Well, it was a crazy day, and I got lots done. I just didn't get everything done that I had hoped to! Why is that? Because everything takes a long time to do and I did a few extra things. So I'll be working on that other stuff later today!
There is a thief amongst us, and I will have to do something about it. I hate when people do things behind you and don't come clean.
Who is the thief? Well, she has four legs and lots of hair. I was in the kitchen, and I heard an unusual crunching sound. I was going to ignore it and then decided it required further investigation. NO!!! Murphy, that is my BRAND NEW wash ball, NOT a toy.
My brand new wash ball |
It has been downstairs forever, and after my presentation the other day on fabric care, I brought it upstairs. I must have left it on my chair? The floor? It can't have been the floor as I know she is a thief. I dare not leave ANY spools of thread around because she thinks they are hers!
Can I cut away all those rough bits and still use the ball? It's soft plastic so I think I can. But it still has the tag attached! It's never been used. And she has two toy boxes full of stuff, but I guess she wants something new.
Oh, Murphy! |
After the two presentations for the UFO Club, I got to work on bindings. I'm trying to clear off my work tables, and those quilts that needed to be bound were sitting there. So I got one done.
Binding number one |
Then two,
Binding number two |
And three.
Binding number three |
Then I switched thread colors and managed to get the fourth one done.
Binding number four |
So that is the first batch of the completed quilts for Project Linus! That's a quarter of the total quilts that need to be completed. I will finish them, but I can't get back to them for at least a week.
Then I had to pack my suitcases, as I'm off to a trunk show this morning. Imagine -- I had to pack quilts! I haven't done that in a long time, but I have been out in person since the lockdown ended, just not often!
One of my quilts on that work table needed the binding put on, so I did that.
One of my quilts with a binding |
In all that, I emptied another spool of thread!
One more empty spool of thread |
And I managed to get a customer quilt quilted, so that was a good day!
Customer quilt - DONE |
Then it was off to Diane's to get more quilts! I got two quilt tops and a backing.
More quilts to quilt |
I better be careful, or she will have filled my buckets again! I'll be back quilting more community project quilts, but only in a couple of weeks. I took her more fabric, of which there is no shortage!
In my travels yesterday, I spotted a hawk. It was intent on watching the neighborhood, scanning for small birds or whatever. Why doesn't it try to get some of those cheeky squirrels running rampant in our neighborhood? His head was swiveling around and around as he surveyed the area.
.jpg) |
A hawk |
I packed up the two RCMP quilts, which will be mailed off today. I'm so happy to be finding homes for these quilts. I still need many of my quilts for trunk shows, but there are also many that I no longer need or don't want. Like my fabric, I don't want to give it out willy-nilly, but I want to find good homes for them. Once I find a good home, then it can go!
So here's the box and the bags ready for the trunk show today. Most of it is now loaded in the car.
Ready for a trunk show |
And I have to make a drop off to someone, and all this will also go.
Stuff to deliver later today |
Which leaves my staging area somewhat empty. All in all --- my system is working pretty well, and thankfully, we don't need that chair!
The staging area is fairly empty |
As for the work tables? They are looking pretty good. I still have some small projects I hoped to get done by tomorrow, but I don't think that will happen. I need to focus on some embroidery.
The work tables are in good shape |
I have been doing very well in organizing Studio B and keeping it organized. I have an area where all the ongoing projects are stored, and each project has its own box. So I've been able to find pretty much anything. So can you tell me why the background fabric for my butterfly quilt is NOWHERE to be found? I cut it months ago, but I'm sure there were bits left over, and now I need those bits, but where can they be?
There is a silver lining, at least, in that I used multiple whites for the background, so I'm just going to pull another white from my stash and cut it. And yes -- I'm sure the missing fabrics will miraculously appear. The only place they could potentially be is under that stack of 30 community project quilts waiting to be bound, so I guess I'll have to look there first!
Here's a tech question for you. How the heck does the e-mail filter work that sends e-mails to SPAM? I do NOT have any rules set to shoot e-mails there, but I even found an e-mail addressed to me from someone on my contact list. I can see that group e-mails go there from large mailing lists, but sometimes, it shows up in my inbox, and sometimes it doesn't. Then sometimes, the real SPAM shows up in my inbox and other times in the SPAM folder? Now, why is that?
Well, that's it for me -- I need to get this trunk show done and back home to get more work done! No rest of the wicked!
Have a super day!
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