I'm going to blame it entirely on solar flares! Apparently, there was a large one yesterday. Not only did the keyboard crap out, but other things also happened.
I did some testing on the keyboard later in the day, and well -- it's a mystery to be sure. Somehow some of the keys have gone wonky - when I type an "r," I get "6r". When I type "f," I get "5f." Typing a V brings up the help. I think there are eight keys affected, but one can't type with craziness like that.
And when I look at the keyboard, it doesn't owe me anything. Remember I complained about the lettering disappearing off the keyboard? Did I do anything about it? I did not! But I really like that style with the somewhat bent keyboard.
Worn out keyboard |
However, DH came to the rescue. He loaned me a wired keyboard. I think he's just tired of me complaining about technology, and he gave it to me to shut me up! I'm laughing when I say that because it's probably true, although I found one in a local store I could buy, but I'll wait a bit and use his keyboard. The next time I'm out, I can get a new keyboard. It took my fingers a few minutes to get used to the new straight one.
Not only did the keyboard die, but when I went to check my FitBit for the time - it was DEAD. I got no warning like usual, so it needed to be charged.
The Fitbit is lifeless |
And then, while I was quilting, another light bulb died. Now that HALF of the lights are gone, I think it's time to replace them both!
A light bulb died |
However, the day wasn't a complete disaster, and good things happened! I had to return the socks that I got the previous week. That was a complicated affair as they had to be returned to the US. Three pages of invoices, labels, and instructions. But when I walked the package to the US drop off, the guy said I passed with flying colors. Yeah!
And I tried the NEW socks, and they seem to be fine. They are hard to put on and off because of all those little bits for the toes, but they aren't as annoying as I thought they would be. And they just happen to color-coordinate with the shoes. How sad is that?
New socks with toes |
I am making huge leaps and bounds at getting things off that to-do list. Prepping classes for the fall, writing e-mails (the new keyboard helps enormously!), and so much more. I have to make a few phone calls today, but with my trusty landline (yep -- I don't ever trust the cell phone anymore - I should be asking for a rebate on my monthly bill), I'll be OK.
There was lots of picking up and dropping off of quilts yesterday, so as quickly as I get them done, they are out the door. I'm now into October with the queue, so if anyone wants a quilt done for Christmas, you better let me know NOW.
Here's the quilted piece I did the day before. It will be cut and made into two pillow shams so that was easy enough to quilt. It matches the big quilt I did the day before.
Quilted fabric for a customer - DONE |
This is the quilt I managed to get done yesterday. That one has fleece for the backing and batting, so it will be toasty warm!
Customer quilt - DONE |
I know this is an optical illusion, but when I was walking back from dropping off that return, I observed this building as I waited for the light to change. Everyone calls the building
"The Ship" because it looks like a cruise ship. But it sure looks like it's leaning in that photo!
"The Ship" |
And then there are the girls. They are just silly, to be sure. This is Miss Lexi after the walk. She's so protective of Dad when he's in the office, and for her to sit IN the room is huge!
Just guarding MY Dad! |
But then, she went crazy in the evening. Those solar flares were at work, even on Lexi. I spotted her ripping out the batting from her quilt.
This batting has to go! |
This wasn't a gentle process but rather aggressive for her. She's a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, for sure.
Mom -- I'm busy! |
And then, when I took it away from her, she jumped on the sofa and looked so sweet and innocent. But at this rate, I will have to make them a quilt, as the one they currently have doesn't have much batting left. It was an old cutter quilt from somewhere and wasn't worth anything! The replacement will be something small!
Me? I did NOTHING |
Murphy doesn't care two hoots about the quilt -- all she loves are her teddy bears and her ball.
Mom - let's play ball! |
Whenever I sit at the table, I start counting to see how long it'll take her to get the ball.
But what fun would life be without them? So much entertainment.
OH - and I managed to gather all my samples for the open house this weekend at
Sew Productive in Acton. There are four demos - needles and threads, quilting with a serger, the circular attachment, and projects in the hoop. Be sure to check out the time schedule (see the link and get registered) and come on over to see the NEW, larger store and participate in the demos - loads of great information. The demos start at Noon.
And I hope to have a sneak peek of the class offerings in the next couple of days, so that will help you plan what you want to do with your time and learning for the fall. I'm just working out a few more details.
There's more writing and quilting today and those phone calls!
I'm off to spin class on MY bike - number 29! I know you think that's crazy, but there are things like the air conditioning to consider. The screen and, of course, to avoid those noisy people in the class, so getting the right bike is essential!
Have a super day!!!!
I love your socks with toes. I have to tell you that me and toes are not friends. Not sure what it is but i have a hate for toes. For some reason i find them disgusting. Probably a pet peeve. I could ask that everyone that enters my house have to put a pair on. LOL 😆 It was funny because my co-workers all knew about it. Therefore, every time spring came they had to come in my office just to show me their sandals and toes. It became an internal joke. One time they took pictures of their toes and i had to match the toes with his/her owner. Just a crazy bunch making work a happy place.