Thursday, August 1, 2024

Day One Camino 2024

Today was the first day of walking for the Camino 2024. And what a way to start. I'm using a guide book and an app to figure out my route. Day one and major fail!!!

It's always a challenge to get out of a large city and Leon was no exception. It took 1 1/2 hours of walking to exit the city. Lots of turns and not always marked as well as could be. That's where the app comes in. It's very good -- it has a GPS locator and shows you exactly where you are located and the route is mapped. So itˋs an amazing tool. 

The guidebook helps to find good walking distances each day and is broken up into 32 days of walking. I know -- you want to know which day Iˋm on. If you must know, I just did day 21. 

The goal for the day was 21.3 km and that can change depending if you take a wrong turn or need to see something or walk off the trail. All valid reasons for the FitBit to register a different amount. Plus the FitBit is based on your stride and that may not be super accurate. 

Once we left the city, there was an option for an alternate route. I thought it might be fun since the main route went alongside N120 which is a major highway. I knew the beginning of that route was NOT well marked, and even with the app, I made a mistake that cost me no more than 1 km. 

Back on track once I spotted myself way off the path on the app. I should have checked sooner. I usually check after every major intersection. 

The markings soon became better and all was good. 

The app also shows the distance to places on the map and that could be behind or in front of you. As I was walking, I got confused. The alternate was supposed to add onl .5 KM, so not a big deal. But then Iˋm watching the mileage on the app and something is not right. Did the alternate route add 5 KM, not ,5.

Well, I didnˋt want to make up KMs the following day, so despite reaching the end spot for today, I thought I needed to keep walking. I ended up waling an extra 10 KM. Good grief!!!! Bu this time, I had realized that the town that I was seeing was on the other trail and I wasn't going near it. Oh silly me!!!!!

The alternate road had no shade and it's hot. It was also straight, long and along fields of corn, so not much to keep me entertained, although at one point I spotted the irrigations ditches that fascinated me last year. 

I stopped for a Napolitaine au Chocolat (chocolat in a pastry roll) for breakfast and it was amazing!!! Hold the cappucino thanks!!!!

I stopped in a small town for a coke at about 10 AM. I was boiling hot by this time, but sitting in the shade and cooling off was perfect and I felt great to continue I also got a free piece of tortilla (eggs and potatoes) and it was perfect. A full slice is too much. 

Just before the little town where I was supposed to stop, a couple of enterprising kids had a juice stand. One would come out on his bike to tell you the information and even in this small remote town, he could speak English. Not perfect, but enough to get the message across. 

As I approached, another came out with their sign. I had to stop. It was purchased containers of juice, but they had ice and cups and were well equpped. 

I had kept looking at my watch and the app for the mileage, but since I had the wrong goal in my head, I was a mess!!! I should know better. Do NOT look at the miles or try to figure it out. At one point, I was convinced that Spanish KMs were twice as long as Canadian ones, but it was totally operator error. Perhaps I was suffereing heat stroke? 

I wasn't. I was just confused by the destination. I will NOT be making that same mistake again!!!!

Well, letˋs say by 1 PM, I was tired and wanted to get to an albergue. That was both physically and mentally. I arrived in a smal town and the first thing I saw was an albergue. Sold!!!!!  There are only 6 of us here. Iˋm in a small town called Valliante in case you want to follow on the map. 

The other thing are the markers. You canˋt trust them and I should know better. I spotted one this morning and it said 304 KM to Santiago.. Yeah!!!!! Then later, 302 and manyKM later, 300. I have no idea how far away I amm, well, I could look at the app which I know is accurate if you read it properly!!!! The bottom line is that Iˋm less than 300 KM to Santiago!!!!

The terrain was mostly farming country so pretty flat, There were a couple of hils, but nothing too exciting. And as we exited Leon (or more likely a suburb), there were many bordegas (I think that is what they are called - wine cellars in hillsides that are no longer used). 

Iˋve had my shower, washed my clothes and now I need a nap!!!!

Have a super day!!!


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