Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fort Langley to Hope

What a day! It started off OK  - we knew there was a chance of rain so I was prepared for it with my rain jacket.  I don't even remember at what point it started to rain.  It was so gentle for the most  part that you barely knew it was raining.  But eventually the roads got wet and so did my brand new shoes!  But it could have been worse!

The part I hate most about the rain is the transport trucks.  The speed limit on the road we were on is 100 and I swear that many of them sped up to pass me to ensure that the water spray would go completely on me.  Well they succeeded.  About 20 KM from camp, the rain let up and I was pretty much dry by the time I got to camp, except my shoes and socks - they were still wet. They are currently filled with newspaper in the hopes of being dry by morning. 

I left camp early this morning as I knew it was going to be a long day and I wanted to get started. About 14 KM from Fort Langley is this nasty hill.  Very nasty at grades of 16-20%.   I was hoping this morning that I would be able to make it but alas - it was not to be.  That is entirely my own fault having not trained enough and in particular on the hills. No big deal - I don't really care. The point is that I made it here!

I was hoping to meet up with a friend in Mission, but she was stuck in a medical office when I called so we have to meet up some other time.  Too bad!! So I spent the entire day riding by myself.  I don't mind as I'm not a talker when I ride my bike.  I get distracted easily so have to pay attention.  Gosh - yesterday when we were riding through Burnaby, I almost ran into the back of a parked vehicle.  I literally stopped myself by putting my hand on the back of the van.  Why?  I was trying to read the map!   Today, when shoulder checking, I ran over those rumble strips on the edge of the white line!  So I need to pay attention!

At the very end of the day, today, we had the choice to ride on a rail bed (which are FLAT) or take a different road.  I thought the rail bed might be a bit muddy so I chose the road.  MISTAKE. To say the road was hilly was an understatement.  It was a massive hill, but it's weird because it's part of a highway system? Transport trucks were on the road.  I hadn't eaten nearly as much as I should have during the day and my physical and mental state just shut down.  I walked part of that hill and even that was a challenge. Should I have wanted to cry, I don't think I even had the energy for that!

It is definitely a mental challenge to ride that distance by oneself, in the rain, not having done enough training and not eating enough. But I survived it - does that make me tough?  or just silly?   I vote for the last one.  I shall continue to ride by myself, but I'm definitely going to eat more. Let's just say that since I've arrived at camp, I've had a banana, a cup of soup, some chocolate and nuts and now eating an apple.  I feel much better.

While most of us are content to arrive in camp and chill out, there are a few testosterone prone people who feel the need to review their entire day, blow by blow. Mileage by mileage.  Really?   I don't care!!!  I'm polite and there fore won't tell him that he's annoying, but seriously??  We don't CARE about your day!

Let's just say that the temperature is a tad different from in Toronto.  I have long pants on, a big fleece and my scarf.  I haven't put shoes and socks on yet, but I'm tempted. And I forgot to bring a toque which if I had one, would probably be on my head.  We haven't really hit the mountains yet!!!

I think about half of us are in camp.  I'm very glad that I'm one of those!   It was getting cold and damp on the road..

Had to make a few minor adjustments on my bike last night.  The handlebars weren't seated properly, I was missing some screw on my bike rack and I was having trouble getting my foot out of the clip on my right side.

And I've been having trouble pedaling with my right foot clipped in.  I had done it at home, but my knee was feeling a tad uncomfortable. However I kept trying today for longer and longer periods and eventually I was able to keep my right foot clipped in.  This is good news as I'm going to need all the power I can get for those climbs that are to come. I think I might have to adjust the clip a slight bit more as it still feels a bit sticky!

On that note, I'm out of here.  Perhaps to retire to my tent for  a nap????   Or just to warm up.  Where are those wool socks??

Have a great day!


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