saved. WAIT -- before you say you should reboot your computer -- I already did that this morning before I even attempted to save those files. And I get NOTHING.
OH -- I think I just figured that one out. I did NOT accept all cookies from the website, so it said --- HA -- you get nothing from us. But I accepted the cookies, and now I can save them. Sigh.............
Well, I had to change the name of the two others to be able to save them. That little exercise took forever!
However, here's what I wanted to share with you. So I've mapped one of my challenges through Afica and I nearing Lagos in Nigeria. This is the divided highway.
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A divided highway in Nigeria |
Yes --- this is a divided highway. There is another road on the other side of the grass on the left. The medium has been rather unkempt in the last couple of days with grass, shrubs, etc. No shoulders, no markings. Yet some parts of this highway have been comparable to what we'd see in North America. HEY -- at least the road is paved.
Good grief -- after five tries, I managed to save this shot. You can see me on the map, and I'm nearing a cloverleaf. Hmm -- I wonder what a cloverleaf in Africa looks like, so I used Pegman (Google maps) to move me around, so I was on the cloverleaf).
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The map |
Yikes--- I do NOT think the quality of that guardrail would stand up here. The number of accidents would be huge!!! It does look rather unsubstantial.
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The guardrail on the overpass |
I love looking at the map as I'm walking, as you never know what you're going to see, and you have to view the map and the street view to appreciate the surroundings.
As you know, I have "fun" with technology. While most times it works like a charm, there are days when it doesn't. I got in from the walk and shoveling yesterday and checked the time on my FitBit. DEAD. How can it be dead when I charged it the other day? I didn't have time to charge it completely, but it was at least 75%. Thankfully, the phone somehow knows that and records my steps - more or less, so I did get credit for walking the dogs.
Speaking of shoveling -- what a nightmare. As I mentioned, I removed some of it the night before. And when I went out yesterday, there was a lovely hard crust on everything. I didn't think I would get any of the snow removed. But I got about half of the driveway cleared, but not before I had to literally scrap the hard crust of snow. I did a couple of half-hour sessions, and that was it for me. Everyone else on our street is clear, but not me.
Oh shoot -- I thought I took a picture. I carved a 3-foot walkway into the windrow at the end of the drive, and I'll get back out today. I'm not hurrying to go anywhere, so there's no rush. The sidewalk is clear, and there is a clear path if anyone needs to come to the house. That's all that counts for now. I was hoping the snow-shoveling fairy would visit last night, but alas, they did not!
Speaking of snow -- it's amazing how people who clear snow, whether that is the city or private contractors. Most do not care one hoot about the sidewalks. Look at this.
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Great cleared sidewalk |
Yep --- the sidewalk corner at the intersection is clear, but they dumped it on the sidewalk. I am tempted one day after a storm to walk around my neighborhood, document these operators' stupidity and send them to the city. They need to get their decision-maker people out on the streets to see what the heck is going on. I bet they all get in their cars from their garage, head to work in the underground parking, and never walk around the neighborhood. Murphy and I will have to walk through or around this mess this morning.
And there's a series of sidewalks very close to the elementary school, which are NEVER plowed by the city. That's a shame as people use them to walk to school. I think we need to get double steps for walking through that; however, I just walked on the street through that section. God forbid that everyone would think to shovel their sidewalks! Although one of the neighbors on our street snowplowed the sidewalk for almost the entire length. He stopped short at my sidewalk!
The other day, I lost a small square of fabric while sewing a block. Oh my -- I lost it, and it was nowhere to be found. Well, when I moved my sewing machine two days ago, guess what I found? Yep -- my little 1" square. I had already cut a new one, and this one is still on the table. I will admit that Studio B looks like a tornado went through.
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The lost 1" square |
Speaking of tornados, look at this mess. The backyard is covered in snow, and yet Murphy can go out and come back looking like this! She went under the shed, which is supposed to be Lexi's domain ONLY. Yet, she must get in there and bring the leaves and crap into the house. There's now a debris field from the back door to the front window!
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Oh Muprhy |
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Grooming the dog |
I know nothing about cutting hair or grooming dogs, but I'm learning. Murphy doesn't care and she's getting used to it. I'm doing a decent job on the bum, but my cuts are still uneven. I guess I should watch a video or two. But seriously? It's much better than it was.
Yesterday, we had a session grooming her ear. This is the ungroomed ear. She has so much fine hair behind her ear that it's a disaster zone.
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Murphpy's ungroomed ear |
Here's what I did to her. That is not bad, considering I know nothing about this. I just have a pair of scissors, and I happily cut away.
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Much better |
I only managed to get one ear done, so she looks a wee bit lopsided but cute, nonetheless. I'll tackle ear number two today. And then we need to tackle those paws!
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MOM -- I look hideous -- can you cut the other ear? |
OH my -- look what I dug out of the bookcase yesterday. And YES - I pretty much knew where this was. This is a book that I bought when I was in high school, and sewing most of my own clothes. Most of the information is still valid today, so I thought I'd read up a bit. I have a few garments that need to be made ASAP.
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My old sewing bible |
If anyone wants a physical copy of the Barn Star Sampler book, C&T has picked it up, and it will be available at the end of March. I forgot to mention that the other day. The confirmation e-mail will go out today! And it's not too late if you want to sign up! Just send me an e-mail. elainetheriault@gmail.com
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Barn Star Sampler |
OK --- I need to make wise use of my time today as a ton of stuff has to be done.
Make sure to mark off the virtual retreat in your calendar!
Have a super day!
I don't know if I ever told you, but my Mom owned a fabric store from the time I was about 12 years old until I was in my mid 30s. I come by my fabric obsession from childhood, LOL!! She sold all kinds of fabric, and people were still sewing clothes back then. My mom sold Vogue patterns and had that book for sale in the store. I might still have a copy somewhere. Construction techniques have not changed, just the style of the garment.