Hey MOM - it's me Kaylee!!!!!!! Do you remember who I am?????
I've been here for over one week and I'm LOVING it. Oh yes - there were times when I wanted to come home, but mostly I am settled in and quite happy.
MOM - you know how Dad's luggage didn't come - well my luggage didn't come either!!!!!! Dad - we are the SAME!!!!!! My Jeffrey brought me over - he brought my food (which that lady has been using for those OTHER dogs), my leash (I don't know why - they never used it!!!!!!) and my bed!!!! MOM - he didn't bring toys (OK - they have LOTS here) - he didn't bring treats (OK - they have LOTS here) - he didn't bring my coat (too warm for a coat), but he sure didn't bring much.
Oh Mom - there is so much to tell you - I don't know where to start. Well the first thing I do when I get here - I hit the toy box. And within minutes - LOOK - MOM - I was HERE........................
See - look at the MESS I made. And MOM - look I scooped things from that girl`s room. See that blue pillow. That lady did NOT like that. But I only did it at the beginning. I have to get MY things in order. |
Mom - can you see me?????? |
My LEANING buddy. I just love to lean on people and that BIG BLACK dog allowed me to lean on her. I LOVE HER!!!!!! |
Mom - why is that pond solid sometimes and other times it is not????? Do they put a cover on it????? |
I love this pond, but I couldn't get anything to drink from it. |
The first night I was here, I found a bone that had yummy stuff in it. But I couldn't get the yummy stuff out. I woke up in the night and I was BORED so I found that bone and brought it up to chew on right beside that lady. I was lonely and she was just lying there. I was chewing and gnawing and every once in a while, the bone would fall off the bed onto the hard wood floor and make a big noise. I don't think the man or that lady were very happy. When that lady got up, she took the bone. It was dark and she placed it on a table and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?????? The bone fell off the table onto the floor making a HUGE noise. Oh MOM - what a FARCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Checking out the scenery. |
Mom - did you know there are SQUIRRELS in this yard. Oh my - there are so many squirrels. And many times I practically went through the back door in my excitement to get the squirrels. But they were cheeky and they knew I couldn't get through the door and they wouldn't move. Then the man or that lady would come and let me out or yell at me to stop. But I am NOT going to stop unless I chase the squirrels away so they quickly learned to OPEN the door and let me go.
Oh MOM - you should have seen it - one time that lady let me out. Then she looked out the window and GUESS WHAT??????? I JUMPED right over the fence. I was so excited and I could NOT stop so I just JUMPED. Right over the fence. It was no big deal - I mean I have the LONGEST legs ever, but you should have seen the look on that lady's face!!!!! OH Mom - it was so cool. I only did that once. There was snow on the ground and that lady was in her sock feet and I could see her trying to decide what to do - come out and get me in her sock feet or put shoes. She was sensible and put shoes on - I wasn't going anywhere. Mom - I am NOT STUPID.
Playing with the BIG BLACK dog. Mom - that dog is so slow. See how fast I am - the camera can't even catch me!!!!!! |
Boy that big black dog needs exercise - look at how big her butt is compared to mine!!!!! |
Lots of cool places to check out |
Ah excuse me - but we are BUSY - no time for posing for pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
OH Mom - one of the best things about this place is the forest. We all get to go for a great walk in the forest - I just LOVE it. At first, that lady kept the big black dog on her leash. You know she is a BAD dog - she eats all kinds of junk in the forest. I wanted to play with the big black dog so that lady finally let the big black dog off her leash. Then all three of us could rip around like idiots. Oh MOM - it is so much fun..
I can ford streams, jump over the streams, run around the trees,
MOM - I can CLIMB trees. Oh it is so much fun!!!!!!! |
That lady brought all THREE leashes with her on every walk. Mom - she NEVER had to put my leash on - I was the BEST listening dog of everyone. Guess who had to have the leash - Mom - GUESS GUESS GUESS??????? Not me, not the big black dog, but the fuzzy little dog. She DOES NOT listen and was wondering all over. Bad dog!!!!!!! And I got her into trouble because I was trying to play with her while she was on the leash. Eventually that lady let her off the leash.
Mom - there were a LOT of people who came to see ME!!!!!! Look this is Carol - we had fun playing. I like her now. I didn't know her when she came to our house. |
Mom - then a WHOLE BUNCH of ladies were coming and going and one of the ladies brought a DOG. OH MOM - a new dog to play with. Muffin was kind of shy and stayed with her new owner Flo. But I really really wanted to play with Muffin and then Muffin got upset and growled every time I came near. Finally the man took me with him in his office and I stayed there while Muffin was here.
But MOM - everyone loves me - I don't know why Muffin was upset. Do you think I was a bit too pushy when she first came to visit???????? I don't think I was aggressive even though I ran right up to her and asked her to play. But Muffin is cute.
See how cute Muffin is - I sure hope we get to play again |
Mom - this is the coolest back yard - we can play tag and run around the BBQ, see those trees in the back - we can play hide n seek in there. I just LOVE this place. |
MOM - one morning in the forest I found a FRIEND. I started barking and that lady ran to see what I was barking at. OH MOM - then she started YELLING at me. You know she YELLED so loud that she strained her vocal cords and had a REALLY bad sore throat that night. That lady was NOT happy. But MOM - guess who my new friend was????? and they gave me a present - EAU de wilderness. MOM - it was a SKUNK. And MOM - I was NOT afraid - OH NO - I wanted to play, but it did not and finally I chased it under the fence. OH MOM - it was so exciting.
Then that lady was all in a flap about me - she said I was stinky. What is she talking about??????? She came home and looked on the internet (just like you would MOM!!!) to find something to get rid of the stink. Why????? I kind of liked me stinky like that. Anyway - it was another farce because she is trying to buy peroxide in the morning and no place was open where she could buy it. All those ladies had to suffer with stinky me all day!!!!! I loved it.
When the ladies went home - that lady actually put me in the bath tub and gave me a BATH!!!!!!!
What the heck?????? What am I doing here and what is going to happen??????? |
Oh this is pathetic - why do I have to endure this???????? MOM - where are you??????? I need rescuing!!!!!! |
Not liking this!!!!!!! I want out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Oh crap - this sucks!!!!!! |
Now I have a LOT of grooming to do!!!!!!!
Oh MOM - I also was helping that lady sew. Mom - look at what I did to help her. Aren't I the best dog in the world????????
Kaylee "helping" lay out a quilt |
Look at that big black dog with her feet on the quilt.............. |
Mom - that dog is stupid. If you are going to be on the quilt - then GET ON THE QUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Mom - I did nap some as well. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bed. I think this bed used to be mine. Why is it at this house???????? |
I need a MANICURE - Mom - I've got something stuck in my foot and I'm not liking it and I am NOT letting that lady touch me. |
Outside with my buddies. |
Hey MOM - I just love it here. I get up when that lady gets up. I have learned that I am NOT supposed to play at that time of day, but when I get bored, I go and wake up the big black dog. Some times she gets up and plays with me, but mostly she gets up and goes down stairs and hangs out with that lady. Boy - they are BORING here.
And MOM - I am the FIRST one to finish my food. The FIRST one - I have learned to ask for it too. And when that lady hands over carrots - well I only want the carrots because she is going to give one to the big black dog and the fuzzy dog. I mean who cares about carrots - I want something BETTER than carrots.
Mom - I am getting anxious. Something feels different today - am I going home??????? I want to come home - I miss you and Dad, but I am having fun here too.
Got to go - so much more busy things to do.
Love you Mom
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