Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Camino Day Three

 There ended up being 6 of us in the albergue last night. Three more people in my room and two had their own room. It wasn't bad except the people in my room didn't go to bed until 12:30. They must have been Spaniards who are used to staying up late. No worries - I still slept well and was quite happy to have a blanket at the end of my bed as it was cold last night for sleeping. 

I had an interest dinner conversation with a couple from Denver. A conversation about poltics and lets leave it at that They are worried as are many other people. 

I was up and out of the albergue by 6:20. I had no idea what would be my final destiation, athough I had two places in mind. The paths were beautiful as was the scenery. We are now in mountain territory although I did see pastures with cows. No more crop farmiing. 

I could not find my chocolate pastry until near 10 AM. I did have a store made passtry to get me going. The coke and the pastry are not nearly as good in the cool weather!!! 

I didn't put on a jacket to walk, but I noticed that the temperature was about 15 and the air is very damp. That was because of the mountains and even my bacckpack was damp. More climbing than usual as we reached the highest point on The Camino - 1515 M. 

The path up was mostly beside the road, and very on the road. so no cars to worry about. But you definitely had to watch your footing as there were loads of loose rocks. 

I reached the first stop on tomorrow's route (according to the guide book I have). But I wasn't ready to stop there. Let me tell you that those people who live in some of these villages woud have no issue staying fit. The small village is built on a hill and it's steep. 

I knew the next "town" wasnt much of a town and there was one albergue posted It was rustic, but I'm up for an adenture. However when I arrived - I kept on going That meant the next town was another 6.8 KM away. I had food, water, and the energy, so I said "let's go for it!" I certainy was not going back. 

There was a wicked descent - very steep and lots of loose rocks. I could not remember how to open and secure my sectional walking sticks, so I did NOT use them. Although lots of people swear by them, I sometimes find them a hindrance so I was OK. 

I was etremely chill the entire day. What more could one ask for? Amazing weather, scenery, company (solitude), and energy!!!! I wore my knee brace today which was a good thing. It stabilized my knee so I didn't really have any issues the entire walk, But it is sore now that the brace is off. 

So as I said, it was a gamble that I set off for those extra distanes because would I have a bed? I have to say that when we were on the mountin and I could see a town in the distance, but the distance in my head did NOT equate with the distance according to the app. When suddenly I came around a big hill and there was the town nestled WAY DOWN so more lovely descents. 

I was close to the bottom, when I passed an elderly gentlemen who had his sticks resting on his arm, while he did something. As I passed, I don't know if I accidentally hit one or it fell. He said to me "too much in a hurry!" Keep that man in mind. 

So I arried at the first albergue and they totally ignored me which is quite common here, I had to ask and they were full. Hence, no need to be nice to me since they weren't going to get anything from me. 

I kept walking and was almost out of town and NO MORE albergues. NO........................  Well what does one do when there isnˋt a place to stay. You look at the map and the next town is 3.1 KM away. Yes --- I could make it but I needed something to eat. As I was sitting there eating, that elderly genetleman passed by. 

As I arrived at the edge of town, there was an old albergue mentioned in the book, but it was closed. BUT WAIT--- there's a brand new one behind it. I walked up with great trepidation - would there be a bed for me? Guess who was signing in when I arrived? And he took his sweet time, OK- OK  - I get it!!!!!

They had loads of beds. I am in a room of eight and when  I left there a while ago, I was the only one in the room. They say The Camino provides and that is so true!!!!

I lost the risky move of moving forward, but gained in the end. So a total of 31,7 KM according to the guide book, but FitBit says 42.7. The stride on the descent was not my normal stride. 

I canˋt remember if I wrote this at the beginning, but I started in Murias de Rechivaldo and ended up in Acebo. 

The last thing I should mention are the insects. As I walked through those narrow forest paths, you could hear the bees going crazy!! The bushes were humming, and the butterflies would burst forth in a flurry of multi-colored wings and proceeded to accompany me for several meters before tiring of that game. 

The flies. They are a different breed. I swear when they saw the brim of my hat that they interpreted that as a convention space. I HATE bugs in my face, so we had some serious discussions as times. But I still swatted them away like I used to as a kid .

My one sentene of the day: It was an amazing day. Loads of energy knee brace helped enormously. Great weather and lots of sweets! I need a nap!!!!

And on that note - I really need a nap.

Have a great day!!!!


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