Monday, July 3, 2023

Running on EMPTY!

It was another intense day of automation in Studio B! But first, we had two Zooms (EQ8 and digital cutters), which were excellent sessions. I now have some follow-up work, and there is always paperwork, but not today, as it's Monday sewing! 

This is what I worked on the day before. I started with the mySewnet embroidery software and created this. Note that I have made modifications to it since I took this picture. I dabbled in embroidery software years ago but had no idea what I was doing. Now -- do NOT attempt to take my embroidery software away from me. I use it all the time, and while I'm still learning it, I can do so much with it. There is really no need to EVER purchase another embroidery design! 

Working in the mySewnet embroidery software

I used my Brother Scan and Cut to cut the letters. I need to learn how to use the Canvas Workspace for the digital cutter, but I will make things work for now!

Brother Scan and Cut

I used my Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER EPIC 2 to stitch out the design. 

Stitching out the design

And this is what I created! I still need to trim and bind it, but I quilted (embroidery) through the backing and the batting, so it's a completed wall hanging. It took a couple of hours, which would have been much less time had I not made some errors with the digital cutter! 

My little wall hanging

Other than my little booboo, it was super fast to do and so easy. I should provide a couple of close-ups, but the background is closely quilted with cross-hatching. Everything was done by a machine -- I just had to walk the USB from the computer to the digital cutter and then hoop the fabric. Easy peasy! 

I purchased my digital cutter to cut fabric as I'm not interested in cutting other materials, although I can if I want to. To stay in the digital cutter group (which I organize), I better get myself organized and do that! I'm still in the group! 

I played more with the embroidery machine yesterday, but this time, you are NOT allowed to see it - at least not yet. But the item turned out amazing, and I can't wait to finish it. 

I got very lucky as this is what was left of the thread; as I heard, "Embroidery is finished."

Empty spool!

This is OK because I had also emptied another spool of thread earlier. 

Another empty spool!

And then I walked some fabric to Diane's house - in the rain, no less! And because of that, I was able to empty a drawer! 

Empty drawer!

Putting the drawer back in place and getting more stuff ready to drop off with Diane, I could EMPTY a corner of the table. 

An empty corner of the table!

I put my Cherrywood Chalenge fabric away. I didn't even get a chance to open the bundle, never mind think of an idea. I'm a bit bummed about that -- Oh, who am I kidding. I'm not even giving it a thought! I didn't get it done -- what do I care! I didn't have time, and that's OK. Move on! 

Empty dreams! 

I got a large customer quilt done, but it required some babysitting, not because of the quilt but because of the thread, which broke more frequently than I would like. I don't know what that was all about, but the quilt is off the machine, and the next one is waiting to be loaded. 

Customer quilt - DONE

And I do NOT know what this was all about. Was she trying to help me? Was she trying to say that I should be sewing more? I had been doing embroidery, so I wasn't using the foot pedal! Anyway -- it was cute to see her doing this! Oh, Murphy - so full of cuteness!

MOM -- I can HELP YOU!

I finished an audiobook and didn't see that end coming! Lucky for me, as two more books came in yesterday. So that will keep me busy for a while, although on the days when I'm working with more than one machine, I find it very taxing on the brain to listen to an audiobook! 

Today, I plan to cut fabric while on the Monday call. I used to do that when I started Monday sewing - over TWENTY years ago! Can you believe it's been that long? I have one person who has been with the group pretty much from the beginning. WAIT -- two people, and there have been loads drop off, and new ones join! We have a great group, and I look forward to Monday. 

I'm off to spin class this morning, so I'd better organize myself!

Have a super day!!


1 comment:

  1. Is there nothing more yummy than an empty bin? ;-)
