Another day -- another city!
I did a reasonable amount of walking in the morning and only a third of what I did the day before. I'm good with that. But I went downtown Saskatoon and did some exploring; thanks again to the Adventure Labs and Geocaching. I know there are other ways to find these pieces of art, but having a destination really motivates me to get out and find them, and it makes me walk.
There are all kinds of artwork to be found in the city and probably ANY city, and it's really fun to get out and explore. I find it's best to have a destination, and then by walking, you discover many little things along the way.
I spotted this little box, which I originally thought was a Free Libary. Nope -- it was a spot for lost things in the neighborhood. What a cool idea, and wouldn't it be nice if you lost something, that there would be a place where you could go to potentially find it. And if others knew about your box, etc.
A finders/keepers box |
The only thing is you do not want it to become an eyesore. I thought it was a great idea because I often see an odd mitt, a boot, or something that I think someone would want to find. Maybe people don't care any longer - they just buy a new one. We need to start a new trend where it's OK to wear odd mitts -- they are many people who would kill to have a warm pair of mittens in the winter, and who cares if they don't match. But that's the pioneer spirit in me.
Being where I am, there is a lot of art by or about Indigenous people. Shoot -- I didn't bring in any of that artwork. But there are these gorgeous grates around the trees. They were all different, and a lot of artwork on them is geared toward the Indigenous people, but this one was not. AHA -- I
found a website, so you can check out more of them.
Artwork on the grates |
And this is NOT a neighborhood I would have chosen to walk in, but I found some very interesting artwork and murals along the way. This is close to the river, which is teeming with artwork.
A mural on a building |
So if you are poopooing the
Adventure Labs and the Geocaching, that's OK. I have learned and discovered so many things in many places - whether I was in a new city or in the country and it's especially fun when you visit a new place because it usually takes you out of the main tourist traps!
What's my tally after yesterday? I'm at 950 points. I need FIVE more finds, and I'll have reached my goal!! There are no adventure labs in the Battlefords, where I am now, but there are geocaches, and I might just go out and get some later today. Hmm - one a day for the next five days, and I'd be done.
I also spotted this, and how the goose got there, I have no idea. This is the underside of one of the many bridges that cross the river connecting Saskatoon. He was way high up in the underside, and I thought they needed a bit of a landing strip. No landing strip for this guy! There are loads of pigeons up there, but the first time I've spotted a goose in a tight spot.
Goose in a tight spot |
I had put two hours of parking on the meter while I walked about. I made it back to the car and was 6 minutes over, which was pretty good. No tickets. Phew -- lucked out again.
I had a couple of places that I wanted to check out, and a quilt store was on the way to the bookstore. I wasn't going to stop, but then I thought, why not? So I did, and I had a good look around and I spotted neat patterns, fabric, and other goodies, and I left it all in the store. I walked out without buying so much as a spool of thread. YES -- I am cured of the GUILT purchases.
I do not need anything, I do not want anything, and to be honest, the thought of buying a new pattern almost made me ill. When would I have the time to make it when I have so much already. I almost bought a cute small kit that was on sale, but I didn't because I knew it would sit on the shelf and not get used. I did consider buying some neutral (whites mostly), and then I thought, I have to carry that home on the plane, and I can buy that back home, so I bought nothing. I bet that doesn't happen to them often!
But very sad when you see a sign on the door that all bags and backpacks must be left at the cash. Theft is such a sad state of affairs.
The next stop was
Robinson McNally, which is my favorite bookstore of all time. Their magazine section (like all magazine sections everywhere) is a shadow of its former self. I didn't pick up any, as I can get them back home. Before, I always bought one or two.
I checked out the quilt books, and purchased one, and saw several others that might make good classes, but again, I do not have room in my luggage. It's been a very cheap trip as far as buying anything goes.
And I found myself on Quebec Street, which is the home of these guys. I stop by every time because the artwork is gorgeous. This is the company where the artwork sits.
Metal recycling place |
And there's the transformer guys! Hard to believe they were made of scrap metal!! I tell you, these Saskatchewan people love metal artwork!!!
The Transformers from scrap metal |
There is a huge dinosaur also at this site and a massive globe of the world. All extremely well done. Kudos to the artists!
I picked up my brother from the airport and headed off to the Battlefords. Upon arriving at my other brother's house, we were surprised to see one of their dogs running around the unfenced part of their yard. Wait a minute -- this is NOT their dog, but you would swear they were the same -- the coloring was identical, but the dog had one blue and one brown eye.
The dog was very friendly, and my brother and SIL appeared at this moment and told us not to touch the dog as it was covered with TICKS. Oh yes -- when I say covered, I mean there were multiple ticks on the poor thing. No collar, and it was likely dumped. The dog was gorgeous and friendly.
He was easy to catch, and we put a leash around his neck and started to remove some ticks while we waited for the city to come to pick him up. OK -- so I've only seen one tick on my Little Sammy many years ago, but it was TINY. Look at the size of some of these. They were MASSIVE.
One of the massive ticks from the dog |
I think the dog was part Husky and had a very thick undercoat, and some of the ticks had not had a chance to burrow into the skin yet. We must have removed a dozen while we were waiting, and there were more. My SIL was very clever and did NOT warn them the dog had ticks, but revealed that fact to the person who came. Oops!
But what a shame to abandon a beautiful dog like that. I hope he finds a new forever home.
So we sat around and chatted for the remainder of the afternoon, which was good as it's rare that the three of us are together!
And now I'm off -- somewhere along the line, I'm the ONLY one in the family that is an early riser, but that's good so I can get the blog written and not be disturbed by anyone!
Don't forget there is a virtual retreat tonight starting at 6 PM. I'll stop in at some point to say hi!
Saturday, May 27 - starting at 6 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911
Passcode: 982797
Sunday, May 28 - starting at NOON
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1959 8156
Passcode: 053861
Have a super day!!
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